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Iraq Pledges to Fight Kurdish Rebels

November 3rd, 2007 . by TexasFred

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pledged Saturday to work with his country’s neighbors to fight terrorism, comments that come under intense pressure from Turkey and the United States for his government to help put an end to attacks from Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq.

A short time later, Iraqi authorities shut down an office of the Kurdistan Democratic Solution party in Irbil , an organization that allegedly had close ties to Kurdish guerrillas.

The top U.S. diplomat, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was playing go-between with Turkish and Iraqi officials as escalating tensions along the Turkish-Iraqi border overshadowed an international meeting on Iraq’s future. Turkish troops are massed on the border, and world leaders are trying to prevent an assault that could open a new front in the Iraq war.

“Iraq should not be a base for attacks against neighbors,” al-Maliki said. “We will cooperate with our neighbors in defeating this threat.”

For some odd reason, al-Maliki reminds me of a very stubborn mule, one that, in addition to being stubborn, is NOT too bright either, al-Maliki would, in MY opinion, if left to his own devices, allow Iraq to fall into the hands of Iran and a-Qaeda, I honestly believe that, I also honestly believe that al-Maliki is a lot like the CHOCOLATES in New Orleans, he’ll sit back and wait for someone to come and help him, no matter who it is or what the consequences may be, he is very shy about lifting a hand to help himself or his nation, but he will scream bloody murder if he feels that the people that ARE spending BILLIONS of their tax dollars on him and his people actually want or expect something from him…

Earlier, al-Maliki’s spokesman had warned that no one can stop Kurdish rebels in Iraq’s remote northern border region from attacking Turkey.

“It’s not in our capacity” to capture the rebels, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said. “It’s not even in the capacity of Turkey.”

It may not be something Iraq can accomplish but I feel they are wrong in saying that the Turks can’t make it happen, if you’ve never seen the Turks in action, well, from a warriors standpoint, it IS a sight to behold…

I personally consider the Iraqis to be less than desirable as allies, in any way, for one thing, I don’t believe they can ever be trusted, there is going to always be that inherent allegiance to Allah and Islam above anything else, and that allegiance is more directed to Imams than the deity of Allah itself, so, IF their particular Mullah of the Moment is a moonbat, that’s the way the ball rolls for the Iraqis, Death to America and all that nonsense…

And if you want to see not in our capacity at it’s finest, look at Iraq while under Saddam, no one in Iraq felt it was their job to remove the most tyrannical dictator since Hitler or Stalin, Iraqis lack motivation and drive, they do score well in deception though, I believe in giving the devil his due…

Until now, Iraq’s border with Turkey to the north was not considered much of a problem for U.S. forces or the fragile government in Baghdad. That changed over the past month with an onslaught of attacks by the PKK rebel group.

The deaths of more than 40 people over the past month have pushed Turkey to threaten a major offensive across the Iraq border unless Iraq and the United States can neutralize the rebels first. The Turkish anger came on top of umbrage over a U.S. congressional vote labeling the 1915 deaths of Armenians at the hands of Ottoman Turks a genocide.

The Kurds may not be considered by Baghdad to be a problem but the Kurds are a long ways from Baghdad, it appears that the PKK rebels have attacked the Turks, and that was NOT the smartest move the PKK could make, the Turks have a way of reacting to attacks that is a lot different than the USA, they don’t go in and do a surgical air strike and wipe out 3 top terrorists and call it good, they wipe out whole villages and then let any survivors know, “THIS is what you get, tell your neighbors, we KILL you!“, war the way war should be fought…

Regarding the Armenian thing, that my friends is nothing more than the Dem Bulbs in Congress trying to disrupt one of the better alliances we have in that part of the world by dredging up something that happened a century ago, remember, if it’s good for the USA, the Dems are going to dispute it…

And one other thing, I sincerely hope that our next president will appoint a MALE as Secretary of State, there is nothing that makes us look any worse in certain regions of the world than having a FEMALE Secretary of State throwing HER weight around with the most backwards and sexually repressed societies on earth…

Full Story Here:
Iraq Pledges to Fight Kurdish Rebels

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One Response to “Iraq Pledges to Fight Kurdish Rebels”

  1. comment number 1 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    And the ONLY reason the Demorats did that is to throw whatever massive monkey wrench they could into this administration. Right or wrong, whatever you think of Bush, the Demorats will do ANYTHING they can due to their hatred of Bush, NO MATTER how it happens to affect this country. Yes, the Turks aren’t like us, and they’ll do whatever it takes to solve a problem.
