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Tag Archives: J. Edgar Hoover
Domestic Spying and Intelligence gathering in the USA
Domestic Spying and Intelligence gathering in the USA This link: Bush-Era NSA Whistleblower Makes Most Explosive Allegations Yet About Extent of Gov’t Surveillance — and You Won’t Believe Who He Says They Spied On inspired my post today. Everyone is all *up … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Black Bag Jobs, Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA, Domestic Spying, Electronic Surveillance, George W. Bush, J. Edgar Hoover, Journalistic Confidence, National Security Agency, O.S.S., Office of Strategic Services, The CIA, The FBI, The NSA, The Patriot Act
AP IMPACT: Cartels dispatch agents deep inside US
AP IMPACT: Cartels dispatch agents deep inside US CHICAGO (AP) - Mexican drug cartels whose operatives once rarely ventured beyond the U.S. border are dispatching some of their most trusted agents to live and work deep inside the United States … Continue reading →