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HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship

May 14th, 2008 . by TexasFred

HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship

Nationally Syndicated radio talk show host Sean Hannity, continued his commitment of the “Stop Obama Express”, by providing a forum for Pastor James David Manning, of ATLAH World Ministries, to launch yet another unsubstantiated and slanderous attack against Senator Obama (D-IL). The most recent allegation leveled against the candidate [Obama] is the claim of a “Homosexual Relationship” between he and his former Pastor Jeremiah Wright, as an explanation of the Senator’s unwillingness to more readily “Disown” the Pastor upon learning about the hate-filled rhetoric of his [Pastor Wright's] many sermons.

Townhall.com - What I Learned This Week

Now I don’t know how much of this is for real but you gotta admit, that man can do some serious preaching, I hope you folks enjoy this as much as I did.

I didn’t make this up either, Mark Levin was playing it on his show this afternoon and I could not resist. :D

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11 Responses to “HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship”

  1. comment number 1 by: jo

    Oh great…the libs will be tripping all over themselves to kiss Obama’s ass now…especially the homosexual one’s.
    Totally OT, if Obama really wasn’t an elitist, he wouldn’t have accepted the endorsement of the guy that pays 400 bucks for a haircut.

  2. comment number 2 by: Southern Sass on Crime

    Hannity : Obama/Wright gay relationship ?…

    Swiped from Texas Fred’s.
    Y’all do yourselves a favor and listen to this short sermon. It’s gooooood !

    Nationally Syndicated radio talk show host Sean Hannity, continued his commitment of the “Stop Obama Express”, by providing …

  3. comment number 3 by: Bushwack

    Damn, I am not sure who’s worse? Wright or this guy… this guy is a plant to get the media’s focus off of wright. This way Obama can come out and say look I’ve got preachers that are black and hate me too…

    Our next President is going to have a mess to deal with, and if we don’t pick the right one, we are FUBAR… looking at our choices, FUBAR would be a step up.

  4. comment number 4 by: Carl

    So where can I vote for FUBAR?

    BTW, Fred and readers of Texas Fred’s, I’ve put a James David Manning entry on my blog as well complete with a James David Manning spoof that I found on YouTube. I also did a little digging into the man’s background and found some interesting items.

  5. comment number 5 by: The World According To Carl

    [...] A tip o’ the cap to Texas Fred’s for the heads up. [...]

  6. comment number 6 by: HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship « The Obambi.com Blog

    [...] Obama, Wright GAY Relationship Jump to Comments HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY RelationshipNationally Syndicated radio talk show host Sean Hannity, continued his commitment of the “Stop [...]

  7. comment number 7 by: BobF

    Pastor Manning has been preaching against Obama long before Wright showed up on the scene.

    I was listening to Sean Hannity yesterday when he had Pastor Manning on. Manning insists he has evidence of a homosexual relationship of Obama and Wright but Hannity was very critical of his claims. Hannity has come down pretty hard on Manning for his personal attacks on Obama so I wouldn’t say he was promoting Manning.

    Pastor Manning also doesn’t have a lot of good to say about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton either.

  8. comment number 8 by: Top Gun

    “You will be scraping up pigeon crap to make gravy to put on your egg shells because that is all you will have to eat.”


  9. comment number 9 by: piss out of a boot

    This man speaks the truth (mostly) - esp regarding how Black folks will desert you at the drop of a hat. Hillary was their savior to this half Black bum B. Hussein came on the scene.

  10. comment number 10 by: OneCitizenSpeaking

    Where are the denials? Where is the lawsuit for defamation, libel, slander? Why is everyone tip-toeing around the issue? http://www.onecitizenspeaking.com/2008/05/black-minister.html.

  11. comment number 11 by: American and Proud

    HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship…

    HANNITY: Obama, Wright GAY Relationship
    Nationally Syndicated radio talk show host Sean Hannity, continued his commitment of the “Stop Obama Express”, by providing a forum for Pastor James David Manning, of ATLAH World Ministries, to launch yet an…