Is Sarah Palin a TRUE Conservative?

Is Sarah Palin a TRUE Conservative?

WASHINGTON – Sarah Palin and Sen. John McCain plan to campaign together again. The Arizona Republican announced Wednesday that the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate will join him in Phoenix on March 26 to help campaign for his re-election to the U.S. Senate.

Palin is scheduled to attend a private fundraising event that evening. The next day, she and McCain will appear together at a public event, likely a rally, according to McCain spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan.

“I’m looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail with my former running mate, and I know my fellow Arizonans will welcome her, as well,” McCain said in a statement. “Sarah energized our nation and remains a leading voice in the Republican Party.”

Full Story Here:
Palin to campaign for McCain in Arizona

OK, lets cut the crap and go straight to The Chase.

I may lose a few readers and fans over what I am about to say, but that’s the breaks.

I am NOT a fan of Sarah Palin. I have long said so. I believe that if Sarah Palin is the BEST the RNC can offer up, we are is some seriously deep poop. I said it when she was running with McCain on the GOP ticket and I say it now as she once again supports McCain. I have made it a topic in more than a few posts on this blog and I have yet to see anything to convince me otherwise.

Supporting John McCain now is just further proof that Palin is NOT a Conservative!

John McCain is a used up RINO. He is a wild card. You never know what McCain is going to do or who he’s going to side with. If Palin supporting him doesn’t open your eyes to the the lack of Conservatism that Sarah Palin possesses, I don’t guess anything will.

I don’t know about you, but to my way of thinking, if someone supports, and campaigns for a RINO, and make NO mistake about it, John McCain IS a RINO, that tends to make me believe that this individual supporter is quite likely a RINO too.

The Democrat party is now openly socialist while today’s Republican party is the Democrat party of 20 years ago. The results of these leftist shifts are plainly seen today with obscene deficits, a huge and growing federal government, misguided foreign policy and rising taxes on an already over-taxed working family. Conservatives have had enough! SOURCE

I could not have said it any better myself.

There are a few people that don’t know what a RINO is, or can’t grasp the idea OF the RINO. I have encountered several like that recently. If you say anything about a RINO you must be a Democrat, an infiltrator, a Paulinista (Ron Paul supporter) or even worse. As if there’s anything worse than being a Ron Paul supporter.

For those that don’t understand the concept of the word RINO, it means Republican In Name Only. It means Repubs that are not REAL Republicans, it means Republicans that are a lot more aligned with the Dems than they are Conservatism and REAL GOP principles!

Yes Jim Rockhead, that IS directed at you.

There are many in the GOP that are convinced that we have to accept whatever the GOP/RNC throws out there. They say that if we don’t, we fragment the GOP and allow the Dems to gain more power. Those people do have a point, the GOP needs to be united and strong, but I have to ask; if we accept RINOs, if we are willing to settle for anything less than the very best in Conservative candidates, are we any better than straight ticket Dems and the moonbats that they vote for?

We know that politicians like Kay Bailey Hutchison, Lindsey Graham, Newt Gingrich, John Cornyn and a multitude of other self proclaimed GOP members are nothing but RINOs. Are we going to allow those RINOs to take the GOP further into the abyss of liberalism? The GOP is nothing other than Dem Lite as it currently stands. The GOP needs to be the party of Reagan!

Do YOU have the guts to stand and say so? Do YOU have the guts to fight and take the GOP back? Do YOU have the guts to declare that YOU will not accept the lesser of ANYTHING? Do YOU have the guts to vote for only the most Conservative patriots as we leave the RINOs to die off into extinction and take the GOP back?

2010 and 2012 will tell the tale.

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11 Responses to Is Sarah Palin a TRUE Conservative?

  1. Vigilante says:

    She lost a lot of my respect when she set right there on the O’Reilly show and said she would not rule out setting down and talking to ahmadickhead and that she would explore ALL options. What a pussyass. Now since she’s suckin up to McLame I wouldn’t be the least surprised if SHE didn’t come out in favor for amnesty. All these goddamned politicians can see in this amnesty bullshit is nothing but …VOTES!!!

    Has anybody REALLY ever asked her what her stand on amnesty for the illegals is??? If they did, I sure as hell never got wind of it.

    That’s a good party mascot there Fred. LOL

  2. mrchuck says:

    Let’s hope the Tea Bag Party will come up with someone that shares our Constitutional view-points, that has a chance of being elected to replace the current negro president of the USA.

  3. Annie Oakley says:

    Palin is making the second biggest mistake of her career. Not only is she supporting a RINO while claiming to bring the TEA and GOP together, look at her track record. I teach my kids: You start something, you finish it…..She did NOT fulfill her obligation in Alaska. That alone speaks volume of her character. I do not like flaky people and she’s one of them. She’s changed a lot and now Sarah is out for one thing, SARAH. See how much money she can make off this before her ride stops. She’s not f’ing POTUS or VPOTUS material. She’ll never be, ya know Maverick?

  4. Ron Russell says:

    I would not support John McCain, in a race against J.D. Hayworth in Arizona and I certainly don’t like the idea of Sarah doing that. However, maybe she feels she owes him something, far as I’m concerned a “thank you” would be enough. I don’t know who I will support in 2012—its too far off at the moment, but like you I’m hoping the candidate will appear that I can get 100% behind and not have to go along with someone who is simply the better of two evils. It does often come down to that. I’ve seen very few national candidates in my lifetime that I was totally behind—maybe Goldwater and Reagan, but even those two supported some things I was again. Occasionally that third party guy will pop up, but then they never really have a chance. It is disturbing never to have that near perfect candidate—-maybe he or she will appear on the other side of the pearly gates. Maybe I expect too much—speaking of the Pearly Gates!

  5. Kate says:

    I’m so fed up with the “Party before principle” bunch, I could smack the lot of ‘em! It was bad enough when she quit, instead of standing up to the loonies in Alaska. Campaigning for McLame? Jiminy crickets! There are better candidates she could be helping out, if that’s her intent.

  6. minuteman26 says:

    J.D. Hayworth is the Conservative running for the Senate in Arizona and the candidate Palin should be supporting. Palin’s Conservative credentials are now suspect at best.

  7. Kate says:

    Yeah…that’s him! Couldn’t think of his name. :?

  8. HoosierArmyMom says:

    I think of RINO’s as Progressive Republicans… they are worse than Progressive Dimwit-crats, because they are chameleons… they start changing their spots once they are elected. Progressive is another word for a Commie… straight up.

    There are many reasons I don’t like McPain, but his tendency to vote for all things liberal is enough. Sarah Palin, as far as I’m concerned has “shown her spots” enough, that I wouldn’t vote for her as dog catcher. This just cinches it.

  9. BobF says:

    Her campaigning for McCain against a true Conservative is causing a lot of Conservatives who supported her to take a long hard look at her. Many around the biosphere have said they’re quite disappointed and are now wondering about her.

  10. extex_cop says:

    I’m kind of wondering about Palin’s stand myself. Is she doing this because she really likes McCain…?… or is it because his camp is paying her big bucks? I have got to believe she is making lots of money for these endorsements.
    She may just be a baby RINO right now…or maybe a cross between the two. All I know is she is digging a hole she may never get out of….or for better words….the fire is almost out.

  11. Annie Oakley says:

    HoosierArmyMama-You, my dear hoosier neighbor, hit the nail on the head! I like your description of a Rino (Progressive Republicans) and they may very well be the worst of the two!! You’re correct, they are very dangerous, like a wolf in sheeps clothing (if Im remembering the saying correctly, lol)

    Good posting!!

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