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Obama: No Hand on Heart for National Anthem

October 23rd, 2007 . by TexasFred

A Picture is worth a thousand word!

During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. - United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171

Turns out that
not wearing a flag lapel pin isn’t the only way Barack Obama chooses to show he’s a different kind of Democrat.

Have a look at the photo from the October 1, 2007 edition of “Time.” It shows Obama, Hillary and Bill Richardson at the Steak Fry of Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on September 17 in Indianola, IA during [according to the photo caption] the National Anthem. Richardson and Clinton have their hands on their heart. But not Obama. Does he perhaps believe that, like wearing the flag pin, the hand on the heart isn’t “true patriotism”?

“Time” ran the photo without comment. I haven’t seen coverage of this anywhere else in the MSM. Perhaps some enterprising reporter can ask the Illinois senator about his decision to spurn this American tradition.Meanwhile, does Obama have some third act or omission planned to demonstrate that he’s not falling for those corny, old-fashioned displays of patriotism?

H/T reader J.S.

NOTE: The original version of this item, based on a reader submission, stated that the photo was apparently taken during the Pledge of Allegiance. I’ve now located The original “Time” image, whose caption states that it was taken during the National Anthem.

Obama: No Hand on Heart for National Anthem

I know there will be a few readers that say I’m picking on Obama because he’s black and because I’m a NAZI or a racist, or a skinhead or some such garbage, and to those people I say, as usual, you’re wrong, I am taking issue with Obama on this matter because he IS an un-American, closet Muslim ASSHOLE.

Is that plain enough for all the reverse racists, bleeding heart libbers and dyed in the wool Dems out there?? Your boy Obama has NO concept of AMERICA, he has no love of country, he is an empty suit and his only agenda is to get elected so he can, in MY opinion, surrender this nation to Islam.

His words say otherwise but his actions speak the truth, a lot more than he would care to have known, any man that will NOT honor the flag of his nation is NOT a patriot, if the Dems in this nation are too stupid to see this for themselves, they are truly a lost cause, and I sincerely hope that they are NOT that stupid, don’t fall for the bullshit that comes from this America hating SOB Obama, he is NOT what he wishes you to believe him to be.

A hat tip to my blogging buddy Chicago Ray for having this story up, I found it there and I hope every blogger in this nation uses it, even the so-called progressives, Obama is their enemy as much as he is the enemy of all Conservatives.

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30 Responses to “Obama: No Hand on Heart for National Anthem”

  1. comment number 1 by: Big White Hat

    I’m dumbfounded.

    Is that real?

    How could anyone in a campaign be that stupid?

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Look at WHO it is…

  3. comment number 3 by: Chicago Ray

    Pretty friggin incredible for a punk who wants to be president? I am writing the Illinois Senate and anyone else that I can today to have this man rebuked for this complete disrespect for our country displayed on that day.

    Thanks Fred

  4. comment number 4 by: Ranando

    It’s not only Obama, it’s also every one that supports this RagHeaded Porch Monkey.

    Incredible, what is this country becoming?

  5. comment number 5 by: Lisa

    This guy is an idiot and I pity anyone in support of him. It will be a sad day if, God forbid, this man takes the presidency.

  6. comment number 6 by: Basti

    Obama, I’m telling you is a damned rag-head ‘Stealth Muslim’ and I don’t care who the hell says that’s bullshit. I know a lying prick when I see/hear one and Obama is a lying prick.

  7. comment number 7 by: Ranando

    I just showed this to my wife, she couldn’t believe it.

    I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, “I will leave the USA if this man gets elected”. That might make a few people happy but I mean it. I went through 8 years of Bush, I have no plans of going through one day of this Allah Islam Muslim Black Cocksucker.

  8. comment number 8 by: TexasFred

    And for those doubting Thomas’, just Google this: Obama, no hand over heart and read the story, SEE the video and read the comments from the disgusting LIBBER assholes supporting this libber son of a bitch MUZZIE bastard Obama…

  9. comment number 9 by: cary

    And to think, I was trying to find a simple explanation for why this country shouldn’t elect Obama. Many, many thanks to the man himself for providing the best visual ever.

  10. comment number 10 by: Sandy

    Absolutely freakin’ speechless……..

  11. comment number 11 by: kathy

    Big White Hat expressed my thoughts exactly..

    How could anyone in a campaign be that stupid?

    unbelievable!! Great post Fred!

  12. comment number 12 by: Kate

    If it weren’t for bloggers, half the crap they pull would never be known! Let’s hear it for the 1st Amendment, which, thank the Good Lord, we still have….until someone like Hussein there, or the Hildebeast gets in office.

