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Obama Campaign Introduces Customized Lapel Pins

May 10th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Hat Tip to: Suitably Flip

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Hezbollah: Gunmen withdrawing from Beirut

May 10th, 2008 . by TexasFred

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah said Saturday it was withdrawing its gunmen from Beirut neighborhoods seized in sectarian clashes after the army ordered its troops to establish security and called on fighters to clear the streets.

But while tensions in Lebanon’s capital appeared to be defusing, at least 12 people were killed and 20 wounded when pro- and anti-government groups fought in a remote region of northern Lebanon, security and hospital officials said. It was the heaviest toll for a single clash since sectarian fighting began on Wednesday.

Hezbollah and its allied seized large swaths of Muslim west Beirut Friday, demonstrating their military might in a power struggle with the government.

Western-backed Prime Minister Fuad Saniora, in his first public statement since the sectarian violence erupted, said Lebanon can no longer tolerate Hezbollah having weapons. He called on the army to restore law and order and remove gunmen from the streets and accused Hezbollah of staging a coup.

Full Story Here:
Hezbollah: Gunmen withdrawing from Beirut

Pay attention folks, take a real good look at the picture, that is what happens when The Religion of Peace decides to flex their muscle, and it won’t be long until that exact same thing happens here in the USA…

If Barack Hussein Obama is allowed to ascend to the Oval Office this will be a real and highly likely scenario right here, in OUR towns and cities, the Islamic radicals are already in place, and I have warned, repeatedly, that all they are waiting for is the order to go ahead with their attacks…

I have felt that they are waiting for their command structure to fall into place, and come November, if Obama is elected to the office of POTUS, they will have that leadership structure set…

Hide your heads in the sand if you like, but it IS coming, and you can either work now to make it NOT happen, or you can do nothing and when these animals called an insurgency starts to operate openly here in America, you can submit to them or die…

Some of us will die, but it won’t be because we submitted, it will be because we went down fighting to defend America, or, what’s left of Her!!

And yes, I know, some will call me a bigot or a racist alarmist, but Hitler was an eloquent and impassioned speaker, just as Obama is touted as being, if the warnings had been heeded prior to Hitler being allowed to take power, well, just sayin’…

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Barack Obama smarter than a fifth grader?

May 9th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States

Ah, Oregon. The beautiful Northwest. Rain. Trees. Clouds. Rain. Friendly territory for Sen. Barack Obama, the leading contender for the Democratic Party’s long-disputed presidential nomination.

So there he was in Beaverton today at the start of a two-day swing through Oregon, virtually ignoring his remaining Democratic opponent, what’s-her-name from New York, as part of his new strategy to act like the actual nominee while she flails around way behind in numbers.

Naturally, this being the Northwest where everything is not ruined quite yet, his staff had Obama visit an eco-friendly company, Vernier Software & Technology, that makes products for science teachers. He could get education in there too, see?

In his prepared remarks Obama was ready to start blasting Arizona Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, to show the Illinois Democrat is moving on to the general election campaign.

But first the freshman senator had to go through all the obligatory delighted to see you, delighted to be here part of stump speeches that also require that you actually know where you are.

Obama pulled that off O.K. But then he drifted away from the text a tad, as rookies are wont to do sometimes, forgetting how exhausting this primary process is and should be. And trusting in their instincts, their very tired instincts.

“It is wonderful to be back in Oregon,” Obama said. “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.”

The Times’ conscientious Robin Abcarian thought she heard something different there. She checked her tape recorder. It had captured what he had actually said — 57 states now. A new Louisiana Purchase that’s gone unannounced so far? Was he channeling his inner John Kerry-Heinz 57 personality?

(UPDATE: At a later stop Obama was talking with reporters and expressed concern he’d also mis-stated the number of potential cyclone victims in Burma. He said, “”I hope I said 100,000 people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand I said there were 57 states today. It’s a sign that my numeracy is getting a little, uh.” At that point, an aide cut him off and ushered journalists out. Before he could mis-speak again?)

Oh, and as far as Hawaii voters are concerned, they’re probably delighted to learn that Obama’s campaign staff doesn’t think that tiny state can justify an appearance by his eminence, even though he did a lot of growing up there. Or maybe because he was there.

Let’s see what they do with that in the Honolulu media, which the Republicans have probably already notified.

Maybe it’s Obama’s age. He’s getting up there in his forties, you know.

