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Obama’s bow in Japan sparks some criticism

November 17th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Obama’s bow in Japan sparks some criticism

WASHINGTON - Some American conservative commentators are seizing on President Barack Obama’s deep bow to Japan’s emperor during the weekend, accusing the U.S. commander in chief of groveling to a foreign leader.

Obama greeted Emperor Akihito, whose father ruled when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, with a simultaneous handshake and nearly 90-degree bow, sparking furious online commentary, much of it negative.

Obama’s gesture on Saturday was not without precedent, however. Neither was the outrage.

U.S. presidents from both political parties often have been criticized for attempts at culturally sensitive greetings to high-ranking foreigners.

Full Story Here:
Obama’s bow in Japan sparks some criticism

I don’t care which U.S. President it was, the President of the United States of America DOES NOT BOW to ANY King, Emperor, Sovereign or leader of ANY nation! PERIOD!

As this article points out, other Presidents have done it before Obama! Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon bowed to foreign leaders. I am not just bashing them for doing it either.

George W. Bush KISSED the Saudi King and held his hand like a little school girl for crying out loud!

Personally, I don’t give a DAMN what the customs are in Japan, China, Africa or Asia, we are Americans and we have pride in ourselves. Or, maybe I should say, some of us have PRIDE in America. Obviously, our current President has NO pride and little shame. Barack Obama bows to ANY world leader he meets, and those he doesn’t bow to, he apologizes for America to.

Some are calling it a sign of respect. I see it as a sign of submission.

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