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Iraq Bomber Strikes U.S.-Allied Sheiks

June 25th, 2007 . by TexasFred

BAGHDAD (AP) - A suicide bomber apparently targeting a meeting of U.S.-allied Sunni sheiks penetrated layers of security and blew himself up in a hotel lobby on Monday, killing four tribal leaders and at least eight others, police reported.

The sheiks were associated with the Anbar Salvation Council, which had taken up arms to help drive extremists of al-Qaida in Iraq from the western province of Anbar.

The attack was among five suicide and other bombings Monday that killed at least 45 people across Iraq. In an unrelated incident, the U.S. command reported a U.S. soldier shot to death Monday in south Baghdad or its outskirts.

The bombing at the high-rise Mansour Hotel, on the west bank of the Tigris River in central Baghdad, struck at about noon as the lobby bustled with members of news media organizations headquartered at the hotel and other guests, witnesses said.

A man wearing a belt of explosives walked into the lobby, approached the group of sheiks meeting there, and detonated his bomb, said a police officer based at the hotel, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Full Story Here:
Iraq Bomber Strikes U.S.-Allied Sheiks

I am going to say this as nicely as possible, and even so I am going to offend some folks, but, that’s the way it goes…

This surge thing is NOT going to stop the insurgency in Iraq, it might, just might slow it down temporarily but it will not stop the insurgency and the suicide bombers…

The Bush administration is trying it’s very best to convince the American public that they actually know what they’re doing in Iraq, and nothing could be further from the truth, the surge is rearranging the location of the insurgents, and is actually killing a few of them in the process, but in that process we are stirring up even MORE insurgents, individuals that are willing to strap a bomb to themselves and blow up as many Americans or any that are allied to us as they possibly can…

The suicide bomber is the insurgents weapon of choice, they know that short of mobilizing Islam in it’s entirety, there is no way they can go head to head against our military, they just don’t have the organization and logistics, but they are NEVER going to run out of moonbats willing to die a martyrs death in their battle against the ‘Great Satan’, us…

And if the Bush administration had someone running it that had ever actually opened a history book they would know this to be the truth, Islam reveres their martyrs, and as long as radical Islam exists and as long as we fight them, these attacks WILL continue, but if we don’t FIGHT radical Islam they will consume us, that is their declared goal, and I don’t know about YOU, but if someone threatens ME, I am going to do everything within my power to remove that threat, permanently…

For some reason, no one can get it through George Bush’s head, this IS a war, and to win it we will have to kill a lot of radical Muslims, and that in itself will further inflame the emotions of even more Muslims, this is not just a battle, it IS a war, and soon it will be a World War, and we will either defeat and erase Islam from the face of this earth or they will defeat and eradicate all Christians and Jews…

I don’t recall starting this fight, we didn’t attack Islam, radical Islam attacked us and IF there truly is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, a real, true, peace loving Muslim that doesn’t subscribe to the Muslim philosophy of SUBMIT or DIE, this would be a really good time for them to take a stand for humanity, and if they do exist and aren’t willing to take a stand against the murderers that kill in the name of Allah, then they are as much a plague on this earth as are their radical brothers…

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5 Responses to “Iraq Bomber Strikes U.S.-Allied Sheiks”

  1. comment number 1 by: Ranando

    IF there truly is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, a real, true, peace loving Muslim that doesn’t subscribe to the Muslim philosophy of SUBMIT or DIE, this would be a really good time for them to take a stand for humanity, and if they do exist and aren’t willing to take a stand against the murderers that kill in the name of Allah, then they are as much a plague on this earth as are their radical brothers…

    No such thing, the only Moderate, Peace Loving Muslims I know of are DEAD Muslims.

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Ranando Says:
    June 25th, 2007 at 2:47 pm
    No such thing, the only Moderate, Peace Loving Muslims I know of are DEAD Muslims.

    I know, I was giving a bit of benefit of the doubt, just to semi pacify the wussies among us that get all pissed off when I say, KILL EM ALL AND LET ALLAH SORT EM OUT!!.. :)

    And I am quite serious in that statement too!

  3. comment number 3 by: Sage

    IF there truly is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, a real, true, peace loving Muslim that doesn’t subscribe to the Muslim philosophy of SUBMIT or DIE, this would be a really good time for them to take a stand for humanity.
    Fred, you know that they don’t exist!!!
    Anyone in their religion is against us, the Jews and the Christians…period. End of story. They are like a cancer and will consume us at their own expense ultimately.
    ‘Nuff said

  4. comment number 4 by: Kate

    “….and soon it will be a World War”. I thought it was already a World War. :/ Us against them.

  5. comment number 5 by: TexasFred

    Patrick Says:
    June 26th, 2007 at 10:46 am
    Call me a wussie if you like. I’m just being practical about it.

    Tell me all that bull shit when the sons a bitches are killing us, and you’re not a wussie, but it rhymes with wussie…

    Why don’t you find you an nice, less than real American Conservative Redneck blog to comment at?? Do us ALL a favor…