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Alberto Gonzales Hires Defense Attorney

October 11th, 2007 . by TexasFred

WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has hired a high-powered Washington lawyer to represent him in investigations of mismanagement of the Justice Department. George Terwilliger, a white-collar crime defense attorney and the second-ranking Justice official in the early 1990s, was on the White House’s short list last month to replace Gonzales.

Investigators are look into allegations that Gonzales lied to lawmakers and illegally allowed politics to influence hiring and firing at the department.

Terwilliger said Gonzales, a close friend of the president’s and a former Texas Supreme Court justice, maintains he did nothing wrong or illegal, and that hiring an attorney should not signal any guilt.

“It would really be unfair to individuals who are smart enough to get themselves a lawyer to draw some inference that they need a lawyer because they did something wrong,” Terwilliger said in an Associated Press interview.

Full Story Here:
Alberto Gonzales Hires Defense Attorney

Ya know, I may be wrong, but I am seriously of the belief that there’s going to be a lot of high powered lawyers put on retainer as the Bush administration draws to a close, and being an attorney himself, and especially being the former AG, I am guessing that Gonzo thinks he’s may need an attorney, and as I have heard said, an attorney that represents himself, has a fool for a client, so, all in all, Gonzo is likely making a wise decision…

And since Terwilliger didn’t get the job as AG, and can’t prosecute Gonzo FOR the government, he might as well make a ton of money defending him FROM the government, hell, Terwilliger can’t lose…

Just sayin’…

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