Alleged Ft. Hood gunman may have 9/11 mosque link
November 8th, 2009 . by TexasFredAlleged Ft. Hood gunman may have 9/11 mosque link
FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) - A key U.S. senator said Sunday he would begin an investigation into whether the Army missed signs that the man accused of opening fire at Fort Hood had embraced an increasingly extremist view of Islamic ideology.
Sen. Joe Lieberman’s call for the investigation came as word surfaced that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan apparently attended the same Virginia mosque as two Sept. 11 hijackers in 2001, at a time when a radical imam preached there. Whether Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, associated with the hijackers is something the FBI will probably look into, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
Classmates participating in a 2007-2008 master’s program at a military college complained repeatedly to superiors about what they considered Hasan’s anti-American views. Dr. Val Finnell said Hasan gave a presentation at the Uniformed Services University that justified suicide bombing and told classmates that Islamic law trumped the U.S. Constitution.
Another classmate said he complained to five officers and two civilian faculty members at the university. He wrote in a command climate survey sent to Pentagon officials that fear in the military of being seen as politically incorrect prevented an “intellectually honest discussion of Islamic ideology” in the ranks. The classmate also requested anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
Full Story Here:
Alleged Ft. Hood gunman may have 9/11 mosque link
I am going to say some things here that aren’t politically correct. In fact, some of it may very well be as bigoted as anything I have ever posted, bordering on HATE SPEECH regarding Islam.
Once again, I say to my readers, you have been warned!
The 1st thing I have to say isn’t so bad. Look at the title line of this post. ‘Alleged Ft. Hood gunman may have 9/11 mosque link’. Alleged? I guess that is the epitome of political correctness on the part of the media. I hate PCness, and that word just jumped off of the page.
Now, to the serious part, how damned desperate is our military? Don’t they vet their Officer Corps? This guy Hasan went to Mosque with a couple of the 9-11 hijackers? Even if that’s just a maybe, the Army somehow missed that little gem? The guy is a psychiatrist, an officer, he will be debriefing God only knows who in the chain of command, he’ll be hearing the deepest, darkest secrets of combat stressed troops and this guy MAY have attended Mosque with some of the 9-11 attackers?
Hasan has numerous complaints filed. He was an Islamic radical long before he snapped and went on his rampage at Ft. Hood. Others saw it, made their opinions known and nothing was done? This wasn’t even looked into?
“If Hasan was showing signs, saying to people that he had become an Islamist extremist, the U.S. Army has to have zero tolerance,” Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, said on “Fox News Sunday.”"He should have been gone.”
Lieberman has hit this one on the head. An investigation does need to be launched, an immediate investigation that gets ALL the facts and lets the cards fall where they may.
I make absolutely NO secret of the fact that I detest Islam and every one of it’s followers. I don’t believe Islam belongs in America and I know for damned certain that Islam has NO place in our armed forces, but I am also convinced that the PCness brought on our military when the *Don’t ask, don’t tell* bullshit was started is also the PCness that keeps our military screeners and recruiters from being able to ask the really hard questions.
Another thing I don’t understand, Islam is the sworn enemy of the United States, and of ALL free people the world over. WHY would a Muslim want to serve in our military in the 1st place?
That said, why in the hell would our military take Muslims into the service? Don’t they know that Islam, and allegiance to Islam, come before ANY oath that may be taken while swearing in to serve *The Great Satan*? Don’t they get the feeling that our military is being infiltrated? This monster Hasan stands in testament!
Hasan’s family continues to insist that he is a devoted doctor and devout Muslim who showed no signs that he might lash out. What happened on November 5th at Ft. Hood was indeed the work of a devout Muslim, a devout Muslim TERRORIST!
“I’ve known my brother Nidal to be a peaceful, loving and compassionate person who has shown great interest in the medical field and in helping others,” his brother, Eyad Hasan, of Sterling, Va., said in a statement Saturday. “He has never committed an act of violence and was always known to be a good, law-abiding citizen.”
Well Eyad, I have to say, you didn’t know a damned thing about your brother, that, or YOU are a LIAR! I suspect that you’re a liar myself, but what do I know? I’m just a stinking infidel that hates ALL Muslims and detests all that your ALLAH stands for.
It is a possibility that Eyad Hasan is telling the truth. Nidal Hasan may have been a deep cover operative, that *sleeper cell* you hear so much about. If that’s the case, maybe Eyad isn’t a liar, maybe he’s a dupe. Or, maybe he too is a part of that same sleeper cell and trying to divert the investigation of his brother by interjecting all the ways his brother was a GOOD American, a man that LOVED America and was a devout, peaceful Muslim.
