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Found in the Blogosphere…

July 19th, 2007 . by TexasFred

Beth at Blue Star Chronicles says: The Democrats Dog and Pony Surrender Show Accomplishes Nothing In spite of the best efforts of The Posturing Harry Reid (D-NV) and his Merry Men, the results of the Senate vote today were exactly the same as they were prior to the spend the night party last night.

Kate from An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings - Stopped…. although, it feels like I’m still moving. I hate that sensation. I think 8 hours of driving is long enough for an ol’ broad, don’t you? If I start getting punchy, no one on the road is going to be safe.

Gunz at Long Live the Republic has a ‘Caption This’ up, it really is hilarious…

Pen and Sword presents many of the same points to ponder that I do, he just leans a bit left and I lean a bit right… Jeff Huber is one hell of a writer, he’s a retired Navy Commander, I respect his outlook, even if we do differ occasionally…

And Scottish Right has a good story up, Barack Obama Is Wrong About Sex Ed In Kindergarten, personally, I think he’s wrong on a lot more than that…

Lem Calhoon at Hillbilly White Trash has a rather strange selection of music up tonight, different to say the least…

Chicago Ray points out that the Libs Gone Wild In Vermont, Enough is Enough Say Residents and judging by the graphic, it’s an UGLY old bunch too… Great post Ray…

The Discerning Texan has a great cartoon pic up, “Supporting the Troops”, it says a lot for Pelosi and Reid..

And that crusty old curmudgeon GM of GM’s Corner says this is: Pitiful, Just Pitiful!

Murray at Lone Star Diary points out how the White House Mum on Border Patrol Case and the silence is deafening…

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4 Responses to “Found in the Blogosphere…”

  1. comment number 1 by: Patrick Sperry

    Most excellent idea there Marine! Now, should folks use a service to get noticed, or an RSS feed?

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Patrick Sperry Says:
    July 19th, 2007 at 12:12 am
    Now, should folks use a service to get noticed, or an RSS feed?

    RSS is good, and Blog Rolls get your name out there, unless you’re on Blogger or WP.com and don’t use the manual update functions I have tried to make everyone aware of…

    Blog Roll Update Problems

  3. comment number 3 by: GM Roper

    Why you young whippersnapper, who the hell are you calling an “old curmudgeon?” Why, for two cents I’d come over and whip your young butt just to hear you holler. Damn kids, can’t get no respect out of ‘em no how no way!

    Ma, where’d I put my Hickory Stick, you know, the one I whoop ass on the kids with?

  4. comment number 4 by: GUNZ

    I’m trying to get around more these days. I’ll be checking them all out over the next few days.

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