Pickens County sheriff refuses to lower flag for Mandela

Pickens County sheriff refuses to lower flag for Mandela

Ladies and Gentlemen; THIS is what a true American Patriot looks like.

Pickens County Sheriff Rick Clark

If you haven’t heard, Barack Hussein Obama ORDERED all American flags lowered to half-staff for a man that was a radical, an avowed Communist and a murderer, Nelson Mandela.

The American flag that flies over the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office will be raised high over the weekend despite an order by President Barack Obama that flags across the country be lowered to half-staff to honor the death of iconic South African leader Nelson Mandela.

Sheriff Rick Clark told GreenvilleOnline.com that he is ordering the flag be raised on Sunday because the honor of lowering flags to half-staff should be reserved for Americans.

“The flag at half-staff is for Americans’ ultimate sacrifice for our country,” Clark said. “We should never stray away from that.”

The flag is currently flying at half-staff in honor of a Lowcountry law enforcement officer who was killed and will remain at half-staff tomorrow in honor of Pearl Harbor Day, Clark said.

However, come tomorrow night, the flag will be raised, Clark said.

On Thursday, Obama ordered that flags be flown at half-staff until sunset Monday.

The federal flag code “does not prescribe any penalties for non-compliance nor does it include enforcement provisions” and “functions simply as a guide to be voluntarily followed by civilians and civilian groups,” according to a U.S. congressional memo. SOURCE

I want to take this opportunity to thank Sheriff Rick Clark, he is, apparently, an Oath Keeper that takes his oath to protect the United States from ALL enemies, foreign or domestic, and is, in MY opinion, a Law Officer that will NOT follow any ILLEGAL ORDERS from the Obama regime.

Thank you Sheriff Clark, stand your ground Sir! You are a man of principle and that is exactly what We, The People need to set the RIGHT example.

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18 Responses to Pickens County sheriff refuses to lower flag for Mandela

  1. Hgpsurf says:

    Thank you, Sheriff Rick Clark! As soon as I read what Obama was doing I got pissed off. The AMERICAN flag gets lowered for AMERICANS, not South Africans. Time for Barry to return to Africa where he belongs.

  2. PatriotUSA says:

    Yep, I agree with this patriot all the way. Piss on Obama and I spit on Mandela except that he is hell.

  3. presbygirl40 says:

    I’ve seen almost nothing but comments of praise for Mandela. One person even said “I know he wasn’t a saint but Apartheid was as bad as Communism and he stopped that”. Sadly this person is quite conservative in most aspects.

    • AntiCommie says:

      I’m proud of Pickens County Sheriff’s Office for standing for right.
      He was a communist, an athiest, and a minister of fear and violence. His wife was a proponent for ‘necklacing’ (filling tires with gas and igniting them around the neck of) those that opposed the ANC ..
      * “when in 1986 she declared: “With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country.”
      As much as the Africans opposed Apartheid, they feared the ANC more. ”

      *”On top of these shocking facts, “In the four and half years of the transition from apartheid to democracy, over 70,000 people were brutally murdered. Tens of thousands of people where shot, burnt alive or hacked to death by Marxist mobs. Over 3,500 schools were burned down by the ANC, the PAC and their comrades” (Alan O’ Reilly, Britain Under Siege, p. 32,33.)”


  4. mrchuck says:

    Mandela personally EXTERMINATED 1000′s of whites, who civilized that African nation.
    Mandela is WAS a communist rebel.
    He should of died in prison for all of the killings he did.

  5. Michael Gallops says:

    I wouldn’t lower my flag even if it wasn’t frozen to the top of the pole!! :)

    Thanks for sharing this news with us Fred - it’s nice to find a new role model every now and then!

  6. Michell B says:

    I use to live in beautiful Greenville and I say Amen to you Sheriff! America has forgotten her past and manners.

  7. Taylor Brooks says:

    Anytime an American soldier dies, we should lower the flag. Mandela never gave one day service to this nation, and does not deserve the honor!

  8. John Ross says:

    Whilst I am not an American, I have total respect for the Sheriff and his moral stand. The world has sanctified a terrorist, who not only waged terror in S. Africa, but supported terror in other parts of the world, as his support for the IRA clearly demonstrated!

  9. BobF says:

    Clinton, GW Bush, and Obama are going to attend his funeral; Obama invited Bush. Not one high ranking administration official attended the funeral of Margret Thatcher. Lady Thatcher did more to help America than any other foreign leader in our lifetime. Because of her and Ronald Reagan, we no longer live under the threat of total nuclear annihilation. I can’t think of a bigger slap in the face to the British than this.

  10. Baron Garlic says:

    I lowered my flag to half staff early this morning BECAUSE IT’S PEARL HARBOR DAY.
    Tomorrow morning it goes back up to the top.
    I’m not lowering it for some despicable commie in Africa just because our Commie in Chief called for it. Now I hear that he’s blowing more taxpayer money to fly Air Force one to Africa and attend a service for this S.O.B. I think he should stay over there!
    I agree with all the remarks above.

  11. Bunkerville says:

    Obama could not wait to high tail it over there for the funeral. Not so much for Margaret thatcher.

  12. Pingback: Obama, Bush, Clinton to travel to South Africa | The TexasFred Blog

  13. Mark Smith says:

    I have to wonder if Obama tries to do anything will his wife say “….all this over a damn flag…”

  14. Working To Keep Freedom says:

    Finally, a LEO that is a true Patriot! One that stands by their beliefs and convictions (Oath Keeper?) I agree with all of the above comments and I need to review my future plans to include considering a move to Pickens county. Houston is getting too big and too full of *Libtards* and illegals! Very few in H-Town anymore that have that much Patriotism!!

  15. dontgivadam says:

    They will make Mandela out to be a saint just like they did Martin Luther Koon. I guess people don’t remember the billboards that used to show old Luther attending communist training camps in Cuba. He is now held in higher esteem in this country by at least 80% of the population than Jesus Christ. My regards to you Sheriff Clark.

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