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Bush asks Saudis to increase oil production

May 16th, 2008 . by TexasFred

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - President Bush is appealing to oil-rich Saudi Arabia to increase production just as oil prices have hit another record high.

As U.S. consumers cope with rising prices at the gas pump, Bush is on a one-day visit to Saudi Arabia for another burst of diplomacy with King Abdullah.

When the two met here in mid-January, the president asked Saudi Arabia to raise production to ease high prices at the pump. Bush got a chilly response to his plea. The kingdom said it would increase production only when the market justified it, and that production levels appeared normal.

Oil prices climbed to a new high Friday, above $127 a barrel. At the pump, gas prices rose to a national average of $3.78 per gallon, according to a survey of stations by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service.

When Air Force One landed in the Saudi capital on Friday, the president got a red carpet welcome on the tarmac and was warmly greeted by Saudi leaders as a military band played the U.S. national anthem, slightly off-key.

Full Story Here:
Bush asks Saudis to increase oil production

Saudi Arabia Refuses to Increase Oil Production

Of course he got a red carpet welcome, Bush and the Saudis are big buddies, even if it was Saudis that carried out the attacks of 9-11 and NOT Iraqis, but that is a fact that seems to slip the minds of many people…

The American president goes to Saudi Arabia, hat in hand, asking them, much like the Dickens character Oliver Twist, “Please, sir, can I have some more?” and I don’t know about you but I find that to be a despicable act…

We should OWN Iraq, otherwise, all of our efforts there have been in vain, and before anyone gets the wrong idea, let me spell it out for you…

I never thought that Iraq was where we needed to go, there have been far too many disclosures that back up the opinions many of us hold, Iraq wasn’t part of the attacks on 9-11, our own DoD, CIA and Congress have said so, but the Saudis were very much involved, perhaps in an indirect manner, but involved nonetheless and so, here we are, sitting on top of HUGE reserves of oil here in America that we can’t drill for, sitting on top of huge oil reserves in Iraq that by right of victory should be ours for the taking, to the victor go the spoils, but we won’t even do that…

But our president can go to Saudi Arabia, kiss-up to King Abdullah and beg them to save our economy by producing more oil, thus giving the Saudis BILLIONS more of American dollars…

I am firmly convinced, we are just about down the tubes, and it’s people like George Bush that have taken us there with his globalism ideals and what I believe is a hidden agenda for a ‘One World Government’…

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One Response to “Bush asks Saudis to increase oil production”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jim B

    F*ck the Saudies. F*ck Bush. I am a gas user. I race I own a trucka nd a car. Time to put our heads togetner and reinvent the wheel

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