News and Commentary from TexasFred
November 29th, 2007 . by TexasFredSAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) - Rodney King, whose videotaped police beating in 1991 led to deadly rioting when the officers involved were acquitted, was shot on a street corner, but his wounds were not life-threatening, police said. King, 42, was shot two or three times from a distance by birdshot fired from a shotgun. He then bicycled about 1 1/2 miles back to his home in neighboring Rialto and called police. King was hit in the face, arms, back and torso, police said.
Full Story Here:
Rodney King Sprayed With Shotgun Pellets
Ya know, I’m starting to think there’s folks out there that just don’t like Rodney King… Trouble follows that guy everywhere he goes…
EL DORADO, Kan. (AP) - A body found in Kansas appears to be that of a missing college student who led a secret life as an Internet porn star, police said Thursday. (snip) Sander, 18, was last seen leaving an El Dorado bar Friday with a man who has been the focus of a nationwide search since police found large quantities of blood in a Kansas motel room where he was staying.
Full Story Here:
Missing Student’s Body Apparently Found
Not trying to be judgemental but, 18 years old, hanging out in bars, making internet porn, and somehow folks are shocked by her death??
LONDON (AP) - Like UV rays and diesel exhaust fumes, working the graveyard shift will soon be listed as a “probable” cause of cancer. It is a surprising step validating a concept once considered wacky. And it is based on research that finds higher rates of breast and prostate cancer among women and men whose work day starts after dark. Â
Full Story Here:
Graveyard Shift Work Linked to Cancer
Yeah, OK, maybe, but I still think it’s a wacky idea, suppose you work a rotating shift?? Does that lower your risk by 50%??
WASHINGTON - A lawsuit against Blackwater Worldwide alleges widespread use of steroids and other drugs by the contractor’s workers in Iraq and accuses its bodyguards of abandoning their post shortly before taking part in a shooting in Baghdad that killed 17 Iraqi civilians.
Full Story Here:
Lawsuit: Blackwater guards on steroids
As far as drugs or abandoning posts and any other accusations, I have nothing to say because I have no 1st hand knowledge, but I DO know, for a fact, that there is, or was, rampant abuse of steroids by contractors and troops, YES, I DID say troops… I know, I am denigrating the troops and trying to do damage to the war effort, that will be the interpretation some read into this, but you know, the truth is something a few people can’t handle, and the FACT is, there was steroid abuse by OUR troops, so, it wouldn’t be all that hard to imagine Blackwater guys doing it too, or, possibly being the ones bringing at least some of it in country, just sayin’…
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The Federal Emergency Management Agency is planning to close by Friday as many as 13 trailer parks in Louisiana where victims of the 2005 hurricanes are currently living. The move is intended to help the hurricane victims move into more stable, permanent housing, FEMA said. But advocates are concerned that a housing shortage in the still-recovering area could leave some struggling to find a place to live.
Full Story Here:
FEMA to Close Post-Katrina Trailer Parks
There’s only one way that New Orleans will EVER be totally rebuilt, and that’s for the Feds to make the lazy, teet suckling cretins IN New Orleans to get off of their welfare entitlement asses and get the job done…
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As far as the steroid abuse; I am not going to condone it, but I am not overly concerned by it. If you where thousands of miles away from home, in a Islamic country with limited forms of entertainment, you are going to need to do something to allow you mind to escape.
Back in University I was into power lifting/body building. I had no real intention to ever compete; frankly there was no way I would have been able to maintain the diet or achieve reasonable symmetry. But, I did get very much addicted to it. I stood 5′10″ with a solid 53″ chest and saw myself still wanting to get big one day. I was tempted to try steroids, and would not have had any trouble getting some; but there was something kind of cool about being one of the strongest clean guys in the gym; and hey, it is not like my job or life depended on being stronger, faster or in better condition.
So with that said, with the time on their hands, and the fact that their life could depend on their conditioning I could see the a strong temptation to use steroids.
So does this make me an enabler?
Ok, help me to understand on this Blackwater thing. What does some of these guards taking steroids have to do with Iraqi civilians getting shot in a crossfire with terrorists? What does these guards abandoning their posts have to do with this also. Maybe the reason no diplomats were killed was because the guards abandoned their posts when the sensed something wasn’t right.
This is a private company so why should they have to continually give drug testing?
It’s amazing how US lawyers made their way though Baghdad streets to find these “victims”. I wondered who the lawyers used for bodyguards?
You hire these guys to protect your butt and send them into a hell-hole of a country where they’re constantly under attack and you want them to follow the ridiculous ROE’s that are getting our troops killed on a daily basis. Crap like this just totally pisses me off.
Rampant steroid use among contractors? Possibly. I’m no expert, but in the experience we had in 04 - 05 the company Mark worked for was pretty strict on alcohol, drugs, etc. There’s something about rolling an 80,000 lb rig through Fallujah that kinda makes you want to stay sober… I’m sure the same can be said here.
Anyway, like BobF said, what does that have to do with this, other than they couldn’t dig up any more dirt and make our soldiers and contractors look bad and the enemy good in the public’s eye?
As for the rest of the post (and this section, too…) great job analyzing the nuttiness going on in the world. You’re gonna give O’Reilly a run for his money
Oh, yeah….. no news and commentary on whether or not Joren Vandersloot killed Natalie Holloway? Thanks SOOOOO much……
Uh, by contractors I meant ARMED contractors, I had no contact with the other guys…
I want frank talk about immigrant-
I want to elimate anchor babies. If one or both parents are illegal then the baby is illegal. Yes, punish the child for the sins of the parents. No money, education, scholarship or medical taxpayer money should go towards them.
No more “push for spanish” or any other language. No more instructions, signs, atms etc in any other language then english. It is time to make it more difficult to be here illegally. If you are legal you must learn to speak and read the language, as my grandparents. How dare Mexico or any country tell us we should not secure our borders or make laws to decrease the population of immigrants.Yes, I want to see their papers!
I assure YOU the work that people claim will not be done here in the States if we deported the illegals will get done. PLEASE!! That is what the south said if slavery was make illegal, who would pick the cotton and the economy of the south would be hurt?
Sincerely, Debra McHale Comstock
Mad Irishman, you kinda lost me there, that one ventured a bit off ALL 5 snippets didn’t it??
I knew that, TexasFred
There are so many kinds and types of contractors out there. Of course, being armed is yet another reason to stay sober and drug free…
Fuck! No wonder I’ve got cancer! I worked damned GRAVEYARD shifts! Like I had a choice. . .
LMAO, Aye Fred it did. I told this person I’d direct them o’er here and what not . . . seemed a good site for them to take part in considering their concerns….however; I was in a MAD rush and merely pasted her comments in somewhere and sent her the link etc…
sorry bout that….things er a lil crazy o’er here.
LMAO… Shit happens Irishman, I totally understand…