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Panel: Congress was misled on Iraq uranium issue

December 18th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Panel: Congress was misled on Iraq uranium issue

WASHINGTON (AP) - Former White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales misled Congress when he claimed the CIA in 2002 approved information that ended up in the 2003 State of the Union speech about Iraq’s alleged effort to buy uranium for its nuclear weapons program, a House committee said Thursday. The committee also expressed skepticism about claims by then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice that she was unaware of the CIA’s doubts about the claim before President George W. Bush’s speech.

Iraq’s alleged attempt to buy uranium was one of the justifications for the Bush administration’s decision to go to war. The claim has since been repudiated.

Full Story Here:
Panel: Congress was misled on Iraq uranium issue

There were MANY errors made by the U.S.A. when we went into Iraq. Not the least of which being, we were lied to concerning all the reason for Iraq to be invaded, and far too many fell for it.

Yeah, I know, LIED is a really strong word but I am NOT nearly as PC as the writer of this original story. Ms. Hess says ‘misled’ in referencing Gonzo and his blathering to Congress. Lied, misled, what the hell, semantics I suppose, you say potato, I say patato. That’s it, semantics, what other explanation do you need?

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said in a memo that its investigation showed the CIA had warned at least four National Security Council officials not to allow Bush, in three speeches in 2002, to cite questionable intelligence that Iraq had attempted to obtain uranium.

I know, Iraq had all that *yellow cake*. Yes they did. We KNEW they did. Here’s the trick, *yellow cake* has the POTENTIAL to become a weapon of mass destruction. It is NOT a WMD in and of itself. Well, I suppose some bright guy could figure a way to take some *yellow cake* and build a dirty bomb. That is a possibility. Bush and Company tried their level best to convince the American people that Saddam was about to launch thermonuclear weapons. Well, wait, that’s not completely true. Bush said ‘thermoNUCALER‘ I believe, but you get the idea.

Rice “asserted publicly she knew nothing about any doubts the CIA had raised about this claim prior too the 2003 State of the Union address,” according to the memo. Gonzales “asserted to the Senate - on her behalf - that the CIA approved the use of this claim in several presidential speeches.”

Since we went into Iraq the Dems, the left and all the libbers have tried to make it clear that Bush had *lied* us into this one. There was much fun to be had laughing and pointing fingers and calling names, but as time went by, and the truth came out, some on the RIGHT tried to tell people that Bush was wrong for taking us into Iraq, at least on the premise used.

Then those on the right that spoke out were called names, had fingers pointed at them and were called traitors for daring to question The Bush. As time goes on, more and more, the true facts are coming out. Generals retire and then speak their minds concerning Iraq and it’s prosecution. Those Generals are then called names and have fingers pointed at them. They are scolded by the RIGHT and criticized in the press, excuses are made saying, “You can’t believe that guy, he became a General under the Clinton administration’.

Here’s the way it is. Many officers attained rank under the Clinton administration. That does NOT mean they were Clinton loyalists. It’s quite likely a damned good thing they made rank then too. When 9-11 hit, Bush was so unprepared we needed every military mind that could be found.

After the attacks of 9-11 Bush listened to the military leaders and Intel folks. Bush DID do the right thing, he took our military into Afghanistan and we went after the Taliban and Osama bin Laden, right up until the time Bush saw his opportunity to go into Iraq and vindicate the Bush name by making war on Saddam. Saddam did, after all, threaten GHW Bush. That was the only logical, and truthful reason I can imagine for Bush 43 taking this nation on an unnecessary mission that has bankrupted the American people and cost us the lives of over 4,200 American troops that didn’t have to die!

I know, there was some poor Intel work done. I also know that there was some weak data used by the Bush administration to justify going to Iraq. I know too that there were some high ranking military and Intel guys that were begging Bush to reconsider, they KNEW the data was skewed, they knew the weaknesses of the Intel agencies and our troops at that time, and those weaknesses can be directly attributed to the Clinton administration and their dismantling of our military and Intel services.

And to put it mildly, we ain’t seen nothing yet! There will be more truths come out regarding Iraq and the real reasons why. The legacy has been written, now it’s up to history to make the final judgement.

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Indictments against Cheney, Gonzales dismissed

December 2nd, 2008 . by TexasFred

Indictments against Cheney, Gonzales dismissed

RAYMONDVILLE, Texas (AP) — A judge dismissed indictments against Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and told the south Texas prosecutor who brought the case to exercise caution as his term in office ends.

Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra had accused Cheney and the other defendants of responsibility for prisoner abuse. The judge’s order on Monday ended two weeks of sometimes-bizarre court proceedings.

Guerra is leaving office at the end of the month after soundly losing in his March primary election.

“I suggest on behalf of the law that you not present any cases to the grand jury involving these defendants,” Administrative Judge Manuel Banales said in court while ruling that eight indictments against Cheney, Gonzales and others were invalid.

He also set a Dec. 10 hearing on whether to disqualify Guerra from those cases.

Full Story Here:
Indictments against Cheney, Gonzales dismissed

Let me take a minute to just say, Willacy County D.A. Juan Angel Guerra is nothing more than a libber hack that got elected by pandering to his fellow libbers in Willacy County, the voting Mexican-Americans of Willacy County.

Texas counties that border with Mexico are overwhelmingly Democratic and liberal, and there is a huge number of Mexican-American voters. Many of them are very questionable in their legal status, but the question of their legality is roundly ignored, mostly because their immediate family members are well placed in County government.

Juan Angel Guerra is as crazy as a bug. The guy is on his way out of office and is looking to write a legacy that doesn’t point out his failings. Done so by going after members of the Bush administration for *crimes* that he believes them to be guilty of.

I posted this story on Nov. 18th, Cheney, former attorney general, state senator indicted and I said then, “Indictment does not necessarily equate to conviction.”, it appears that I was even more correct than I thought. Indictment didn’t even go to trial.

The indictment against Cheney alleged that his personal investment in the Vanguard Group, which invests in private prison companies, made him culpable in alleged prisoner abuse at privately run federal detention centers.

There may well come a time when Bush, Cheney and a few others ARE indicted and taken to trial, but this was nothing more than a *made up* round of BS , brought on by a desperate libber D.A. that is facing the reality of having to get a REAL job now. He wanted to ride this indictment into some kind of notoriety I am thinking.

I look for many more attempts at indictment to be made against Bush and Company after they leave office. The loony left is intent on making allegations of *war crimes*. They may make those charges stick, but I doubt it. George W. Bush may very well be the worst POTUS to hold the office but even I don’t think he is guilty of *war crimes*.

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