14 Bishops and counting correct Sen. Biden

14 Bishops and counting correct Sen. Biden

WASHINGTON - Catholic bishops across the nation have rebuked Senator Joe Biden for claiming, during a September 7 appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, that his support for abortion is in keeping with his Catholic faith.

To date at least 14 bishops have responded to Biden’s erroneous statement about Catholic teaching and abortion. Responding to a question from Meet the Press Moderator Tom Brokaw, Biden stated that he agreed with the Catholic Church that life begins at conception. He then continued, “I’m prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception. But that is my judgment. For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout than I am seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society.”

Biden also later appeared to contradict himself, saying throughout Catholic Church history there has been “debate” on when life begins, implying that life may not begin at conception after all.

However, as many bishops have pointed out already - especially in light of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s similar misstatement of church teaching on the same television show several weeks prior - paragraph 2270-71 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church explicitly states that the Roman Catholic Church has always taught that life must be respected from conception and that abortion at any stage is a grave evil. Furthermore, the church has also repeatedly said that the state must protect life from conception to natural death in its laws.

Full Story Here:
14 Bishops and counting correct Sen. Biden

It is a rare occasion when I can agree with the Catholic Church, but their stand on abortion, and their view of life at conception is one point that I DO agree with, wholeheartedly!

I am an EX-Catholic, as many of my regular, long time readers know, I had a very bad experience with the Catholic Church when I was 17 years old and have had no real use for it ever since, simply because I do NOT believe that child molesters should be given another chance or that the child that was abused or molested should be ignored or castigated, and threatened with excommunication for coming forward and telling the truth!

I do NOT believe that simply transferring the accused Priest or Nun to a different Parish to be an appropriate action, and as such, I have avoided the Catholic Church for 37 years now, and will continue to do so. I have blogged about this in the past too. Archbishop: No Communion for Biden

But I must say, I DO admire their beliefs on abortion, and their practice of denying the Sacraments to those that are supporters OF abortion. That is, in MY opinion, a very correct stance and one that is honorable, admirable and correct!

The hypocrisy of men like Joe Biden, and his apparent attempts to justify the act of abortion only make me more firmly convinced that we can’t allow the Democrats to EVER again assume the office of the President, abortion is murder, and I can not now, nor will I ever support anyone that sanctions the MURDER of the most innocent life on earth!

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2 Responses to 14 Bishops and counting correct Sen. Biden

  1. Right Truth says:

    The Bishops are on Nancy Pelosi’s case too, but she is standing her ground. Hey, no Bishop or God himself can tell Pelosi she’s wrong, ha.

  2. Katie says:

    I think that Senator Biden needs to go back to Catechism classes. He seems to have forgotten the basic tenets of the Catholic Church.

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