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al-Sadr’s followers refuse to disband militia in Iraq

April 20th, 2008 . by TexasFred

BAGHDAD (AP) - Followers of hardline cleric Muqtada al-Sadr raised the stakes Sunday in the showdown with Iraq’s government, refusing to disband their militia as the U.S. military reported an “uptick” of fighting in the Iraqi capital.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, meanwhile, assured visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that he will not back down in his confrontation with Shiite militias, even as mortar shells fired from Shiite areas struck the U.S.-protected Green Zone.

In a sign of that resolve, Iraqi soldiers took control Sunday of the last stronghold of al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia in the southern city of Basra, where an Iraqi offensive last month triggered the current wave of Shiite fighting.

Al-Maliki, a Shiite, has demanded that al-Sadr disband his Mahdi Army, the country’s biggest Shiite militia, or his followers will not be allowed to run in provincial elections this fall.

Full Story Here:
al-Sadr’s followers refuse to disband militia in Iraq

I am going to say this in language so simple that even a raghead loving, bleeding heart, liberal Canadian crybaby with a NO AUTHORITY nothing little blog can understand every word, and have NO problem figuring out the EXACT meaning of every word, al-Sadr and his bunch of moonbats are the major reason for, and the primary perpetrators of the insurgency in Iraq…

Kill them, kill as many of them as is humanly possible, they have been given every opportunity to become a part of a working Iraqi government but all they have done is continue to mount guerrilla type operations against our military and the Iraqi forces…

KILL THEM, crush them like the useless infestation they are, because all they are is a waste of good oxygen, this world would be much better off with them gone, and the violence in Iraq would be substantially lessened by their demise…

How hard can that be to comprehend?? You would think that IF our president seriously wanted to attain Victory in Iraq, as he and his Bush Bot supporters have claimed, he’d figure this out for himself…

Maybe not… :?

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10 Responses to “al-Sadr’s followers refuse to disband militia in Iraq”

  1. comment number 1 by: Old Soldier

    Takes balls.. I don’t think the powers that be have any.

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Old Soldier, I don’t think they even have fuzz:?

  3. comment number 3 by: Layla

    “….IF our president seriously wanted to attain Victory in Iraq, as he and his Bush Bot supporters have claimed, he’d figure this out for himself…”

    I am in 100% agreement with the above post and in particular the last line stood out to me. Bush Bot supporters……

    G-d they are the most lying bunch I have ever met. Bush Bots are like robots they just repeat what sounds good and are nothing more than a bunch of leftover cronies.

    The War on Terror, we are going to get the enemy, yeah, leave the back door open so they can come in by the open global trade deal…….

    Bush and his Bush Bots make me sick…they do not really want victory. They blamed Rummy for screwing up the war and not sending in enough troops, actually now I believe it was not Rummy, but Bush that said no because you know how HE MUST have his OWN WAY or NO WAY.


    Good rant Fred!

  4. comment number 4 by: Sage

    I don’t think your wording is hard to understand at all my friend…lol.
    Of course some ppl can’t see the forest for the trees and fall victim to
    their own fallacies and their own ignorance.
    Keep up the good posts Fred.
    ‘Nuff said
    “no fuzz”….ROFL

  5. comment number 5 by: Kate

    Ack! Mental image here! My brain is meltiiiiiiing……

    Ok, I’m over it! I’m of the mind, big bombs, many large holes….shove what’s left in the holes, cover ‘em up. Very simple.

  6. comment number 6 by: Ranando

    I wish Bush, Cheney, Rice and all the Bush-Bots only the worst in the remainder of their lives for what they have done and for what they continue to do to this day. May they all burn in HELL and take their loved ones with them and I’m sure they will.

    I just watched 60 Minutes about the Green Berets being attached and killed by the Taliban last year and how they’re coming back in full force.


    It makes me sick to think what they have done to our brave soldiers and their families.

    F**k McCain, just a washed-up old version of the C**k-sucker George W. Bush.

    Oh yeah, one more thing, F**k the Pope.

  7. comment number 7 by: TexasFred

    Ranando?? Do I sense a bit of anger on your part?? :?

  8. comment number 8 by: Ranando

    You do Fred.

    I’m just fed up with this non-sense. Our troops are dying daily and for what? Their families are laying them to rest and it breaks my heart.

    It’s one thing to die for your country, it’s another thing to die for George W. Bush and his cronies, it’s a waste.

    I have very close friends that their child died in Iraq and for what? So al-Sadr can live, are they kidding me?

    I hope Amy Proctor, Gayle, Dee and the SACS all get Dead-Horsed by a group of Muslims in front of their kids and loved ones. Yah, that would make me very happy.

    Oh yah, F**k the Pope.

  9. comment number 9 by: Longstreet

    I can think of absolutely no strategic, or tactical reason for Al Sadr to still remain on this side of the grass. I understand he is, at the moment, in Iran. What a brave fellow!

    I really don’t think the Madi(?) Army could shrug off three or four Daisy Cutters lobbed in on them at once. But, as someone above has noted, that would take cahones and there seems to be a definite lack of them in our leadersbhip today, both in the Pentegon and the White House.

  10. comment number 10 by: Right Truth

    What people are talking about…

    Muqtada Al- Sadr’s Family Turns On Him- Disowns “Rogue Son”, wow, what a turn of events: Iraq’s Josef Al-Sadr says that Muqtada Al- Sadr has tainted Our Family Reputation; -We will deal with him internally. Alseyed Josef Alsadar a member…

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