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HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship

May 14th, 2008 . by TexasFred

HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship

Nationally Syndicated radio talk show host Sean Hannity, continued his commitment of the “Stop Obama Express”, by providing a forum for Pastor James David Manning, of ATLAH World Ministries, to launch yet another unsubstantiated and slanderous attack against Senator Obama (D-IL). The most recent allegation leveled against the candidate [Obama] is the claim of a “Homosexual Relationship” between he and his former Pastor Jeremiah Wright, as an explanation of the Senator’s unwillingness to more readily “Disown” the Pastor upon learning about the hate-filled rhetoric of his [Pastor Wright's] many sermons.

Townhall.com - What I Learned This Week

Now I don’t know how much of this is for real but you gotta admit, that man can do some serious preaching, I hope you folks enjoy this as much as I did…

I didn’t make this up either, Mark Levin was playing it on his show this afternoon and I could not resist… :D

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