-Andrew Malcolm

This is, in my opinion, one of the best things I have ever seen printed at the L.A. Times, and I offer serious kudos to Andrew Malcolm for this article…

Found at:
Tony Phyrillas - Barack Obama smarter than a fifth grader?

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Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada granted bail in Britain

May 8th, 2008 . by TexasFred

LONDON (AP) - A radical Muslim preacher accused of having close ties to al-Qaida was granted bail by a British immigration appeals commission Thursday.

Abu Qatada, who was jailed in 2002 over accusations that he played a key role in raising money for extremist groups and provided spiritual advice to militants planning terror attacks, will remain in custody until arrangements for his release are completed.

Judge John Mitting ruled the cleric should be released after the Court of Appeal ordered the government in April to stop extradition proceedings, claiming he faced the threat of torture if returned to his native Jordan.

But the judge acknowledged Qatada could pose a national security threat and imposed a strict 22-hour curfew, meaning he must be inside his home for all but two hours a day. Precise details of the curfew will be decided at another hearing, probably within two weeks, officials said.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she was extremely disappointed with the decision and would “take all steps necessary to protect the public.”

Full Story Here:
Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada granted bail in Britain

Ya know, it’s going to be really interesting to see what happens when the Islamic hordes take over Europe, and take it over they will, as surely as you’re reading this, it WILL happen…

And it will be interesting to see how long it takes before we hear the cries, “But where are the Americans?? Why won’t they come and save us again??”

And even more interesting than that will be the response of the USA if Obama is the new U.S. president, I am guessing that he will back his Muslim brothers and let Europe go to hell in a hand basket, because you can’t save a people when you’re allowing your own nation to be taken over by Islamic rule and Sharia law…

Can you?? :roll:

It’s coming folks, I can see it in our very near future, and what I see is ugly, it all depends on how soon they come after our guns, when that event happens, and under a presidency of Barack Obama it will happen, when that happens we’ll be in a fight for our very lives…

I’d say you need to prepare, and I don’t mean stock up food and water, the fight won’t last that long, it will be brief, violent and decisive, and depending on whether or not our own troops take up arms against the citizens of this nation, either way, it will determine the course of this nation for whatever remains of her existence…

EDIT TO ADD: And the above scenario shows us exactly why American presidents have maintained close ties with the U.N. and it’s supporting nations, they know, or are reasonably sure that American troops won’t take up arms against their own people…

U.N. troops would have no reservations in doing so…

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McCain woos Hispanics and launches Spanish web site

May 6th, 2008 . by TexasFred

PHOENIX (Reuters) - John McCain reached out to Hispanic voters on Monday as he sought to win over a constituency that has moved away from his Republican Party but could prove key in swing states in a close U.S. presidential election in November.

The Arizona senator’s campaign launched a Spanish language Web site to mark the Mexican Cinco de Mayo festival and McCain told reporters that “everything about our Hispanic voters is tailor-made to the Republican message.”

“I am confident that I will do very well,” he said. “I know their patriotism, I know the respect for the family, the advocacy for pro-life, I know the small business aspect of our Hispanic voters.”
Hispanic support for the Republican Party has ebbed in recent months, following a bruising battle over illegal immigration.

Republican lawmakers sank a comprehensive immigration bill last June that would have created a path to citizenship for many of the 12 million mostly Hispanic illegal immigrants living in the shadows in the United States.

McCain’s support for a broad immigration overhaul that would also have put some illegal workers on a path toward U.S. citizenship angered many conservatives in his party. He later said Congress should focus on border security first.

Full Story Here:
McCain woos Hispanics and launches Spanish web site

Another little tidbit from the original story:

A report by the Pew Hispanic Center in December found that 57 percent of Hispanic registered voters called themselves Democrats, while just 23 percent considered themselves Republican.

That’s pretty funny actually, McCain calls himself a Republican and a conservative while nearly ALL true Conservatives call McCain a RINO, he’s a lot closer to the Dems than he is to the few REAL Republicans that are still out there, and he’s nowhere near being what I consider a Conservative, his near Dem status should make his slightly attractive to a few Dem voters, they’ll fall for McCain’s pandering lies as quickly as the McCainiacs did…

And to a certain McCainiac in Massachusetts: before you start blasting me in email again, read this very closely because the next time you come at me and accuse me of being a Clinton supporter I will consider your hostile accusations a declaration of war and will respond accordingly…

I do NOT support Hillary you illiterate wretch, if you were in possession of ANY reading comprehension at all, that would be glaringly apparent, I think she is evil incarnate, but I also feel that Obama is even worse, and McCain isn’t much better, he just happens to claim the names Republican and conservative, of which he is, in truth, neither…

