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UN Powers Agree on More Iran Sanctions

January 25th, 2008 . by TexasFred

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Major U.N. Security Council powers have agreed on an incremental increase in sanctions on Iran, including a new restriction on exporters doing business with the country, diplomats said Thursday.

A draft resolution also calls for more monitoring of Iran’s military and financial institutions, broader travel bans on Iranian nuclear scientists and other key officials, and freezing the assets of people and banks linked to weapons proliferation, Security Council diplomats told The Associated Press.

Diplomats from the five nations with veto power on the council - the U.S., Russia, China, Britain and France - spent a third day negotiating a final agreement on principles that would form the basis for a third round of U.N. sanctions on Iran. They were joined by Germany, which has long been involved in efforts to resolve the Iran nuclear dispute.

The general terms were hammered out in Berlin earlier this week, chiefly through negotiations between U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Those elements have been closely held, though they have begun circulating among the rest of the 15-member council.

Russia and China, which have strong business ties with Iran, resisted earlier British and French draft principles pushing for harsher sanctions if Iran keeps refusing to stop enriching uranium - a process that can provide fuel for a nuclear reactor or fissile material for a bomb.

Full Story Here:
UN Powers Agree on More Iran Sanctions

More U.N. sanctions huh??

Well, that should do the trick, U.N. sanctions work every time…

Just look at how successful they were in Iraq…

Cross posted at Reject the U.N.

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2 Responses to “UN Powers Agree on More Iran Sanctions”

  1. comment number 1 by: FHB

    They’ve always done so much good in the past. Always amazed at how they find elaborate ways too do nothing and make it sound so official.

  2. comment number 2 by: GUYK

    there is just one valid reason for the USA to stay in the UN and that is for the same reason that I read the NY Times..to keep an eye on what the enemy is doing.