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Iraqi Troops, Militias Clash in Basra

March 25th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Iraqi Troops, Militias Clash in Basra

BAGHDAD (AP) – Iraqi forces clashed with Shiite militiamen Tuesday in the southern oil port of Basra and gunmen patrolled several Baghdad neighborhoods as followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered a nationwide civil disobedience campaign to demand an end to the crackdown on their movement.

Explosions rang out across central Baghdad as rockets or mortars fired from Shiite areas targeted the U.S.-protected Green Zone for the second time this week.

The violence was part of an escalation in the confrontation between the Shiite-run government and al-Sadr’s followers – a move that threatens the security gains achieved by U.S. and Iraqi forces. At least 22 people were killed in the Basra fighting.

Al-Sadr’s allies have grown increasingly angry over raids and detentions against them by U.S. and Iraqi forces, who insist the crackdown only affects rogue elements loyal to Iran.

Full Story Here:
Iraqi Troops, Militias Clash in Basra

Let’s just cut the BS and get to the heart of the matter, Muqtada al-Sadr is the primary cause of insurgent violence in Iraq.

Everyone that has ever read my blog knows that I have never believed that Iraq was where we needed to go, but since we’re there, and since this thing IS going to continue, we must use everything in our power to bring it to a rapid end, for the sake of the Iraqi people that only want to live their lives in peace, for the sake of the American tax payers who are being bled dry by this debacle and most of all for the sake of the American troops that are laying down their lives to keep this travesty moving at the behest of George W. Bush.

Bush is quite likely the most dim of dim bulbs to ever inhabit the White House, Al-Sadr and his bunch of Islamic moonbats have been at the heart of the violence in Iraq and we (Bush) have been allowing a thug that exists in the name of religion to continue conducting his mayhem for several years now, the U.S. Marines had him and his band of hooligans cornered in Najaf, in a mosque, where for 2 weeks they took pot-shots at OUR troops in late July and early August of 2004, Al-Sadr says militia will leave Najaf mosque.

We could have put an end to it then, Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army could have, and should have been history, right then and there, but NO, our Marines were not allowed to return fire because these malefactors took refuge in a mosque like the cowards they are, and George W. Bush wouldn’t allow our Marines to blow these bastards to hell because he didn’t want to offend anyone with actions that could have been perceived as less than politically correct by people that already hate us.

You may not agree with me, and quite frankly, I don’t care if you do or not, in MY opinion this is how it needs to work if we’re going to walk away with a REAL victory, rules of engagement and the Geneva Convention be damned, if we’re engaged in a battle and YOU run into a church, ANY church, and think that simply because it IS a church that you’re NOT going to be fired upon if you fire at me, you are sadly mistaken.

If there are no innocent civilians involved, if there are no hostages to get in the way, if this is strictly a combat engagement and all involved are combatants, I don’t care if YOU run and hide in ANY church of ANY denomination, if YOU are holed up there and if YOU fire on me or my troops, YOU just turned that church into a target of opportunity and YOU are going to die, posthaste.

I submit to you that one of the most important reasons we are still in Iraq today is because Muqtada al-Sadr is still alive, and that is because George W. Bush didn’t have the balls to take him and his ruffians out in 2004, much like his father, GHW Bush, didn’t have the balls to take Saddam out in ‘91 when he had a massive coalition and world opinion in his favor.

I guess it’s fairly difficult being president of the USA and a leader of the One World Government movement all at the same time.

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4 Responses to “Iraqi Troops, Militias Clash in Basra”

  1. comment number 1 by: Ranando

    It’s all starting to make sense.

    BBC: Bush’s Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America

  2. comment number 2 by: Kate

    While I agree with the majority of your post, I have to disagree on one thing….

    “Bush is quite likely the most dim of dim bulbs to ever inhabit the White House

    IMHO, Carter takes that award….Bush, a close second….at least on the war front. :)

    I do like those tax cuts the Dhimmis are whining about. :)

  3. comment number 3 by: TexasFred

    I used to think Carter was too Kate, I really did, but he was just a Democrat, he couldn’t help himself, Bush, on the other hand, is a total dumbass, the most ignorant son of a bitch to inhabit in modern times…

  4. comment number 4 by: TexasFred

    Ranando, I have known this story for a long time, have heard the rumors anyway, and it does make sense, the Bush family has been rumored to have done business with the Nazis too, they are ALL a bunch of ‘give America away’, One World Government assholes…

    How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power


    And for all the asshat Bush Bots that will scream that none of this is reliable and the links aren’t legitimate because if it’s not FOXNews it can’t be true: - Documents: Bush’s Grandfather Directed Bank Tied to Man Who Funded Hitler