Archbishop: No Communion for Biden
August 25th, 2008 . by TexasFredArchbishop: No Communion for Biden
The Catholic archbishop of Denver says that presumptive Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. should not take Communion because of his pro-choice stance.
In an e-mail sent Sunday to an Associated Press reporter, Archbishop Charles Chaput called the Delaware senator’s support for abortion rights “seriously wrong.”
Sen. Joe Biden, the vice presidential half of the soon-to-be-official Democratic ticket buys a cup of coffee while making a surprise appearance Monday Aug. 25, 2008 at the Amtrak train station in Wilmington, Del., he has used for years to commute to his day job in the U.S. Senate.
“I certainly presume his good will and integrity,” the archbishop continued, “and I presume that his integrity will lead him to refrain from presenting himself for Communion if he supports a false ‘right’ to abortion.”
The archbishop also told the wire service he’d like to speak privately with the senator.
Sen. Biden did take Communion Sunday at his home parish, St. Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville, Del.
The debate among Catholics over who should and should not take Communion was a major issue during Sen. John Kerry’s 2004 run for the presidency when more than a dozen bishops publicly asked the senator not to present himself at altars in their dioceses.
Full Story Here:
Archbishop: No Communion for Biden
The ONLY thing I can agree with the Catholic Church on is their stance against abortion.
But quite frankly, I don’t understand their hypocrisy either. They stand against abortion because it IS wrong, and I applaud that stance, yet they refuse to OUT the pedophiles of the Catholic Church.
Maybe the reason they hate abortion so much is because it deprives them of more *potential* victims. Just sayin’…
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Well, as a former Catholic I can say what John Hagee said because it is the truth:
“The Catholic Church has sent more people to hell than any other religion.”
I believe it and that is why I am no longer a Catholic.
Layla steps up to the plate…
Sets her stance…
Here comes the pitch…
She swings…
It’s going… It’s going… It’s going…
That ball is OUTTA HERE!! Home Run!!
Catholics, Moonies in costumes.
I don’t know how they determine whether or not someone should take communion. I would think you’d have be “right with God” before you could. Supporting baby murder doesn’t seem quite right to me.
Kate, supposedly you must be free from sin, pure in thought, word and deed…
And that is some impossible bullshit to attain…
You go to confession, you tell the Priest ALL of your sins, he gets his jollies and gives you a penance, 10 Hail Mary’s and 3 Our Fathers or some such, and you are free of sin, until you have your 1st thought as you walk out of the Confessional and the Priest intervenes for you with Jesus, Mary, one of the Saints, maybe God, whoever, they worship Saints like God so really, to me it’s all a joke anyway, but the Priest does his thing and declares you free of sin…
And that one of the many reasons I haven’t set foot in a Catholic Church in 37 years other than to attend the funeral of a family member that remained in a member of the cult of pedophilia and hypocrisy…
All churches have hypocrisies, but for some reason, I see more in the Catholic church. Can’t slam anyone else’s church, but I know how anti Catholic you are, and can’t say as I blame ya.
Hard to put aside that part of it….but looking at the rest…why should anyone have to tell some other sinner about my sins, and expect his giving him/her ‘penance’ will make it all go away…until he/she does it all again the next week…or whenever. And babies are still dying.
Next WEEK??
How the hell do ya go a week??
We had some HOT babes, I lusted in my heart before I ever got out the door…
Heh. Why does this not surprise me. Ok, I was a fairly innocent kid…even as a Presbyterian. I guess I would have had some pretty boring ‘confessions’. Well, for a while, at any rate.
Fred that is twice today you made me LMAO. Once on my blog and now here.
You are on roll down there in Texas!!!

Just a thought on those BS Catholics.
You worship Idols - yeah those statues you pray to. Where the hell did it say that in the Bible - oh, I suppose you Catholics do not list that under “idol worship” and “thou shall have no other god[s] before Me.”
Mary is NOT the queen of heaven - she needed a Savior just like the rest of us. On the Day of Penticost she was in the room with the apostles and the others and received the Holy Spirit.
Lastly, in Jesus said, “the only way to the Father is through me [Jesus].” So here we are back again to explaining what the hell is that idol worship all about?
Not that I like Biden, but I would think he is more worthy of Communion than any priest - hypocrites, idol worshipers, liars, theives, and pedophiles. SPIT!
Wow… Just WOW… Ya get Layla on a roll and you better be ready for one hell of a dose of truth…
You GO girl!!