Barack Hussein Obama may not be at WAR with Islam. If not, it’s because he is either a fool or one of them. Personally, I am of the belief that he IS one of them. Obama has already urged Americans to ‘not jump to conclusions’ in a jaded defense of Hasan right from the start. Obama headed for Camp David for the weekend, he didn’t bother to make the trip to Ft. Hood to see to the U.S. troops in a personal gesture of love and sympathy. He took a weekend off to gloat over the healthcare debacle passing through the Congress. The troops don’t matter, what the hell, they can wait.
We need to kick Islam OUT of the military. We need to kick Islam OUT of the USA. We need to kick Barack Hussein Obama, all libbers and every damned libber ass kissing RINO OUT of this USA.
Our troops at Ft. Hood have had an act of terrorism committed upon them and no one in the government, no one in the Obama administration, and as far as I can tell, no one in the media has had the balls to call this a TERRORIST ATTACK.
Well, I am going to call it exactly as I see it, this was a TERROR attack, committed by an Islamic terrorist, on OUR soil, on a U.S. military installation.
The FBI, the Army, Homeland Security, DIA, CIA, CID and everyone else that is involved in the protection of this nation better gets their heads OUT of their asses and get serious about their job. PCness be damned, this nation has enemies, and if the powers that be can’t, or won’t go after those enemies, the By GOD, get out of the way and let American patriots do the job that the American government is too CHICKEN SHIT to do!

Once the military did background checks on those who would be officers or in intelligence. But since 9/11 and CAIR came on board with the military, Muslims are not to be checked.
Vermin… An incredibly large INFESTATION of VERMIN… And that is being too kind I think…
I read something about this earlier today and it seems to have a ring of truth to it. Maybe an investagation by Liebermann’s Senate committee will turn up something. I hope so for thats about all we are going to get that isn’t white washed.
Our Arab loving president will do little here. I strongly suspect he sees terrorist as some type of freedom fighter. One must recall his heritage. My father and grandfathers were products of the American Revolution whereas his father and grandfather were products of a terrorist revolution where the Mau Mau fought not against men, but hacked to death women and children in the dead of night with their machetes while blowing those silly whistles hanging from their necks. And later members of his own tribe who were Islamic terrorist burned Christian churches and enforced Sharia law. This is Obama’s heritage. This is the man at the helm, but not the one we can count on to fight terrorist—hell no he sees them as revolutionaries and as I said before freedom fighters.
I’m with you 100% on this one Fred…..but I’m afraid our military takes another stand…” Keep your friends closer and your enemy closer.”….is one of the things that comes to mind….. otherwise the military would not have enlisted Japanese men as soldiers during WW 2. I know that was a different time, but their mindset was almost the same as the radical Muslims of today.
I noticed the word “alleged” as well, TexasFred. I don’t understand why they insist on using that word when it is clear the man is guilty. I mean, he had the guns in his hands and was engaged in a gun battle with the police. What more do they need?
The word “alleged” struck a nerve with me as well. Its that PC thing again.
You asked why any Muslim would serve in the military if the US is their sworn enemy, I read in another article that a radical from that mosque said that Hasan’s actions were the only justifiable reasons for a Muslim to be in the US military. Perhaps this was planned all along. I thought that he wa acting alone but now there is some evidence that he may not have been.
Why was he in our military? I heard someone the other day say that he got his medical education through our military. Isn’t it wonderful knowing that someone like this was taught psychology by our own colleges?
How nice to know we gave a free education to someone that hated our guts, and in my opinion, intended to do something to harm our country all along. Probably not in the way he did, but using that which he knew. Psychological warfare is as important and intimidating as guns and bombs, for an example I offer the Obama administration and their tactics. They use psychological warfare every day and those that follow in lockstep behind them are to stupid to see it.
The Armed Forces have become very PC. Any military co-worker or associate who would have reported Hasan for remarks he made or suspicious activity would have been labeled a racist and most likely thrown out of the Army.
Check out the site at Atlas Shrugs 2000. Halfway down the page there is a link to dated 11/07/09. To paraphrase: Hasan attended Dar-al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Va in 2001. Two of the 9/11 terrorists attended this mosque at the same time. The iman was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni. al-Awlaki now lives in Yemen and is known as an al-Qaeda supporter. Hasan is known to have deep respect for al-Awlaki’s teachings. Aint it a bitch when you have to get your info/intel from the Brits?
