Obama has a message for YOU!
Cross Posted with: Southern Sass
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EDIT TO ADD: I think Fern has the HOTS for me ;) she’s using Obama as an excuse to keep emailing me, uh Fern, if anyone would know about losers, bigots and fools, I am guessing it would be YOU, from 1st hand experience quite likely…
Your obsession with MY posting and telling me what I need to post on MY blog is an un-American type of thing…
We have this little thing called the Constitution, 1st amendment rights?? Hello??
Well Fern, I am exercising my rights on MY blog, now, one more time, just in case you missed it the 2 or 3 other times I told you this, piss off TROLL, post anything you like at your place, as I will at mine…
May 2nd, 2008 at 3:14 pm
To Phan: I might be all that you accuse of being, but I have a blog, and a platform from which I can state my opinions, you have your tail between your legs and nothing to show for it and your comments will never show here, all you can do is call names and offer nothing in the way of reasonable and sane debate…
So, tell me, just who is the idiot??
May 2nd, 2008 at 6:23 pm
OK, I considered it, go screw yourself, here’s a finger…
Looks like the Obamites are as rabid as the Paulinistas…
May 2nd, 2008 at 6:44 pm
Well, I have stared at it a long time..what the hell is the problem ?
Oh wait…Obama doesn’t have that strange lil beard thing going on. Yet.
May 2nd, 2008 at 10:07 pm
Aren’t the liberal commenters funny-they come to your site and expect you to change it to fit their desires. Typical.
May 2nd, 2008 at 10:26 pm
You see how far the overly sensitive asshats got too…
The need to read my Comments Policy, especially the last 4 paragraphs…
May 3rd, 2008 at 8:36 am
Fern, go screw yourself… Did you miss that part??
When YOU start paying MY bills you can tell me what to do, how to post and what to think…
Until them, piss off…
And Fern, I am assuming that you missed the link to my Comments Policy, I suggest you read it in full, but here is the most pertinent part as it applies to YOU:
And one last thing, anyone, and I DO mean anyone that brings their support for Barack Hussein Obama to this blog, and attempts to make comments in favor of Barack Hussein Obama, will have those comments deleted ASAP and will receive 1 warning and 1 warning only, if this Obama support doesn’t cease on MY blog, the offender will be immediately banned…
If you want to support that son of a bitch, do it on some Dem or Libber blog, your own blog, a Barack Hussein Obama blog or anywhere else you wish to go that will allow you to support this lying piece of shit, closet racist, stealth muzzie asshole, but DO NOT bring that support here…
I believe that pretty much covers the rules on comments and my opinion of Barack Hussein Obama, as well as his supporters…
If you are offended by MY views and opinions of Obama, you are free to leave, the sooner the better…
Oh, and one other thing, the RSS feed subscription being canceled, wow, that really destroys me, my whole day is ruined, I may not be able to sleep tonight, now my kids will go hungry and my wife may have to take a part time job, damn, you really know how to hurt a guy huh??
May 3rd, 2008 at 7:07 pm
Good heavens man. I’ve got water all over my monitor. Do you know how painful it is to shoot water out of your nose? Tsk!
May 3rd, 2008 at 7:12 pm
She showed her true colors by saying ’so-called’ conservative… good punt Fred!
May 3rd, 2008 at 7:55 pm
If that BITCH thinks this pic of Obama is a racist or bigoted posting, she’s gonna crap her bloomers when she sees my Sinko de Mayonnaise post on Monday…