Throw out Congress and the Senate! Really?

Throw out Congress and the Senate! Really?

Lately, many of my contemporaries have made their feelings known concerning the current (rotten) crop we have in Congress and the Senate. They feel that we need to *FIRE ALL OF EM* and start over with a fresh batch.

Rob, my good friend from American and Proud said this:

at this point, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is NOT a bad idea.

When a company/corporation becomes unprofitable due to its employees what do they do? They shut down, lay EVERYONE off for a couple of weeks while they reorganize. THEN they call back those employees that WERE Doing their jobs.

I suggest we treat our employees CONGRESS in the same fashion, throw em all out and then at the next election urge those FEW GOOD ones that were “Purged” to “Rehire”…

I love Rob like a brother, but the above got me to thinking. I hear many say basically the same thing. I read it in their blogs, I read it in the multitude of email I receive every day, and it’s always the same thing, *THROW EM ALL OUT*…

So, during that time, between the throwing them ALL out and re-electing the good ones, what do we do for a government? How does the USA continue to operate in that interim period? And how do we guarantee that the GOOD ones will be re-elected?

As I have said prior, throwing them ALL out is a highly impractical viewpoint. The USA can’t just throw them out and place some bunch in Congress *willy-nilly* and hope they don’t destroy America in the time frame they are allotted.

I have seen a bit of business AND corporate America in my lifetime, and I have never seen a successful wholesale firing take place, one in which EVERY employee was fired and then the good ones picked over and brought back at leisure. Not one that wasn’t intended to permanently dismantle the organization suffering this mass firing to begin with.

An example you ask? OK, try this, “Joe, you’re doing a great job here at XYZ Corp, but the guys 3 states over really suck, so, we’re gonna fire you AND them and then take a look at overall operations and reorganization, but hey, we’ll call you…. No, really…. We will…. “

If you want to dismantle the U.S. government, you’d better have a standby in the wings, waiting for immediate implementation. Otherwise, this wholesale *Vote em ALL out* is utter nonsense.

We KNOW who the good ones are, we KNOW who the bad ones are, fire all of em? Really?

What do you do about the idiots that elected them in the 1st place?

We have an elected government, and until such time as ALL officials and law makers are appointed by a panel, the asshats will keep coming back. The idiots that elected them will keep on voting them back in many cases.

And that brings up another point, WHO picks the panels that picks the government?

It’s about changing attitudes, and voter education, not firing the entire Congress,

You build a Conservative nation and by edict, do away with the faggots, ILLEGALS, dope-heads, abortion loving libbers, atheists and all of the assorted persons that have caused this nation, and our government to become the liberal dung heap it is and you solve the problem. Right?

Wrong! I must point out, when, or IF we do that elimination, then we have become the NAZIs all over again, or, at the very least, a lot more like the Muslims than I care to admit.

Freedom has a price, and suffering through the administrations of freely elected idiots is one of those prices we pay. It’s not so much the people IN Congress as it is the people that send them TO Congress.

What do you do about the people that keep sending Boxer, Pelosi, Feinstein and the like to Washington? What about the people that sent Ted Kennedy and John Murtha back for decades? It’s about the electorate and waking them up as much as anything.

Two words for you, TERM LIMITS!

It’s about returning Conservative and Christian principles to this nation, and it can’t be done by firing anyone, it’s got to be done through voter education and then sending those Christian Conservatives to Washington, in great numbers, and having them repeal the BS that has torn this nation down.

Change begins from within, we can change this nation back to what it once was, by education, by change of attitudes and by example, by voting in only those that represent America as WE want it to be, but it’s not going to be easy, and it’s surely not a fight for the weak!

It’s either that, or we go into a full blown revolution and change everything through violence, ethnic cleansing, genocide and just start over. But that too has it’s drawbacks.

I know that many want to start over, but this isn’t 1776. We have threats, on a global scale, that we didn’t face then. If we go into revolution against the elected government of this nation, China and/or Russia, and certainly some Muslim nations, will take this country over and we will lose everything we have. We will become The Balkans.

Is that what we want? Is that what YOU want?

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24 Responses to Throw out Congress and the Senate! Really?

  1. cary says:

    Well said.

    Conservative, Christian values are very important, but as you pointed out, not everyone eligible to vote holds those values. Education of the voters needs to be re-prioritized and accelerated.

    Good article.

