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Islam in America: A Special Report

July 22nd, 2007 . by TexasFred

This story is a pre-release from Newsweek Magazine, and will be published in their July 30, 2007 Issue…

American Dreamers

Muslim Americans are one of this country’s greatest strengths. But they’re vulnerable as never before.

July 30, 2007 issue - Fareed Siddiq is a successful businessman and a father of two. He lives in Chagrin Falls, Ohio—a 19th-century mill town built on a river and known for its scenic waterfalls and dams—in a five-bedroom house he recently paid for, in cash, with his savings. Prominent in local civic and religious organizations, including the Red Cross and the chamber of commerce, Siddiq was invited to the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Cleveland earlier this month along with about 400 other business leaders to hear President George W. Bush speak.

He was moved to ask his president a question: “What,” he asked, hauling his 6-foot-5, 245-pound frame to the microphone, “are we doing with public diplomacy to change the hearts and minds of a billion and a half Muslims around the world?” What should he tell his friends and relatives in Pakistan about why he continues to live in the United States?

“Great question,” answered the president. “I’m confident your answer is, ‘I love living in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, the country where you can come and ask the president a question and a country where—’ Are you a Muslim?”

“Yes,” answered Siddiq.

“Where you can worship your religion freely. It’s a great country where you can do that.”

I don’t have a problem with anyone worshiping their God in their way, freedom of religion and Muslims in America is not an issue for me…

My issue is the Muslims in America that are in the process of forcing their beliefs on everyone else, the Borg Mentality that says you will be assimilated or you will die, in other words, a religion of peace that is NOT, a religion that demands that they be allowed to worship in their own way but don’t afford that same freedom to others, even in OUR own land…

It was a good answer, says Siddiq, but not enough for him—not when he, a financial adviser at a major investment bank, is afraid to use the bathroom on flights because he doesn’t want to frighten his fellow passengers as he walks down the aisle. He thinks anti-Muslim sentiment in the country is getting worse, not better. “I’m not so much worried about myself,” he adds. “It’s the young people I’m concerned with. Those are the people we need to try—not only as Muslims but as Americans—to make them feel part of America. If you alienate the Muslim young people from America, that is dangerous.”

Alienate the young Muslims?? We have to worry about alienating those that would set off suicide bombs in our shops and restaurants simply because we won’t allow them to dominate us?? Like I care if they are alienated?? If they came to America they can either BE Americans or go to a Muslim dominated nation and worship there…

Siddiq is right about at least part of this, anti-Muslim sentiments in this great nation are getting worse, but the Muslims themselves are as much to blame for it as anyone, and here is why I feel that way…

There very well may be innocent, peaceful Muslims that don’t want to assimilate all Christians, or kill those that won’t assimilate, but there are many others that DO feel that way and who only want to force their Islamic religion on the entire world or kill those of us that won’t bend to their will…

When the Muslims that claim to be good Americans, that claim to be believers in freedom of religion, that claim to only want to do the right thing for this nation, when they stand up to those that believe otherwise, when they take a stand FOR America, maybe some of this anti-Muslim sentiment will go away, but there has been a deafening silence from American Muslims and it has brought on much of the current anti-Muslim sentiment in America…

Christian and Jewish Americans could work with American Muslims, and perhaps grow to even trust them, but before that can happen, the American Muslims must first prove that they aren’t a part of the Islamic insurgency that is sweeping the entire world and attempting to force Islam down the throats of others, and then cutting the throats of those that don’t accept…

If American Muslims want ME to believe that they are the religion of peace, they must stand against those that bastardize their religion by committing heinous acts of violence in the name OF that religion, and the world over, these heinous acts ARE being perpetrated by Islamic radicals, and you know, I just don’t see a lot of Christian terrorist groups setting off suicide bombs in crowded markets killing innocent men, women and children…

If Islam is the religion of peace and Muslims in this nation want us to believe that claim, they have some serious work to do, and they are the only ones that can truly get the job done…

Full Story Here:
Islam in America: A Special Report

Right Truth is on the same wave length I am apparently…

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11 Responses to “Islam in America: A Special Report”

  1. comment number 1 by: GUNZ

    I may come across a little insensitive on this one, but I honestly have nothing for their so called religion of peace…

    I may come across a little racist, but I have nothing for a sand nigger.

