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Gates: Iraq Political Reform Difficult

August 2nd, 2007 . by TexasFred

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - U.S. officials underestimated how difficult it would be for the Iraqi government to pass political reforms, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday, adding that the “depth of mistrust” among the factions is greater than anticipated.

Talking to reporters on board his plane as he returned from a four-day swing through the Middle East, Gates said he is more optimistic about improvements in security in the wartorn nation than he is about getting legislation passed by the bitterly divided government.

And folks thought Rummy was a dummy…

We didn’t know that the “depth of mistrust” was that deep?? Like HELL we didn’t!! How long have I, and several others been taking hits from the so-called patriot bloggers when everything we said a year or so ago ago has now, or is about to come to fruition??

The Bush ‘House of Cards’ regarding his nation building attempt in Iraq is rapidly falling down around him, and if he weren’t already a president on the way out, this would BE his downfall, and may very well have been the downfall of the Republican party in the last election…

“In some ways we probably all underestimated the depth of the mistrust and how difficult it would be for these guys to come together on legislation,” Gates said. “The kinds of legislation they’re talking about will establish the framework of Iraq for the future so it’s almost like our constitutional convention … And the difficulty in coming to grips with those, we may all have underestimated six or eight months ago.”

Look, I know Gates inherited this mess after Rummy was kicked to the curb, but Gates took it on with his eyes wide open, and the only one that thought that this was going to be a lot easier than it was, was Bush himself, he had a notion that the USA was going to roll into Baghdad and take out Saddam and Sons and he (Bush) was going to be seen as a HERO, a knight in shining armor, and it blew up in his face, but don’t have the Sec/Def stand there and LIE for you, anyone that said they didn’t see this coming or didn’t expect it is a damned LIAR and guilty of gross stupidity in office, so don’t you dare say we ALL underestimated this BS, just tell the truth and say, “Bush ignored some damn good advice and it’s cost us almost 3,700 dead troops and BILLIONS of tax dollars to come to the realization that we may have stepped in a huge pile of dog crap” and let it go from there…

Bush and Company were TOLD this was how it would go down, Bush and Company were advised that this was going to be the result of deposing Saddam but Bush and Company didn’t listen, because Bush himself was convinced that he had to take Saddam out, either because ‘Daddy’ didn’t get the job done in ‘91 and he felt the Bush family name needed vindication or because Saddam made threats against ‘Daddy’ at a later date, but in any case, it is my opinion that we went to Iraq on the whim of an impertinent child…

The Bush administration ordered a build-up of U.S. forces in Iraq - adding about 30,000 troops for a total of nearly 160,000 - to quell the violence so the government could stabilize and take hold. That would then allow the U.S. to begin the much-demanded withdrawal of troops.

And we could put 1 million men on the ground, if we had an army of that size, and we could lock Iraq down tight, but until the Iraqi people are willing to stand and fight for their own freedom, until such time as the Iraqi people are willing to abandon Sharia law and give democracy a chance, we are spinning our wheels and wasting lives, time and money…

We went to Iraq on false pretences, 1st it was the WMD’s that weren’t there, after that was shot down the mission changed to ‘we have to depose Saddam’ and Operation Iraqi Freedom was kicked off, elections were held, officials were seated and they need to be running their nation, we’ve been training Iraqi police and military for 4 years, and they can’t stand up and take the fight to the insurgents on their own, and the warring tribes of Iraq continue to disrupt ANY attempt at a diplomatic settlement of that nations troubles…

And from the very start, most of the moonbat left was all for going into Afghanistan and taking out Bin Laden and his crew, because even they knew that was where the problem really was, but as soon as Bush started crying about Iraq, the moonbat left said, “It’s ALL about the oil”…

Given the sudden turns and unlimited excuses the Bush administration seems to be capable of making, it may well turn out to be about nothing more than the oil before this is all over with, Bush continues to put the safety and well-being of other nations ahead of our own and still about 27% of this nation supports him, and I seriously have to wonder why…

But there is one thing for certain, some of us tried to tell it like it was, and we were soundly berated for telling the truth, we were called names, we were slandered, had our reputations and service denigrated, by supposed patriots that placed blind loyalty in the president, a president that has proven himself to be the most incompetent warfighting buffoon we have ever had, and now it’s all out there for the people to see, and the Bush administration can’t come to an end soon enough for me…

Full Story Here:
Gates: Iraq Political Reform Difficult

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One Response to “Gates: Iraq Political Reform Difficult”

  1. comment number 1 by: The Hermit

    Nobody who knew anything at all about the Arab countries of the Middle East would ever have expected democracy to work in Iraq. They are way too backwards in social development for a system that depends on not killing anyone who disagrees with you.