LittleOleLady says: It’s a job, stoopid.
February 6th, 2008 . by TexasFred
From my friend LittleOleLady, visit her site, she posts some great stuff.
It’s been on my mind since day one every time I hear someone say they like Obama as the democrat candidate for president.. why?
The man has virtually no experience but can talk like the best southern black preacher. Is that it? The fact that they want a preacher as POTUS? I find it odd if that is it because every time a conservative comes up that is a Church going Christian liberals fall into fits.
Or is it that in many ways when they look at the almost comical way he acts when he is giving those speeches they are entertained as he reminds them of the silly way black preachers often portrayed in movies?
Can it be that the white guilt comes into play more than they want to admit? I have heard several say that if he were elected it would heal old wounds.. what the heck does that mean? So, to put salve on the conscience of a people that NEVER owned a slave we are supposed to allow a man that never had an ancestor in our country that was a slave to become the leader of our nation?
I have watched more debates this time around than I ever have, and as I watched the discussions after the debates and heard all those pinheads say they liked Obama ‘He stands for a change’.. seems no one ever understands that change just for changes sake isn’t necessarily a good thing.. they never said WHY they liked him, what has he done and what will he do?
Finally I heard on Hannity and Colmes the other night, Hannity ask a group of them to name ONE thing he has done in his short political career, and not one could come up with more than he has likability’s!
I knew they liked him as they guy they’d like to party with, many of those pin heads have said that .. but they forget that when we elect someone we are in a sense hiring them to work for us for four years.
I wonder just how many of those same people that are supporting him because of the (IMO weak) things he is using as a platform, would want to hire the guy with his lack of qualifications for a job to be their employee based on he has likability’s and they’d like to party with them.
The worst thing is over the past few months, even though I do NOT like Hitlery and would not vote for her, I have found myself wanting to see her beat Obama, the reasoning is IMO in the presidential election I don’t think that any of the republican candidates could win out over the Obama AND the MSM steamroller machines. With Hitlery no matter how lousy the republican candidate is, at least he stands a chance.
Source: LittleOleLady says: It’s a job, stoopid.
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It’s going to be Hell for anyone who opposes Obama if he’s the candidate. Every time they try to point out his shortcomings, the charge of RACISM is going to be leveled. The Clinton’s’ have found this out so can you imagine what it’s going to be like for a Republican. Look for Sharpton and Jackson to have prominent rolls in his election if he wins the Democrat nomination.
He’s a triumph of style over substance. But then so are the rest of the fools running.
Form over substance…American’s are so shallow that they can not see beyond what is obvious. They are too lazy to really listen and think for themselves.
So what we end up with is candidates who look and speak in a way that makes us “trust” them.
bah, bah…sheep like we follow the bell.
Nothing has changed nor will it really; not unless there is mass insurrection or a nuke cooks off in a major city. Americans are stupid, undereducated, nursed, coddled, fed ridiculous bromides and platitudes, have more concern for the newest fatuous idiot on American Idol — than they do for the individual or organization that will demean the electorate, demean the country, empty the taxpayers’ pockets, destabilize the union and make us weaker as a country and as a collective, inventive, motivated Western Civilization.
People: there is no Utopia, there is no Shangri-La. There never will be. Because, after all, we are human and we are not perfect. Hope, longing, “good thoughts” will NOT trump reality. BABAGTFOI.
There are those on the right who worry that Obama will be soft on terror because he wants to withdraw the troops regardless. It should be noted that every major war in the last century was started by Democrats. I say let’s give this guy a chance and hope that he is the one to start bombing Iran because the Republicans are too afraid to do so.
Then we’ll see how the Liberals change their stance on Iran.