I agree with you Kate. And I’ve never understood the catholic church and it’s doctrine. But Biden knew that he would be subject to such controversy, did he forget ummm what’s his face…Kerry.
But on the other hand, whose to get in between one and their God. If Biden feels he can take communion which is essentially communion with the Son, that so let that be upon his conscience. We have open communion at our church, though we provide our beliefs on such, we do not deny anyone communion.
All religions have the bad apples in them, the cc is just so large that they’ve gotten the bulk of the attention.
After Nancy Peolsi’s comments, she may be on the “no communion” list also.
Debbie, Pelosi is just another example of the hypocrisy that IS the Catholic Church…
How in the HELL can ANYONE condone abortion and call themselves ANY kind of Christian?? Catholic or otherwise??
Fred say that again because that is the damned truth if I
EVER heard it!
How in the HELL can ANYONE condone abortion and call themselves ANY kind of Christian?? Catholic or otherwise??
There ya go!!
Yeah Layla, I’ve always questioned that whole kneeling before statues thing m’self. NO others, means exactly that….NONE!
Tish, we keep getting back to that baby murder business. I know they all say they don’t agree with it, but yet they keep voting to expand the massacre. And that’s what it is….a massacre! More babies murdered than in the Holocaust! Why? How can such people look themselves in the mirror, and say they have the right to make laws governing our country. And then kneel and take communion? Hypocrite is too mild a word.
If the Catholic Church really wanted to do something about abortion in the US, they could. All the pope would have to do is pronounce any Catholic that supports a politician who is in favor of abortion, as Anathema. Anathema basically means that a person (catholic) is condemned to Hell with no hope of redemption. No amount of confession, penance, money, priests, holy water, communion, etc can get you out. None of those Catholic abortionists like Kennedy, Kerry, or Biden would ever get reelected again.
Actually, according to Catholic dogma, those politicians should have been excommunicated for their stand on abortion. It makes me think that abortion is a good talking topic for them but nothing to take any real action on.
BTW, I’m a former Catholic too.
I haven’t set foot in a Catholic church, Cathedral, or anything else unless I was on a call (EMS) in so many years that I just don’t remember.
However, Bishop Chaput has really gone beyond the call of duty to make things right with people that were abused, and worked to clean out any weirdos that are there now, and has done so quite publicly.
That said..? I’m still not returning to Catholicism.
Biden could easily find a Catholic Church in San Fran that would gladly give him communion no matter how many stances the Catholic Church officially opposes. San Fran Catholic Churches tend to ignore the conservative stances of the Pope. It’s a wonder why several have not been cut off by Catholic officials.
Catholics may not like killing babies but they sure don’t mind killing a few hundred thousand people in the name of God, remember the Spanish Inquisition.
I put them right up there with Islam.
They believe in everything but God. Saint this and Saint that, Mother Mary this and Mother Mary that and so on and so on. They bow and worship idols even though God said not to do it. They confess to man and not God and remember what Jesus said, “The only way to Heaven is through me”.
I wouldn’t piss on the best side of the Popes face.
Can’t receive communion from the Catholic Chruch, good. I would think receiving communion from the Catholic Chruch would be the kiss of death.
Don’t hold back Ronando…..tell us what you REALLY think!
Church, sorry…..
It’s early.
Since we Catholics believe Communion is literally the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, it is (or should be) the most intimate sharing a body of believers can experience. Allowing figures like Joe Biden, who publicly spurns the right teaching of the Church, to partake would be a prostitution of the Church and Christ himself. Archbishop Chaput’s stand isn’t just a defense of the Church’s teachings on abortion, but a defense of the sanctity of the Eucharist itself.
As an aside to comments above: While we do give a great deal of honor to the saints and Mary, any Catholic who worships anyone other than God himself puts his soul in mortal peril. But for the mercy of God, which I can’t judge, he is going to Hell. Straight to Hell. Do not pass through Purgatory, do not see the pearly gates; go straight to Hell. As in, eternal torment, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Just so we’re clear on that.
RochesterTodd, I am guessing that there’s gonna be a big crowd of Catholics in hell then…
Idolaters and hypocrites… They pray to the Saints, they pray to Mary, they wear a medal to protect them…
As I said, I applaud their position on abortion, past that, there’s a hell of a lot of work to be done, and I seriously doubt it will happen in the lifetime of my grandchildren…
> RochesterTodd, I am guessing that there’s gonna be a big crowd of Catholics in hell then…
No argument from me on that one. As St. John Chrysostom said, “The streets of hell are paved with the skulls of priests.”
