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Kurdish Rebels Threaten Attacks Against U.S. Interests

May 6th, 2008 . by TexasFred

QANDIL MOUNTAINS, Iraq - Kurdish rebels could launch suicide attacks against American interests to punish the U.S. for sharing intelligence with Turkey after Turkey bombed rebel bases, a spokeswoman for a wing of a rebel group warned.

Turkey’s military said more than 150 Kurdish rebels were killed in Friday’s air strikes against bases of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, on Mount Qandil on the border of Iran and Iraq. Peritan Derseem, a senior official of the rebel group’s Iranian wing, PEJAK, claimed that only six people were killed in latest Turkish strikes.

The PKK fights for autonomy in Turkey’s southeast and also has a wing fighting for Kurdish rights in Iran.

Derseem blamed the United States for helping Turkey in an interview late Sunday.

She said some rebels want to join suicide squads to avenge the deaths of their comrades but that “combatants are under the control of the organization,” which she said is against such attacks. That may change, Derseem hinted.

“We have changed our stand toward the United States government and we are standing against them now,” she said. “Maybe some day … individual combatants might launch suicide attacks inside Iraq and Turkey, and even against American interests.”

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Kurdish Rebels Threaten Attacks Against U.S. Interests

So now the Kurds are pissed off at the USA and are threatening to attack U.S. targets??

Aren’t these the people that so many here in the USA had their bloomers in a wad over?? The ones that Saddam gassed?? Aren’t they one of the major justifications for going to war in Iraq, that Iraqi Freedom thing??

So, now they are going on the declared enemies list, well, isn’t that an interesting turn of events, maybe we need to give the Turks even more information, Turkey has wanted to go after the Kurds in northern Iraq for a long time and have held off at the behest of the USA, maybe it’s time to turn them loose and let them run a while…

Turkey has been an ally for a long time, we have a history with Turkey, Ambivalent Allies and it would be in our favor to court that alliance, seriously, what do the Kurds have to offer us in the way of value?? Not too much that I can see, and now that they have declared their hostile intentions, put them on that ‘if you’re not with us, you’re against us’ list…

You know, maybe there was a legitimate reason Saddam went after the Kurds, it seems they have a history of pissing off forces that can take them out of the equation, and we can do just that, all our forces need is an order to get the job done, and in my estimation, once a nation or people declare a hostile intent, it’s game on!! 

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2 Responses to “Kurdish Rebels Threaten Attacks Against U.S. Interests”

  1. comment number 1 by: GUYK

    I think the Kurd rebels are a minute part of the overall Kurd population and mostly along the Turk border. The Kurds and Turks have been fighting since the Ottaman days if not before.

    I have gone on record saying and I say again that the best possible solution fot the whole gotdam mideast is to give it back to the Turks. The Turks didn’t put up with any bullshit from the Arabs nor Kurds nor the fuckin’ Persians…and gave them the best government that the Arab,Kurd, and Persian money could buy. And believe me, Turkish government can be bought..I have been there and done that when we adopted a kid in Turkey..hell, I bought everyone from the locals to the governor of the province and it didn’t cost all that much.

  2. comment number 2 by: Ranando

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again….

    The only good Arab (Muslim), is a dead Arab (Muslim).

    Will we ever learn?