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Tag Archives: Kathleen Sebelius
The GOP is set to question Sebelius on health law
The GOP is set to question Sebelius on health law Sometimes I have to just shake my head in wonderment. My really BIG question is this; are they going to question Sebelius like they questioned Hillary Clinton regarding the attack … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Affordable Care Act, Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Sebelius, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, News, No More RINOs, ObamaCare, Opinion, Politics, President Bill Clinton, Reince Priebus, Rep. John Boehner, Republican In Name Only, Republican National Committee, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Thad Cochran, Term Limits, The GOP, The RNC, The TEA Party, The U.S. Congress
Despite Obama Calling His Epic Scandals Phony, Here Is A List Of His Real Scandals Hurting Americans
Despite Obama Calling His Epic Scandals Phony, Here Is A List Of His Real Scandals Hurting Americans Here is a detailed list of The Obama Scandals, it was written by J. D. Heyes and is published at the link with … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Abuse of Executive Orders, Abuse of War Powers Resolution, Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, EPA Lisa Jackson, Eric Holder Perjury, Eric Holder Perjury II, Fast and Furious, GSA Scandal, Intimidation of The Media, IRS, J. D. Heyes, Joe Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, Lisa Jackson Scandal, Rep. Joe Sestak Scandal, Rosengate, Solyndra, The Associated Pres, The New Black Panthers, The Obama Scandals, The Pigford Scandal, Veterans Affairs Scandal, Voter Intimidation Scandal
Obama scandals lay bare very real dangers of big government
Obama scandals lay bare very real dangers of big government When scandal rocks any administration, its partisan opponents smell blood in the water and move in to inflict as much political damage on the president as possible. SOURCE Well my … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, Benghazi Scandal, David Axelrod, DOJ Scandal, EPA Scandal, Fast and Furious Scandal, HHS Scandal, IRS Scandal, Kathleen Sebelius, Obama Regime Makes Excuses, Obama Scandals, Sen. Mike Lee, The Buck Stops Here, Valerie Jarrett
Texas rejects 2 key parts of health-care bill
Texas rejects 2 key parts of health-care bill LOS ANGELES — Texas turned down an expansion of Medicaid coverage and said it will not create a state-run health-care insurance exchange, joining the chorus of states that are rejecting two key … Continue reading →