I have no problem with prayer to the saints with the strict understanding that they are not granting us our intentions through any phony-baloney “magic”. Rather, they intercede on our behalf with God, the same as asking a friend or church to pray for us. I just pray that God looks with mercy on those who were given bad formation.
Anyway, I’m a bit off-topic from this post. Sorry.
Yeah… Right…
Ya know, I don’t need some Perv Priest, a Saint that may or may not have been the most evil son of a bitch that ever lived, or anyone else to speak to God for ME… That’s the very bullshit that has turned so many against the RCC…
John 14:6-7 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know[b] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
I don’t see anything about priests, or saints, or any other person interceding. Reckon I just don’t ‘get it’.
Kate, Catholics don’t know a whole hell of a lot about specific Bible verse, the Priests of the Church have always tried very hard to keep it that way, it helps the Pervs to retain power over their parishioners…
The RCC was built on secrecy, deceit and perversion, very little has changed over the centuries, and the Bible itself has little to do with it, just ask a Priest to give you a specific definition, FROM THE BIBLE, on most ANY topic…
They can’t… They are mostly as ignorant as the people they lead and deceive…
Oh. Hmm…, Well, hell. Don’t they have to go to school and study this stuff?? Criminy!
And don’t forget the victims of the RCC too Todd.. You know the ones?? They were molested by PERVERTS, Priests and Nuns, the ones that you pious fucks won’t even begin to address…
Goodbye Todd…
Lets get this understood: There will be NO ONE come in here calling ME or my readers names…
Megan, you are persona non grata. Being a RC you oughta be able to decipher a bit of Latin I am guessing…
Start you a blog, call it *Priests and Nuns don’t give head*, promote it any way you like, say anything you like, call me and my readers names there, but it’s NOT gonna happen here..
RochesterTodd wrote, “Since we Catholics believe Communion is literally the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, it is (or should be) the most intimate sharing a body of believers can experience. Allowing figures like Joe Biden, who publicly spurns the right teaching of the Church, to partake would be a prostitution of the Church and Christ himself. Archbishop Chaput’s stand isn’t just a defense of the Church’s teachings on abortion, but a defense of the sanctity of the Eucharist itself.”
Oh please! Catholics are hypocrites, idol worshipers, and pedophiles. Catholic schools allow “Lesbian” teachers. Don’t believe me I direct you to this blog: “Just A Girl In Shorts Talking About Whatever.” Google it. I won’t give you the satisfaction of making it easy on you!
If priests and Archbishops were so concerned about the Eucharist then those pedophile priests would be GONE. You would not pray to Saints-you would not have turned the Vatican into a den of thieves with vending machines that pop out CD’s to buy, mass cards, prayer cards et al. Furthermore, the Bible says, call no man Father. I will never call a priest FATHER - my Father is G-d and the earthly father He gave me not some pedophile hypocrite calling Mary the Queen of Heaven. PFFFFFFFFFF!
Christians have more respect for the Euchrist than Catholics. If you all really respect it, then repent for worshiping idols, for allowing lesbians in your schools to teach your children, get rid of the pedophiles instead of paying for their lawyers with your church donations and stop praying to Saints and Mary. Jesus said the only way to the Father is through me, NOT MARY or St. Sabina, or St. Mary, or St. Barnabas.
You morons do not even realize you are in a CULT that is how BRAINWASHED you all are. GEEEEEEEEEEEEZ! This crap ticks me off and your arrogance is a stench in my nostils and an insult to G-d and Jesus who died for you. You make G-d’s Word null and of NO EFFECT!
Get on your knees and repent, and not to some dumb ass priest, but to G-d who Jesus told you to go to and not some saint. All Christians are called saints - read Apostle Paul addressing the Galatians.
G-d how dumb are you Catholics!
RochesterTodd wrote, “As an aside to comments above: While we do give a great deal of honor to the saints and Mary, any Catholic who worships anyone other than God himself puts his soul in mortal peril. But for the mercy of God, which I can’t judge, he is going to Hell. Straight to Hell. Do not pass through Purgatory, do not see the pearly gates; go straight to Hell. As in, eternal torment, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Just so we’re clear on that.”
The only one going to hell is you if you do not get out of that Catholic Cult. They have sent more people to hell than any other religion.
And FYI - RELIGION means a return to bondage.
Nothing left to say now…
Yeah you know me Fred!
And Kate, I’ve read your comments here and we think very much alike. I doubt you would say ignorant nonsense like some people do!