Fridays Firing Line… 02-16-07

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The number of Iraqi civilians killed in Baghdad’s sectarian violence fell drastically overnight, an Iraqi military official said Friday, crediting the joint U.S.-Iraqi security operation that began in force just days ago. (snip) “They’re watching us carefully. There’s an air of suspense throughout the city. We believe, there’s no question about it, that many of these extremists are laying low and watching to see what it is we do and how we do it. How long that will last, we don’t know,” he said.

Full Story Here:
Civilian Deaths in Iraq Drop Overnight

I suppose ANY break in the number of deaths is a GOOD thing but before the ‘Bush Bots’ go jumping up and down and have the ‘Little Prince’ do another carrier landing and proclaim ‘Mission Accomplished’, remember this, we gave em 2 weeks notice, the insurgents are taking a vacation, that’s ALL it is… If we don’t maintain this high level of security, and yes, I said WE, it won’t last… And a city that has to be placed and then maintained in LOCKDOWN to stop the terror bombings is NOT a free city…

GENEVA (AP) - Unrelenting violence and insecurity in Iraq could cause as many as 1 million Iraqis to flee their homes this year, the world’s migration body said Friday. “The numbers of people that are being displaced are increasing every day,” said Jemini Pandaya, spokeswoman for the International Organization for Migration. “The security situation is not improving. It’s not changing.” Pandaya said the organization’s estimate was made “on the assumption that security conditions will continue much as they are.”

Full Story Here:
1 Million Iraqis May Flee in ‘07

Ya know, maybe it’s just me but I really think that before I would allow some bunch of terrorists or insurgents drive me from my home, I would stand and fight back, that’s the reason the violence continues in Iraq, the PEOPLE of Iraq aren’t standing and fighting, they are sitting back and waiting on someone to do it FOR them

LAS VEGAS (AP) - An outbreak of contagious diseases at a shelter where officials admit they kept animals for too long without destroying them has forced the killing of about 1,000 dogs and cats, officials said. Visiting inspectors from The Humane Society of the United States discovered the outbreak of the diseases - distemper and Parvovirus in dogs and panleukopenia in cats - Lied Animal Shelter spokesman Mark Fierro said.

Full Story Here:
Vegas Shelter Euthanizes 1,000 Animals

And in other news, the fast food chain, Taco Bell, announced the return of the .39 Taco, this week only, at 2 of it’s Las Vegas locations… Cat, it’s what’s for dinner… That outta piss off the PETA people… If I could afford to hire Robert Mitchum for a voice over, we’d make a commercial… :)

WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) - Jarret Brachman recently told a class of West Point cadets that many Americans had an unsophisticated image of Islamic terrorists - that they live in caves, “you know, beating the women over their heads.” On the contrary, the U.S. is fighting a far more technologically savvy enemy - one adept at both propaganda and Power Point - said Brachman, the director of research at the United States Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center. “This is a war of information,” he said.

Full Story Here:
West Point Center Aims to Know the Enemy

And this is exactly why the MSM needs to locked OUT in a war zone, and exactly WHY there must be some attempt at maintaining Operational Security… Islamic terrorists are not stupid, they read the MSM more than Americans do, and our military and our leaders GIVE the MSM every move we’re going to make, case in point, this current ’surge’ in Iraq, and I’m sure the military uses disinformation as well, at least they did once upon a time, but as of late, what I see is this; plan made, plan leaked, story written, MSM publishes, U.S. army does exactly what they were predicted to do by the MSM, insurgents have ample notice, very little is actually accomplished… Does anyone see a pattern here??

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