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Cop slips, sues brain-damaged toddler’s family

October 11th, 2007 . by TexasFred

CASSELBERRY, Fla. — A police officer who slipped and injured a knee responding to a toddler’s near-drowning has sued the family of the 1-year-old boy, who suffered brain damage and can no longer walk, talk or swallow.

Casselberry Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn alleges Joey Cosmillo’s family left a puddle of water on the floor, causing her fall during the rescue efforts. She broke her knee and missed two months of work.

The boy fell into the pool outside the family’s home in suburban Orlando in January and now lives in a nursing home and eats and breathes through tubes.

“The loss we’ve suffered, and she’s seeking money?” said Richard Cosmillo, 69, the boy’s grandfather, who lived in the home with his wife and the boy’s mother. “Of course there’s going to be water in the house. He was sopping wet when we brought him in.”

Eichhorn’s attorney, David Heil, said she has persistent knee pain and will likely develop arthritis. He said city benefits paid by workers’ compensation and some disability checks helped with medical bills, but it wasn’t enough.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.

“It’s a situation where the Cosmillos have caused these problems, brought them on themselves, then tried to play the victim,” Heil said.

Eichhorn’s personnel file includes numerous commendations. The 12-year veteran has worked as a hostage negotiator and prostitution decoy and wrestled razors away from a suicidal person.

Police Chief John Pavlis said Eichhorn was a good officer, though he urged her not to sue.

Houston Chronicle
Cop slips, sues brain-damaged toddler’s family

This is one of the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long time…

This police officer is, in MY opinion, nothing more than a money grubbing scoundrel, if this suit is allowed to go to court, there is NO justice in this world, there was an injured child, almost drowned, and the floor was wet, what in the hell was the family supposed to do?? Mop it up and let the child die??

As all of you that read my blog regularly know, I believe in BACKING THE BLUE, we are a police family, and have been for many years, but this cop in Florida is doing the wrong thing, her injury, and many like it, are a part of the chance you take every time you put on a badge and gun, frivolous lawsuits and the people that file them, are a huge part of the ruination of our justice system, this thing must be stopped…

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12 Responses to “Cop slips, sues brain-damaged toddler’s family”

  1. comment number 1 by: Debbie

    I was just listening to an interview of the child’s parents. Many states have laws that prohibit rescue workers of all sorts from suing families or anyone if they get hurt in the process of performing their jobs. Florida does not have this law.

    It’s my understanding that insurance, disability, etc. paid for the bills of the rescue worker. I think this is wrong.

  2. comment number 2 by: Debbie

    The police person just dropped the suit.

  3. comment number 3 by: TexasFred

    Just heard that on FOX too… :)

    I am guessing that the pressure was more than she could take…

  4. comment number 4 by: Jenn

    It’s my understanding that she is considered a VERY good cop, very responsible.

    I cannot fathom what made her do what she did.

  5. comment number 5 by: TexasFred

    Some dip-shit shyster talked her into it, MONEY, it can corrupt the very best at times…

    But she placed herself in a hell of a position over this, talk about coming out of a lawsuit looking like a heel…

  6. comment number 6 by: Basti

    IMO something as the Brits say ‘has gone wonky’ with many cops in this country. From the multitude of taser incidents that were over kill to the woman at Phoenix airport to this lawsuit. IMO, cops are in danger of destroying the base that has always supported them, white people. I think this is because now it seems to be the policy to consider all non-cops as guilty of something no matter the circumstances. This ‘us against them’ attitude isn’t good for the image of cops and we all know that 90% of anything is image.

    I said on my blog that if white support of cops drops to the level of people of color support, cops are in for a very rough time indeed.

  7. comment number 7 by: jo

    She has dropped the lawsuit. For some reason, she had no idea this would really piss off human type folks and she would be held up to ridicule.

    I think she spilled some brain cells when she slipped.

  8. comment number 8 by: TexasFred

    I think so too Jo… She IS an idiot, a money grubbing idiot… Now I don’t begrudge anyone money they really have coming but this was just a part of the job and she really needs the shit slapped out of her..

  9. comment number 9 by: jo

    Here’s the link with her photo..and she has been placed on leave. I can’t believe she didn’t realize this would reflect badly on her, and the noblest of professions.

  10. comment number 10 by: TexasFred

    Kinda dyke looking to me… :?

  11. comment number 11 by: Ranando

    Come on people, have some compassion.

    Maybe she didn’t get laid the night before, we all know how that can change your attitude and really piss you off.

    Or maybe she’s just pissed every 21 days or so.

    This is exactly why Hillary should never be President.

  12. comment number 12 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    This was just plain stupid.

    Basti: in terms of cops, consider the current gene pool: mama’s boys, sheltered and coddled infants, dykes, kids growing up on esteem and T-ball. Or, you could go into Compton and recruit. I don’t quite think you should be so rapidimente to judge. Yes, some cops do some stupid things. They’re the ones making the news. Just like doctors and mechanics and computer technicians and lawyers and bricklayers and sales executives and pilots do stupid things. Bitch-slap the bitch and let’s move on.
