Monthly Archives: February 2016

I Support and Endorse Donald J. Trump for President

I Support and Endorse Donald J. Trump for President I don’t play well with STUPID people, in fact, I abhor STUPID people. You see, ignorance can be overcome but stupidity is terminal. Every time elections roll around I tend to thin … Continue reading

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Posted in Decision 2016 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 46 Comments

Donald Trump Will Make America Great Again

Donald Trump Will Make America Great Again There will be some people that won’t like this post simply because I have written about Donald Trump once again. There will be others that take issue with this post by saying, “America … Continue reading

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Posted in Make America Great | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 25 Comments

Ted Cruz has a problem with the truth

Ted Cruz has a problem with the truth This became evident in Tuesday night’s debate, during an exchange with Marco Rubio over illegal immigration. Senator Cruz, in hoping to solidify conservative support, hammered Senator Rubio on his role in the … Continue reading

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Posted in America 1st | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

A few thoughts regarding Decision 2016

A few thoughts regarding Decision 2016 I have a few things to say about the political race for the White House and Decision 2016, this is presented as an OPINION piece, MY opinion. Feel free to state YOUR opinions in the … Continue reading

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Posted in Decision 2016 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 55 Comments