  13. comment number 13 by: Blue Star Chronicles

    Barack Obama Ignores the National Athem to Express His Patriotism…

    Barack Obama is once again expressing his patriotism in unique ways. Remember when he took his lapel flag pin off as a statement of patriotism? Now he ignores the National Anthem. I guess we have to assume that his reasons for that are patriotic as we…

  14. comment number 14 by: BobF

    Here is the actual ABC Video of the National Anthem being “sung” and Obama’s disrespect.


  15. comment number 15 by: GUYK

    I have been calling him Ossama Obomma along..

  16. comment number 16 by: Southern Sass on Crime

    pandering to the uber liberals…

    From Texas Fred :
    During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdres…

  17. comment number 17 by: LittleOleLady

    Like GuyK I have been calling him Barak Saddam Hussein Osama bin Laden.. er.. Obama.. all along… and like so many others so eloquently put it.. I too believe he is a muslim in sheeps clothing, IMO if he truly cared about this country after what happened on 9/11 then he’d pull out of the race and let the nation heal.. maybe become a voice of ‘former’ muslims against terrorism.

    I dread to think where we’d be headed if he were to get elected.. one good thing about Hitlery (*gasp* did I just say there was anything good about her??) at least she’ll make sure he doesn’t, but by Gawd, that’d leave us with HER to deal with… and since women are yea less than dirt to muslim men, we will be really in the mud puddle with our enemies.

    As for him not saluting, doesn’t surprise me at all.. he’s doing all of this crap to win the votes of the ultra libbers, and it looks like it’s working… however, that won’t win him the dem primary.


  18. comment number 18 by: jo

    My trackback thing is broken again …grumble…will try again.

  19. comment number 19 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Chicago Ray hit it on the head: he’s a PUNK. Pure and simple.


  20. comment number 20 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Fred: can I steal the photo and make a link? I think EVERYONE needs to see this photo.


  21. comment number 21 by: TexasFred

    YES, I sent you an email about it already, by ALL means, steal it and link back…

  22. comment number 22 by: TexasFred

    Not only is Obama a son of a bitch for being so disrespectful, that shrieking demon that was TRYING to sing, she needs to be shot as well…

  23. comment number 23 by: Ranando

    I’d rather vote for a one eyed one legged, bald, Albino Oriental Catholic Spanish Speaking Jewish Midget from Botswana.

    At least I’d know what I’m getting.

  24. comment number 24 by: Mover Mike

    Lack of Respect Shown…

  25. comment number 25 by: gunz

    When I first saw this on TV earlier the first thing that came to my mind was “What a disloyal, non America believing asshole” But that was the kinder way of thinking and it quickly transitioned into “Pathetic sorry ass fuckin’ nigger” Thats what I think he is, I aint going to hide it.

  26. comment number 26 by: Joe

    I was going to write about this one myself last night, but got to worked up to do so without every other sentence being laced with profanity.

    I agree with everything you wrote Fred.

    The fact that someone who has such a lack of respect for America could even be mentioned as a presidential candidate, yet alone actually be one makes my stomach turn.

  27. comment number 27 by: Steve Dennis

    I have to wonder, is this man just ignorant or was this contrived? I don’t believe he is ignorant, so what is he trying to prove? The look on his face pisses me off too for some reason.

  28. comment number 28 by: Bluebonnet Sue

    Maybe Obama was suffering so much from listening to whoever was singing the Star Spangled Banner that he forgot to put his hand on his heart. GEEZ ! That was as bad or worse than Rosanne’s version. Listen to it… if you can stand it!


    Anyone who mangles the National Anthem like that should be branded as unpatriotic as well !

  29. comment number 29 by: Johnathan P.Jansky

    Well? What do you expect? He’s a closet Muslim.

    Barack Hussein Obama’s father, stepfather and grandfather were Muslims. He was by Islamic law born a Muslim. This cannot be changed. Mohammed said if anyone turns his back on Islam, kill him. Why no death threats by radical Muslims? Do they know something we don’t? Obama became a Christian when he started having political ambitions. (read up on his church for a shock) How do we know he’s a Christian? Because he says so? The principle of Al-Takeyya conveys the understanding that Muslims are permitted to lie.
    He is indeed a liar. Not only about being a Muslim has he lied, but he stated that his father was a ‘goat herder’ when he was a prosperous farmer. He’s an admitted drug user. He was involved in a shady real estate deal with a guy who associated with radical Muslims. He has demonstrated his immaturity by trying to get Fox banned from his news conferences, and by warning against making fun of his ears. He’s an empty suit pimped by the media. As someone said, the presidency is not an entry level position.

  30. comment number 30 by: Mover Mike » Lack of Respect Shown

    [...] Texas Fred is upset with Barack Hussein Obama’s lack of respect. During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. – United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171 [...]