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None of the Above, vote your conscience, not some ‘party’ line!

May 1st, 2008 . by TexasFred

It’s a real shame that it’s come to this but I am fully convinced that None of the Above may become a harsh reality…

What choices do we have if BOTH major parties run a candidate that NONE of us can support?? It can happen, and that is when we, the Conservatives of this nation, initiate a HUGE write in campaign…

If you feel this way, join up and display the blog roll and let em ALL know how displeased you are with the PARTY choices…

Then, once the DNC and RNC have made their selections, if that candidate is one that you just can’t support, join us and vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE!!

Supporting None of the Above doesn’t mean stay home and NOT vote, some folks seem to think it does, but that is NOT the intent of this blogroll, None of the Above advocates a WRITE IN campaign, a VOTE for the candidate that YOU want in office not one of the pandering politicos offered up by the DNC or RNC, it’s that simple, exercise your rights, VOTE, but if you can’t support the candidates offered up, vote your conscience and forget the ‘party line’, but no matter what, VOTE!!

1st things 1st: Get the CODE Here and place the CODE in your sidebar, then send me an email requesting membership, and if code is set, I will gladly include your site on the roll…

I will need the following:

1. The Name of your Blog
2. The URL of your Blog
3. A brief description of your Blog
4. YES, we DO check…
5. Please type the word Blogroll in the subject line of the email

Click the Mail Box to submit
your information to TexasFred

My Choice for a WRITE In!

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7 Responses to “None of the Above, vote your conscience, not some ‘party’ line!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Kate

    I’m anxious to see who McFeingold will choose as a running mate. Depending on his choice, I MIGHT be pulling the lever for the VEEP, and not the prez. :)

    Honestly, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I’ll have to do a whole lot of soul searching. :/

  2. comment number 2 by: Butch

    …And I’m the link whore?

    Just kidding dude…

  3. comment number 3 by: TexasFred

    And your point is??

  4. comment number 4 by: Debbie

    Hubby and I are going to write in somebody, if we don’t have the ‘none of the above’ option. Oh for a truly CONSERVATIVE party. I know you have the American Conservative Forum, but just think what would happen if we had a conservative party. I can dream.

  5. comment number 5 by: TexasFred

    Some of us are really trying Debbie but there are way too many dedicated Repubs that feel they still have to suck Bush’s ass, and now McCain’s ass…

    Real Conservatives don’t hesitate to call it like it really is, Repubs tell it like a Dem… :?

  6. comment number 6 by: Layla

    Yes, way to go Fred. I am supporting you on this one. I do not run blogrolls anymore, but you do have my support. I am sickened with out choices. I will consider writing in my candidate, because I refuse to vote for Bush’s lapdog McCain. I refuse to vote for B. HUSSEIN Obama that man that doesn’t know his butt from his butt hole-that fool wannabe Christian that is really a mole and a Muslim Farrakhan lover. Then there is Hildabeast, but you know what? I kind of agree with Ann Coulter - voting for Hillary is better than the above fore mentioned, but I WON’T!

    Fred, I will end up writing in my choice-I lost a lot of readership because I endorsed Giuliani, but what the heck, I never cared about stats and being popular anyhow.


  7. comment number 7 by: RTaylor

    Now.. here’s a ticket I can support.

    For the first time in my adult life, I am actually considering NOT voting at all…..