Pamela is all over this. Several posts, including a picture of Hasan’s business card where he proclaims he is a “Soldier of Allah”.
Also Jihad Watch has several posts you would want to read.
Papa Ray
Guys, if y’all want to read Atlas and follow Pam, that’s great, but do me a favor? Don’t link her here anymore, OK? It’s a personal thing. Pam does some great work, but she sold her blog with her sexuality, not her writing talents. I am NOT at all impressed by what she did and how she did it a while back. The damned underwater video was the one that finally pushed it over the edge for me. She took *tasteless* to a new level…
These comments can stand but any future links to her blog will be deleted, just letting everyone know, I can’t be more fair than that!
All anyone had to do was ask Hasan what SoA on his business card meant…Soldier of Allah.
What did Hasan do with his earnings? He lived in a modest one bedroom with a blow up mattress and little furniture. He was making a decent living. Will the msm tell us whether he was supporting a mosque financially?
Fred, thanks for putting Perry up, I can’t stomach Hutchinson.
Many people are wondering why this guy didn’t come up on some kind of watch list when he purchased his handgun. What many people don’t realize is that Military Officers are basically above reproach. They are commissioned by Congress and as such are supposedly thoroughly investigated and must be American Citizen; you can enlist without being a citizen but not commissioned as an officer. . As such, they don’t have to present a birth certificate when applying for a Passport; as an enlisted person, I did but officers didn’t. They are also considered Federal Officers. Military officers will always pass a Federal background check when applying for any type of gun permit or application. As far as that goes, a Military Officer is basically the same as a person who holds a FFL and can receive firearms through the mail. I worked for a Major who used to order handguns from distributors just by sending a copy of his military ID card. What’s interesting is many officers don’t know this as it’s not advertised.
I am going to say some things here that aren’t politically correct.
Like we’re all surprised by this statement?
Alleged Ft. Hood gunman may have 9/11 mosque link
Like you, the word ALLEGED jumped out at me, also. Since he was the one shooting, and was shot at by the officers in the commission of this crime, it’s like saying Jack Ruby is the ALLEGED killer of Lee Harvey Oswald - photographic evidence be damned! It is Political Correctness and “Accept all diverse peoples” that got us into the situation we are in now, with a certain “religious” group demanding - and receiving! - concessions from everyone (so as not to offend) and that allowed a muslim and extremist islamic nutcase to be commissioned as an officer int he military of this country.
I foresee a time when a lot of people will be fed up with a certain religious group and there will be a bloody cleansing of America’s palette.
Cary, lately, I have had several readers that have actually tried to tell me how to blog, more or less what to say, corrected my posts in comments to suit THEIR agenda and all around have appeared to be pissing and moaning about my lack of PCness…
I figure if I post a disclaimer, I beat em to the punch… Kinda like the Douchebag award.. I have NEVER posted one without being questioned and/or criticized for not posting something else… Screw it, it’s gone…
I have never posted for others, and I don’t really give a damn if this pisses off a few folks, I post for me, if they like it, cool, if not, screw em, don’t let the doorknob… So forth and so on…
Regarding the bloody cleansing, sooner rather than later works for me, kill em ALL and let Allah figure out where to get the virgins…
Fred, if you EVER post something that is not your pure unvarnished opinion, I will quit reading you.
Your opinion and your outlook are the reason I read this blog. If I wanted slanted pablum suitable for general consumption, I would be reading,, and the HuffPo.
My apologies for using the bad words in the previous sentence.
Never fear my friend, I WILL ALWAYS post the truth as I see it, call it like I see it and damn the torpedoes…
I just get a bit fed up with the emails telling me, “Well, if I was doing it… ”
Screw em, they need to run theirs and let ME run mine…
Hey Fred that underwater video sounds kinky. You got a link to it? lol.
And check out who is leading the FBI investigation!
Now I’m hearing some rumblings that this guy did show up on the intel chain, but, somebody dropped the ball… Now, where have we all heard that before..?
Re-read the above comment # 12,,,,, you will see HASAN”S business card.
Notice that the arab fucker can’t even spell HEALTH right both times. You would think that he would have noticed this right on. But No, he didn’t. Just did not care, because killing infidels was not part of any health issue.
This piece of shit, HASAN, should be found guilty in a military tribunal, and be placed in front of a firing squad!
I also notice that he is accused of killing 13.
What about the female soldier Velez, who was 8 mos pregnant?
This baby was not counted in the death toll, and I want to know why????
In the Calif killing, a few years ago, Scott Peterson killed his wife who was pregnant, and Scott was convicted of killing 2 people!!