  2. Robert says:

    That’s the point Fred, We have to reset. “Throw them all out” is more of a slogan than an actual possibility. ALL of them come up for election at different times.
    As I said in the last post comments:
    I’ve seen companies realign and be successful, I’ve seen companies blame the employees and layoff to get around labor laws and hire some of them back only to fail because leadership or market changes…I’m not sure a “Throw em all out” campaign would help, but what we have now sure the hell aint working….

    I’d like to see a “If you have been an elected official in the house or senate since Bush 1 took office” Yep you gotta go… Those are the career politicians and what we truly need are term limits. NOBODY should entrench themselves that deeply for that long in “Public service” because after the first 10 years, “They start USING the public rather than serving them”

    We know who the good ones are? Evidently not, NOT all of us conservatives are even on the same page with that. I’d like to see Ron Paul out, some wouldn’t, some would say he’s a true conservative. I’m sure Liberals have the same issue regarding Boxer and feinstein.

    You asked:
    “You build a Conservative nation and by edict, do away with the faggots, ILLEGALS, dope-heads, abortion loving libbers, atheists and all of the assorted persons that have caused this nation, and our government to become the liberal dung heap it is and you solve the problem. Right?”

    I don’t even think an illustrious LBC prof. thinks you believe that would be a good idea…Well maybe he does but he’s an idiot.

    I think we need balance in power position, and as much as I’d like you or me to run the nation, IF we did; population control, man made global warming would take care of themselves, and there would be a lot of questions…Like “What happened to the middle east? and exactly what is an illegal immigrant?….LOL

    Fred, we disagree rarely, and while in premise you are correct, a vote them all out is impractical. BUT I submit a message needs to be sent and if that means a few eggs get broke while making an omelette, then I say break the fkn eggs….We have entrenched politicians that are no longer doing “The peoples work” Term limits are a great idea, but exactly who will put that forward in Congress? It would be like you being employed and agreeing to only work for a year or two no matter what you did well….The way our system is set up, we the people must force term limits, and as of right now MOST of their terms are UP.

  3. Kate says:

    What do you do about the idiots that elected them in the 1st place?” Can’t we throw THEM out? :?

    Seriously though, it is impractical the wipe the whole slate clean. Considering the staggered election for the Senate, it’s also impossible to do all at once. There are some good folks who are doing their best for their constituents, and it wouldn’t be right to toss them to the wolves as well.

    I know, in our anger and frustration, we’ve all said pretty much the same thing, ‘toss ‘em all out on their collective hinders’, but that’s really not the best way to deal with the problem.

    Once again, Fred, an excellent, thought provoking post.

  4. Ron Russell says:

    You make some great points Fred, and those in Congress need to be reigned in and if that meeans throwing the bums out great. Term limits is a great step, and many of the SOB’s must face the voter every two years. We will never get rid of them all at once, that’s somewhat a moot point unless we have a full blown revolution.

    We can rid ourselves of the wet backs and abortionist, but faggots and atheists are quite another matter. I would leave them alone, but not continue to allow them to force their values on us and our kids.

    And then we have the courts—my god what a mess we have there with the federal judges have life terms! This must be changed, by constitutional amendment and basically we need a total turnover amoung these guys—few respect the Constitution as written and most legislate from the bench. We must have strict constructionist. Good judges would help reign in “politicians gone wild”.

    Finally we must take back our schools, if we fail to do this nothing else will matter because the next generation will continue to screw things up. The future of this nation is not so much in our hands, but in the hands of our children. We can do our small part, but the heavy lifting will have to come from them.

  5. Robert says:

    Ron Russell Said
    “And then we have the courts—my god what a mess we have there with the federal judges have life terms! This must be changed, by constitutional amendment and basically we need a total turnover amoung these guys—few respect the Constitution as written and most legislate from the bench. We must have strict constructionist. Good judges would help reign in “politicians gone wild”.”….


  6. Doc Roy says:

    Fred…we have a problem with the “throw them all out” concept. There are some really good really good guys up there, regardless of the anger toward the whole caboodle. For instance, Senator Inhofe from Oklahoma is a true blue patriot and a stiff backed conservative. I’d go to hell and back for him. Throw him out? NO WAY. See our problem?

  7. TexasFred says:

    Doc, did you read anything other than the title line??