I am a hard core supporter of None of the Above, but get this through your thick McCainiac skull, I am NOT sitting this election out, I will be voting, but here’s exactly how it’s going to play out for me…

If November comes down to a vote between McCain and Clinton, I will vote my conscience and vote for None of the Above, and I will write in MY choice, a Tancredo/Hunter ticket, and the chips can fall where they may simply because there is NO discernable difference between McCain and Clinton other than one is a Dem and the other is Dem Lite…

If it comes down to a choice between a real gun grabbing RINO, McCain, and that lying piece of shit, closet racist, stealth muzzie, asshole son of a bitch, Obama, I WILL hold my nose and vote for McCain, a vote that will be registered as done under protest, I absolutely abhor the idea of voting for the lesser of 2 evils, all you get is evil, and it appears that evil is all that’s being offered in this election cycle…

I do hope that this clears up exactly where I stand on the concept of None of the Above, I know that this is something that goes over a lot of heads, but most of those heads are pretty dense, and if you think that I am talking about YOU, then you just might be right…

Stolen from: Basti Says

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McCain slated for N.R.A. meeting

May 6th, 2008 . by TexasFred
LOUISVILLE (AP) — The National Rifle Association says Republican presidential candidate John McCain is scheduled to give a speech during a forum at the N.R.A.’s annual meeting next week in Louisville.

N.R.A. spokesman Andrew Arulanandam says the U.S. senator and presumptive GOP presidential nominee will take part in the group’s Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum on May 16, the first day of the three-day meeting. The meeting will be followed a few days later by Kentucky’s primary election.

Also scheduled to speak at the forum are former GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, former White House political director Karl Rove, Republican U.S. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear.

Arulanandam says Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were not invited to this N.R.A. event.

Full Story Here:
McCain slated for N.R.A. meeting

That last line had me laughing out loud, for 1 thing, I believe Barack Obama would be very afraid to show up at a place that was filled with gun lovers and gun owners, although most are sane and normal people there is always that 0.001% that’s just plain ape-shit crazy and would hide a gun in a body cavity if they thought they would get even a remote opportunity at taking a shot at the Jr. Senator from the great state of Illinois…

Last week, Sen. Barack Obama claimed that many Midwestern voters “cling” to guns and religion to placate themselves for their loss of jobs and economic prosperity. SOURCE

Anyone can understand the NRA not wanting Obama there after the bum made such ridiculous statements but the didn’t invite Hillary?? She’s into guns ya know, she said so…

“You know, some people now continue to teach their children and their grandchildren. It’s part of culture. It’s part of a way of life. People enjoy hunting and shooting because it’s an important part of who they are. Not because they are bitter. … As I told you, my dad taught me how to shoot behind our cottage. I have gone hunting. I am not a hunter. But I have gone hunting.”  SOURCE 

Yeah, well, I’m not a pilot but I’ve been up in a lot of airplanes, does that instill a sense of confidence in you?? And if there is anyone out there that truly believes Hillary and her impassioned pandering of gun owners, I have some bridge properties you may be interested in owning…

Now, on to Sen. John McCain and guns, McCain, the apparent darling of the Republican party and the leader of a bunch of ankle biting little lapdogs affectionately called McCainiacs… 

Sen. McCain is basically a pandering politico and will say and/or do anything it takes to get elected to the presidency, including, but not limited to pandering to gun owners in an attempt to gain their support and the support of the Conservative voting base, a base that he all but turned his back on in 2000…

John McCain tried running for president in 2000 as an anti-gunner. This year it appears he is seeking to “come home” to the pro-gun community, but the wounds are deep and memories long. John McCain - GOA 2008

As if there wasn’t already plenty of evidence that Senator John McCain is the wrong choice for pro-gun Republicans in the Presidential primary, the Columbus Dispatch has added one more item to the list: Buckeye Firearms Association

Nowhere is McCain’s chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain’s failing grade is well deserved. John McCain Is A Liberal Gun Grabber

I could go on and on but you get the idea, McCain is sucking up to the NRA and will turn his back on the gun owners of America as soon as he’s sworn in and any way this thing goes, gun owners will become the target…

McCain may be a bit better president than Hillary and Hillary would be infinitely better than Obama but let’s face the facts, if these 3 are the best that the parties have to offer and if we are so complacent that we’re willing to accept these candidates, then come November we’re going to get exactly what we deserve…

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