    I may come across as full of hate, but I’d ‘love’ to see a Hell of a lot more ‘action’ if my way of thinking is to change.

    I have a very open mind believe it or not, and in my mind they are open to as much criticism as one can muster.

    I feel much the same way as you do Fred, I’m not an animal, and it’s probably a good thing…

    That I’m not a goat.

  2. comment number 2 by: Debbie

    I feel the same as you Fred. Christianity gets pushed to the back of the burner. The ACLU wants to control how we worship, as do other organizations and some in Washington. But it seems that anything goes, folks bend over backwards for Islam. We will soon regret these decisions, just wait and see. Look at the UK as one example.

  3. comment number 3 by: Debbie

    I tried to send you a trackback also, Fred. TypePad SUCKS!!!!


  4. comment number 4 by: Just John

    Well spoken Fred. It puzzles me to no end that our nation, as a whole, has allowed this cancer to fester. “Death to America” is being preached in mosques across our own nation, and the uber-sensitive left (and elected members from the so-called right) continue to bend to the wishes of those that would destroy us. Unbelievable.

  5. comment number 5 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Until the day comes where this large band of “quiet, worshiping, law-abiding American Muslims” comes to the forefront and expresses its confidence in America, its love for America, its complete and total abandonment of all the negative aspects that Islamists embrace — well, I’m sorry, but until that day all Mark I, Model I Eyeballs will be locked and focused on Muslims — and rightly so.

    We don’t focus on ALL Muslims, for example; it wasn’t a ragtag group of INDONESIANS that were responsible for 9-11, after all (the greatest number of Muslims, of course, ARE Indonesians). It was MIDDLE EASTERN MUSLIMS who were responsible and, unless proved otherwise, it is THIS group upon which we should cast our jaundiced eye.

    So, no, I’m sorry, I don’t fret that Muslims feel “oppressed”. Boo-fucking-hoo. If there are so MANY “good” Muslims then, well, let’s SEE them. Let’s HEAR them. Let us watch THEM march in the streets of America AGAINST Homicide Vest Bombers.

    Until that occurs, myself and many of MY fellow countrymen and women will fervently believe that:

    Islam IS as Islam DOES.

    If that taints or paints an entire religion, well, BFD. I’m still waiting for all those pro-American marches and speeches.


  6. comment number 6 by: GUYK

    Fuck ‘em. If I walk into a convenience store and see that it is run by a raghead I walk out. If I start to check into a motel and se that itis raghead run I refuse to stay there and drive on. I refuse to see any doctors who are ragheads…

    Islam is not a religion of peace..not now nor was it ever. No religion that preaches hell fire and damnation and death to non-believers is a religion of peace nor can it ever be compatible with our ideas of secular government ( even as sad as it currently is ) nor our concepts of personal freedom and the rights to free speech.

  7. comment number 7 by: R Willey

    Well once again the great “Space Cadet” George Bush is off in his own dream world again. The land of the free and the home of the brave will eventually cease to exist if the “celebrate diviserty” air heads continue to destroy the country with their liberal idiocy.

  8. comment number 8 by: retire05

    We pander and refuse to demand that American Muslims speak out at our own peril.
    If Pew estimates there are 2.35 million Muslims in America, and the experts are right that at least 10% of Muslims believe that the Great Satan (the U.S.) should be destroyed, then simple math tells us there are 235,000 Muslims in our nation that feel that way. For this administration, or any administration for that matter, to ignore that number is insane.

    We also ignore some of the tenents of Islam such as:

    Islam is not a nation, it is a religion (cult) and it’s nation is all believers, no matter what continent they live on so the Nation of Islam encompases the entire Earth

    It is a violation of Islamic law for one Muslim to speak out against another, which explains why there is no protesting by American Muslims against the radicals who want to impose Islamic law all across the face of the Earth. The wake-up call should have come when we saw Muslims marching in our own cities with placards showing the White House with the Star and Crecent flying over it. The wake-up call should have been when CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) big wigs said that the goal was not to live as Americans, the goal was to see American under Islamic law. But yet we have politicians like Keith Ellison who takes campaign money from CAIR and John Conyers whose web site is also in Arabic.

