Former Copeland employees speak out
November 8th, 2007 . by TexasFredOne day after the announcement of a congressional investigation into their ministry finances, televangelists Kenneth and Gloria Copeland of Fort Worth may have a new set of problems.
Revelations have arisen from former ministry insiders that say Copeland’s faithful followers are being misled and that it’s time for the truth to come out.
It was News 8 that first reported on the private use of the Copeland ministry’s $20 million jet, trips made to a ski resort and exotic game hunting ranch.
But the real turbulence for Copeland’s ministry may come from within the security gates of his Eagle Mountain Church and Ministry Headquarters that are north of Fort Worth.
Full Story Here:
Former Copeland employees speak out
Once in a while Brett Shipp and I disagree on things, it happened a while back concerning a story on a family that was separated here in Texas and held on immigration charges, Alien detention sparks Congressional probe, Brett fell one way on the story and I fell another, no big deal, it happens, but be that as it may, Brett Shipp is still one heck of an investigative reporter and he did a wonderful job on this piece, I watched his report on our 10PM news on Wednesday night and was really impressed at the way he did his story, and how it ties in to the Senate questions being asked of megachurch pastors and to the posts I have made on this subject as well…
Shipp’s story points out the fact that Copeland doesn’t even see the prayer requests and cash donations that come in the mail daily, well, I guess he DOES see the cash, a large part of it, or what it can buy, but according to former employees, Copeland, who I have personally heard say that HE would pray FOR you, never actually does, he has associate ministers do the praying for him, and employees are operating under an unwritten rule that if Copeland or his wife happen to walk thru the building the employees are to act as if they didn’t, I guess the Copeland’s just don’t want to be disturbed by the little people…
And when I saw the aerial shots of the Copeland home, I was rolling as Shipp described the 18,000 square foot ‘parsonage’, with private tennis courts and ALL the refinements a body could want…
Oh yeah, the Gulf Stream jet was pretty sharp too, they use it to go on skiing trips to Colorado and to go big game hunting as well, now I have to wonder, if Copeland takes a really nice trophy, do they strap it to the nose of the Gulf Stream like Bubba does a deer on the hood of his pickup truck in east Texas??
I don’t know why the sudden interest in the finances of megachurch ministers but I am glad to see it happening, I am convinced that there are many financial irregularities in some of these megachurch organizations and it’s time that they were taken to task, I hope Brett Shipp does some serious followup on this one, I will be watching, and Brett, if you happen to read this piece, you did good man, very good!
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I say bust them and take them down, each and everyone of them.
He was always a little too sanctimonious for my taste. :/ It’s no wonder Christianity keeps getting a bad rap when the most public so called reps are horse’s rumps.
Did no one learn from Jim & Tammy Faye!!?
When my Mom was getting pretty old, not too terribly long before she died, we were taking care of her finances, making sure she had enough money in the bank and so forth, anyway, I found out she was sending money to Jimmy Swaggart, this was WAY after his 2nd disgraceful fall, and that tearful “I have sinned” bullshit, I asked her, “What in the hell do you think you’re doing sending money to that asshole??”
Mom, “Brother Jimmy said he was gonna pray for me…”
And she believed that BS too, shortly after my sister moved her into her home and was able to bring an end to that particular BULLSHIT….
Their hypocrisy has only fueled the left. The church has lost much luster on the con artists who claim to speak on God’s behalf.
There are many who need to be brought down and restore what true Christianity really is.
Now is as good a time as any.
What’s that saying — ? Something about cockroaches and being exposed to the light of day?
Expensive clothes, huge state of the art facilities, etc. Why should anyone be surprised at these televangelists? I heard that one had a $28,000.00 bathroom! WTF?!
I hope the Senator and the news media keep this investigation out front, and do not waiver when these crooks start yelling the government is bullying them, this has been needed for some time, I wondered if these wolves in sheeps clothing would ever be brought out in the light of day for the crooks they really are, taking advantage of the weak, ederly, the sick, and the poor, promising them miracles of health and wealth if they send there ministry money, then living like royality on the money these poor souls send them…this has been a long time coming, God is beginning to clean house….please keep holding these people’s feet to the fire, don’t let up!