    SEE the problem? I laid it ALL out there, the reasons why to NOT throw em out…

  8. Robert says:

    Inhofe is one we need to keep, I’d like to know exactly how many senators WE all would agree on. And then realize we are HARD core conservatives.
    We represent only about 15% of the population in public. We believe government is the problem in most cases, we believe you should come in through the front door not sneak in through the back, we believe if are convicted of murder/rape of a child you should be castrated and removed from society by the parents of the child or hell most of us would volunteer to do it for them….We believe in simple solutions to problems rather than putting it in a bill that takes a PHD,CPA and a team of lawyers to read, we believe that common sense and data should be the rule rather than “Feelings” of the cause of the day….Yeah too bad WE are in the minority these days.

    • TexasFred says:

      Couldn’t agree more on the *feelings* thing Rob, and the part of US being the minority…

      As the minority, we’re NOT doing all that bad, we’re set to rebound in the Senate and House, and the Senate, as all important as it is, the House is where REAL power lies, where REAL opinions of America are espoused, provided the Representative actually does convey the wishes of his constituents.

      The House is where the cleaning starts, but if you have a Conservative Representative, leave them alone as long as they are serving the will of the people. If they stop serving the will of the people, oh hell yeah, replace them ASAP…

      We’ll never get rid of the moonbats that continuously send the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Murtha and many others back, all we can do is try to keep voting strong enough to NEVER let them become the majority representation of America again.

  9. JennoftheTexans says:

    Wow, now that was well said. The post and your comment to Doc. I hate it when they read the first paragraph and nothing else.

    Some are becoming so extreme they are hurting rather than helping the cause.

    Not Robert though, he’s all good. : )

  10. Doc Roy says:

    Fred…my comment was to agree with you 100%.

  11. TexasFred says:

    Oh, OK Doc, I guess I misunderstood, sorry… :)

  12. Robert says:

    I’m not sure we are sitting that good Fred, We are replacing the “D”s with R’s Yeah, maybe. But what are we getting? Brown has yet to pay dividends, it’s early but his grip on McCain’s belt loop is tight. I’m not sure we will get the Inhofe type of senators, I’m worried we will get more of the McCain type.

    I do think you posted a good good rebuttal to our “Vote all the bums out” rants, but I think the feeling in the nation is “incumbents” need to go. It is being seen already in local elections, the worry is that the good ones will get dumped in the fray. We all know the only way we can throw them all out is with pitch forks and torches, voting them out all at once can’t happen.

    IF we had (like we did in 2004) a “Republican” majority, I’m sure we would be at odds with over 40% of them… Right now they have cover, they have Obama they can vote against whatever he wants and gain points, when it’s A “R” in the WH it’s harder to go against the Prez as a senator… We saw it with Bush, and right now we are seeing it with Obama and the left….

    So where do we go from here? We can’t get the education system fixed, Our youth are being indoctronized into liberalism, they are being systematically programmed to be democrat voters their first election. Our baby boomers are dropping like flies, and with them go common sense.

    A bad path to be on but it is what it is…

  13. TexasFred says:

    Again, it’s up to the electorate, we get what the people vote in…

    If America is so damned dumb as to vote in RINOs over Conservatives, then we all suffer as much, or nearly as much as we do with hard core Dem-Libbers…

    For me, it’s not about D and R, it’s about Conservative America, and honestly, I don’t see too damned many in D.C. that fit THAT particular description…

  14. Robert says:

    Fred said:
    “For me, it’s not about D and R, it’s about Conservative America, and honestly, I don’t see too damned many in D.C. that fit THAT particular description…”

    Yep, you can probably use one hand to count the number and still have 3 fingers free…

  15. minuteman26 says:

    Good post Fred. Getting Congress to accept term limits is the BIG problem. They need to be short enough so that any one individual cannot cause much harm.

  16. HoosierArmyMom says:

    Great post. It has been my reasoning that by the time the leftistas are done screwing things up, we will need experienced legislators to “undo the damage”. We can’t afford large numbers of inexperienced people in Congress.

    People need to educate themselves on voting records in order to weed out the good from the bad before election day! JMHO.

  17. Right Truth says:

    There are some politicians in office now that deserve to keep their positions. I’ll admit there are not many, but there are some. We need to make a point of bringing their names to light and praising them in our blogs and media. Identifying the good guys so when folks go to the polls they will know who to keep and who to toss out.