    What nation are we fighting? Are we really fighting those who are Iraqis? The U.S. military has told us, time and time again, that most insurgents are foreign nationals from Saudi, Turkey, Syria, Iran and other ME nations. Not Iraqis. Why would that be? Why would those terrorists pour into Iraq to fight a war that is not there? Because it is a war of Islam against the Great Satan and Iraq is just a small part of the Nation of Islam.

    We are going to let our politically correctness kill us. Never in our history has a people declared war on us and we rush to show that we are not their enemy. When we were attacked at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, FDR did not rush to some Buddhist temple to tell the American people that Buddhism is really a religion of peace. He did not invite a Buddhist monk to speak at the White House. He didn’t have a dinner where Japanese food was served to show how very inclusive the United States was. And he damn sure didn’t let Japanese diplomats have a say in how we treated the Japanese in our own nation.

    Our enemy is Islam. And if the followers of Islam want to stay out of the fray, well perhaps it is time they make a choice; defend the nation that allows them the freedom to worship any god they chose, or leave.

    I don’t want to hear how poverty makes Muslims angry at us. The Fort Dix Six did not live in proverty and all 19 of the terrorists on 9-11 were educated. Mohammad Atta was a university graduate. So much for that argument.

    Take a look at what is happening. Muslims demanding that the Qu’ran be taught at our universities as a required subject. Muslims demanding that they be allowed to drive wearing a burka (perhaps if you want to subscribe to a 7th century religion, you should forfeit a 21st century practice). CAIR pushing for elementary school children to have “Muslim week” where they take Muslim names and study the Qu’ran. Foot baths (a religious ritual) at universities. Mosques violating noise ordinances by blaring their call to prayer five times a day.

    Just a few examples of how Muslims have no intention of assimilating to our culture. Quite the contrary, they want us to assimilate to theirs as that is the way of their “religion”. Katy, Texas is currently fighting the building of a mosque that will totally destroy the area around it.

    The Muslims are not stupid. They will use our own laws against us. The Flying Imams are currently suing six passangers who were on the flight they were booted from because of “discrimination” yet they have no problem with their own co-religionists “discriminating” against Christians in other lands. Why? Because it is their goal to convert, enslave or kill. It is just that simple.

    Why are we still allowing radical Imams to peach in the United States? Because we are going to let our political correctness destroy the very nation that our forefathers designed.

  9. comment number 9 by: TexasFred

    retire05 Says: You need to start a blog of your own, man, that is one great piece of writing you just did, no joke…

    You are pretty good at this, and just commenting isn’t enough, you need to publish man….

  10. comment number 10 by: Basti

    Never met a ‘Muzzie’ I liked and I don’t foresee that changing. (I have met ‘good Muzzies’ and they’re all dead) I met my first ‘Muzzie’ in the PI over 40 years ago and he and his merry men were in the process of burning a Christan village down, while amusing themselves with a bit of torture and rape.

    FYI, the ‘Muzzie’ and his merry men will never do that again as they have gone to their 72 virgin reward. (That’s another stupid thing about Islam! Who the hell wants a virgin, give me a woman who knows what she’s doing any day)

  11. comment number 11 by: Chicagoray

    Not a comment here I disagree with and CAIR needs to be silenced and shut down based on their ties to terrorist organizations although as far as I’m concerned they are one themselves. Anyone who carries the water for terrorists as they do is a terrorist organization in my book.

    They are the leaders behind the push to Sharia-fy America by running to our courts and spineless politicians exploiting loopholes and crevices to push their beliefs and agenda on the citizens and communities of this country.

    I’m damn sick of it and not taking it anymore either as we’re not far from Press 1 for Arabic, 2 for Spanish and 3 for English folks and that’s no joke, just one or two suicide bombers away from it in fact.