Plausible Deniability – The Obama Administration Defined

Plausible Deniability – The Obama Administration Defined

The words Plausible Deniability were invented, inadvertently I am sure, to describe the administration of Barack Hussein Obama, the President of the United States of America.

Barack Hussein Obama; in charge of everything, and apparently, responsible for nothing if his advisers, spokespeople and the American media are to be believed.

From Urban Dictionary; the definition of Plausible Deniability

1. A condition in which a subject can safely and believably deny knowledge of any particular truth that may exist because the subject is deliberately made unaware of said truth so as to benefit or shield the subject from any responsibility associated through the knowledge of such truth.

2. Plausible deniability actually is a legal concept. It refers to lack of evidence proving an allegation. Standards of proof vary in civil and criminal cases. In civil cases, the standard of proof is “more likely so than not” whereas in a criminal matter, the standard is “beyond a reasonable doubt” If your opponent lacks incontrovertible proof (evidence) of their allegation, you can “plausibly deny” the allegation even though it may be true.

3. When it is acceptable for a party to lie about what they did because the truth would hurt too much and cause many problems.

No Role for Obama

It appears to me that many in the Obama administration are more than prepared to ‘take a bullet’ for Barack Hussein Obama. Some are ready to sacrifice their lives, families and careers to protect Obama and to make him appear to be in NO WAY responsible for the heinous and reprehensible acts of his incompetent regime.

The Obama scandals – The IRS, Health and Human Services, Department of Justice, The EPA, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the hacking of reporters and news services emails and private records, should be more than enough to bring the Obama regime down in a huge, smoking heap.

These scandals would be the death knell to the administration of a Republican President and would no doubt cause said GOP President to resign in shame or face impeachment and then be sent off into the land of political HELL.

A real leader knows what goes on *in the ranks* and a real leader doesn’t take *credit*, he takes responsibility.

*The buck stops here* is a well-known phrase from Harry S. Truman, meaning that he is the end of the line, he accepted the responsibility, or the blame as the case may be, and he didn’t *pass the buck* to subordinates.

So far, everyone within the Obama regime wants the American people to believe that Barack Hussein Obama is clueless about what goes on in his government.

I understand that NO President can have total recall of each and every word that was said during his term in office, but for Obama, or his staff to say that Obama is without ANY knowledge or blame for the current scandals is nothing more or less than a LIE.

Rumors are always floating about who knew what and when they knew it.

I am more than certain that Hillary Clinton knew exactly what was going on and most likely directed what was done. Eric Holder knew exactly what was going on and most likely directs what is done and John Kerry knows exactly what is going on and most likely directs what is done.

If we are to believe that Barack Hussein Obama is being kept totally in the dark and is thusly innocent of all discretions, then Barack Hussein Obama really does need to be removed from office simply because he is too stupid to be a leader of this nation or any other endeavor.

I used to pray for somebody to speak out, to stand up and defend our liberties, and then I realized, I AM SOMEBODY, and so are you!

Sometimes civil disobedience is the ONLY option we have left.

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10 Responses to Plausible Deniability – The Obama Administration Defined

  1. mcnorman says:

    Clint Eastwood hit the nail on the head with the “empty chair” presidency label. It is the truth.

  2. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    I suggest he’ll come out of this still relatively unruffled.

    How can you not, when the bulk of the media is actively pulling for you?


  3. LD Jackson says:

    If it were not so serious, the aura of “I know nothing” and plausible deniability being displayed by the entire Obama administration would almost be humorous. I can’t believe they really think they can get away with this. Then again, looking at how the media is playing the part of the dutiful wife, maybe that isn’t so difficult to believe.

  4. John Carey says:

    This is how they roll in Chicago and now it’s the norm for America. We are indeed in decline.

  5. abigail says:

    I ask myself why? Why are they apparently willing to fall on their own swords to protect him? Do they really buy in to what he is saying? I can’t believe it. There has to be more.
    And if he is indeed that clueless, what ever the reason, he is clearly a danger to this country and needs to go.

  6. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    The guy is Teflon, no matter who he is or what we want.



  7. Patrick Sperry says:

    Sergeant Schultz would not have been impressed. Heck, I thought Clinton was called “slick” for a reason…

  8. HoosierArmyMom says:

    Obama has Sgt Schultz beat hands down. He just claims innocence, throws someone else under the bus and keeps on assuming a position of non-leadership… it’s pathetic, but y’all are right. Nothing seems to stick.

  9. Always On Watch says:

    “It appears to me that many in the Obama administration are more than prepared to ‘take a bullet’ for Barack Hussein Obama. Some are ready to sacrifice their lives, families and careers to protect Obama and to make him appear to be in NO WAY responsible for the heinous and reprehensible acts of his incompetent regime.”

    Over at a blog called Progressive Eruptions, the site owner there said that Obama must not fail because “he is the first you-know-what President of the United States.” Those who believe in the infallibility of Obama are legion, and they will never recognize the Obama regime for what it is.

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