  18. Mr Pink Eyes says:

    “Throw em all out’ won’t work, there are some people wh odo deserve to stay in. you hit the nail on the head with your comment about changing attitudes and educating the voters. That is where the problem really lies. It is the people who continually vote these clowns into office that are responsible. They do not know about or care about many of the issues, they just go to the polls and pull the lever for the Democrat on the ticket.

  19. Always On Watch says:

    I understand the mentality of “Throw the bums out!” I feel that way so much of the time. I do know, however, that we do have some good people serving on Capitol Hill; these people rarely get the mic on the evening news.

    It’s not so much the people IN Congress as it is the people that send them TO Congress.

    What do you do about the people that keep sending Boxer, Pelosi, Feinstein and the like to Washington? What about the people that sent Ted Kennedy and John Murtha back for decades? It’s about the electorate and waking them up as much as anything.

    Hear, hear!

    Educating the electorate will require countering the leftism constantly indoctrinated into young people in our educational system — from elementary school up through the university level. The re-education I’m thinking of will take time. How much time do we have to save the America our Founders gave us?

  20. Always On Watch says:

    Forgot to say….Term limits is a speedier solution.

  21. BobF says:

    This was sent to be by a good friend. I think it would be nice if the voters could make this happen.

    1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below:
    A. Two Six year Senate terms
    B. Three Two year House terms
    C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms

    2. No Tenure / No Pension: A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

    3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security:All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.

    4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.

    5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

    6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

    7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.

    8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11. The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

  22. Malinda777 says:

    Fred: This was a well written piece. In the last few years I’ve gotten REALLY involved in Nevada politics - I’ve seen these obstacles come full force. I know personally folks that ran that COULD have made a difference, but COULD NOT win - some due to “money” - the stupid voters that read signs and watch ads that some can afford and better others cannot…

    I’ve seen good people corrupted once in the “limelight” - which means - they did not have good grasp on themselves going in. GOOD PEOPLE don’t fold - yet we see it daily…more bullshit.

    TERM LIMITS - YES! And even amongst we Conservatives - we don’t all agree on EVERYTHING - it’s impossible amongst several 1000 or several MILLION people.

    I AGREE Fred - that’s what we are trying to do here locally. INFORM and EDUCATE the VOTERS - HELL - half the problem is CONVINCING “the average Joe” that THEY NEED to be informed, and once again MAKE VOTING AND CIVIL EDUCATION A PRIORITY!


    ANOTHER THING TO HIGHLY EDUCATE FOLKS ON IS LOCAL & STATE MATTERS!!! The problems start as “low” as the dog catcher and go all the way to the Governor! YOUR CITY COUNCIL / MAYOR- YOUR STATE ASSEMBLY - YOUR STATE SENATORS - and beyond are almost more important than that lame congress we all bitch about - START BITCHING AT HOME FIRST IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR DAILY LIVES CHANGE!!!

    The other thing that makes me sad - is that so many decisions made good or bad - have 2-6-8 year repercussions, at best - some decades. In my late 40′s - I don’t have a lot of 8 year terms left to make a difference.

    OUR KIDS! We HAVE to reform PARENTS & our SCHOOLS. EDUCATE those that have time to make a difference. STOP filling their little heads with bullshit!

    REPEAL - REPEAL - REPEAL bullshit laws. We all like to laugh that we need NOT elect one more lawyer to office so that we have 2000 page bills filled with more legalese bullshit - BUT? MAYBE we DO need to find a good Conservative lawyer to REPEAL LEGALLY all the BS that has us in this mess…???

    What times we live in - just shy of a real revolution - which you’re right Fred - OUR OWN ELECTED OFFICIALS on both sides of the isle have sold US OUT to China and others - first shot fired? America ceases to exist as we know it…as if it already hasn’t due to OUR OWN STUPIDITY AS VOTERS!!!

    As I finish this rant - my TV is on - Scott Brown “the miracle” from MA is on TV sitting next to my own state’s nemesis Harry Reid as he agreed to vote FOR the “jobs bill” at several BILLION we don’t have - as Brown says - it’s not perfect - but it will put people to work….UGGGHHHH GAG!!!!!

  23. TexasFred says:

    Scott Brown, the disappointment that hasn’t yet begun to screw up…

    People all over Facebook sang his praises as if he were the 2nd coming, he isn’t…

    He might BE a Conservative by Massachusetts standards, but if past elections are any indication, Massachusetts HAS no standards…