Thursday Thoughts on Worldly Matters
September 4th, 2008 . by TexasFredCHICAGO (AP) — The Reverend Jesse Jackson is being treated at a Chicago hospital after experiencing severe stomach pains.
Full Story Here:
Jesse Jackson in hospital for stomach pains
Sarah Palin is a powerful woman. She knocked it OUT of the park and it gave Je$$ie a belly ache. I love Sarah Palin!
DETROIT (AP) - Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to felony charges Thursday in a sex scandal, forcing him out of office after months of defiantly holding onto his job leading the nation’s 11th-largest city. He was ordered jailed for four months and fined $1 million.
Full Story Here:
Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick pleads guilty, resigns
Ya know, it’s a damned shame that felony crimes committed while in office aren’t a *hanging* offense. This guy needs to taken to a tall tree, with a short rope. A bit of assembly is required.
MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) — Police say that five suspected militants have been killed in a security sweep in a restive Russian province near Chechnya. Police spokesman Mark Tolchinsky says police and security forces acting on a tip surrounded a house in Khasavyurt in the Caspian Sea province of Dagestan Thursday and demanded that suspected militants surrender.
Full Story Here:
Russian police kill 5 militant suspects
That bunch of moonbat *anarchists* in Minneapolis?? Yeah, those guys. Uh, just thinkin’ out loud here, but you know, with the destructive nature of those idiots, maybe this wouldn’t be a bad policy to enact once in a while. Just sayin’…
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) - Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden said Thursday that he will vigorously challenge Republican Sarah Palin on the issues, but will refrain from personal attacks.
Full Story here:
Biden to vigorously challenge Palin on issues
And Sarah Palin is going to kick Biden a new ass. That man is NOT ready for the Sarahcuda! And IF Biden does go personal, it’s all over, he will look like the ass that he is. Do I sound a bit Pro Palin?
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Alaska National Guard, which Republicans are pointing to as an important national-security credential for vice presidential choice Sarah Palin, has personnel shortages that make its aviation units the most poorly staffed in the nation.
Full Story Here:
Palin’s national guard faces a crisis in personnel
Of course the VERY left leaning AP is going to use that deceptive headline in a very weak attempt to denigrate Palin. Here’s the deal, the Governor IS the CiC of the state Guard, but has NOTHING to do with recruiting and/or retention of personnel! That is the job of the Guard and it’s recruiters. Palin’s Guard? Yeah, nice try AP, you messed up, but it was a nice try…

Like the Left really gives a rats ass about the Alaska Air Guard or any other Guard unit for that matter.
Oh and now Palin has ‘old hair’! I mean really!
Paper: Palin’s hair ‘about 20 years out of date’…
Basti, I saw that about her hair…
Here’s the deal, the Dems are scared shitless of Palin, they have NOTHING else to use in their pathetic attempts at denigration, so they attack her baby, her pregnant daughter and her hair…
Yep, sounds like the party of Progressives to me…
Progressive stages of insanity!
I’m afraid that Biden is sufficiently arrogant to think that he’ll simply clean Palin’s clock. Hey Joe: just you wait, little buddy.
A hanging Fred? Come on people have done far worse, and you’re “calling” for a hanging, come on my friend. I’m appalled on that one Fred.
Tish, you can be as appalled as you like, your choice…
I did not single Kilpatrick out, I said felony crimes committed while in office, that is a betrayal of the public trust, hang the bastards!
All of em, regardless of race, creed, sex or station of office…
If a PUBLIC official betrays the public trust, make a severe example of them, if that appalls you, you really are reading the wrong blog…
We elect the public officials, but they are not different from us. We do and should hold out officials to a high regard and standard but mustn’t be surprised when they falter and sometimes fails because in the end they are just mere mortal beings such as you and myself.
I think too often we expect them to be more than what they can truly offer. No we don’t want any and everyone in office, but we do elect these people. And Kwame (sp?) def should have never been in office. I believe his circumstance of being young and appealing to the masses clouded everyone’s better judgment.
So that in it’s self makes everyone at fault. But Kwame holds the bulk of the responsibility, but what about those who elected him and expected the unattainable.
I’m sickened that he took so long to resign. Block headed I suppose.
Most if not all officials lie at some point. Our trust is most often betrayed than not. I assure you there are honest people in office, just as there are honest people in the general public. But also their are liars, and Kwame is a liar. A liar who was caught. Just as other disgraced politicians.
No one is perfect.
Fred you know I like your blog, we can have disagreements.
Needs to apply to more than Congressmen!