Democrats consider Fla., Mich. delegate plans
May 31st, 2008 . by TexasFredWASHINGTON (AP) - Supporters for Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton staked out competing positions Saturday as Democrats searched for a compromise to seat disputed convention delegations from Florida and Michigan and clear the way for a smooth end to the marathon struggle for the presidential nomination.
In the opening hours of a daylong meeting of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, Clinton’s designated spokeswoman urged the panel to grant a full vote for each of Florida’s 211 disputed delegates.
“In life you don’t get everything you want. I want it all,” Florida state Sen. Arthenia Joyner said with a smile.
But moments later, Obama’s campaign called for half-votes for each of the 211. Rep. Robert Wexler of Florida said that marked an “extraordinary concession, in order to promote reconciliation with Florida’s voters.”
Full Story Here:
Democrats consider Fla., Mich. delegate plans
There’s an old axiom that says ‘Reminds me of a Chinese fire drill’ and that is exactly what the Dems are conducting, a ‘Chinese fire drill’, one that takes place while panicked disorganization is in full bloom…
We all know that the left is pretty loony, and most Dems fit that ticket to a ‘T’, but if I was a Florida or Michigan Dem, and thank God I am neither, but if I was, and I wanted to show the DNC just what I thought of their silly-assed ruling that throws MY vote away, I’d turn around and vote Republican, Independent or maybe even sit the whole thing out just to show those goofy asshats like Howard Dean that I was not at all happy with their way of rendering MY vote irrelevant…
Florida and Michigan are nothing less than a nightmare for the DNC, and there is no way that the Florida or Michigan voters are going to be happy with the outcome, no matter what is decided, and I love it, serious and deep divides in the DNC are only working to the advantage of the RNC…
A lot of Republicans and nearly all REAL Conservatives know that McCain isn’t Superman, he is not going to, and cannot, fix everything that is wrong with the RNC, there’s just too much wrong and he’s too old, there’s not that much time left for McCain, it’s going to take years to correct the travesty that the RNC has become, and while many of us DO consider McCain to be nothing more than the lesser of ALL evils, at least the RNC has done one thing right, whether you like McCain or not, he’s what you have and you either back him and unite ALL Repubs and Conservatives in a push to get him elected or you end up with a dipstick like Obama in the Oval Office and this nation completely down the toilet…
I don’t make any secret of this fact, I can’t stand McCain, I think he’s one of the worst choices the RNC could have made, I don’t think he’s a REAL Republican by ANY standard, today’s definition or that of the Reagan era, I know he’s not a true Conservative, he sides with the Dems and libbers more than he does with the right, and yet he’s still the best of this current lot that’s up on the block…
I made Brad Marston at AZAMATTEROFACT a solemn promise, I told him that in the primaries I would NOT support McCain and wouldn’t link to ANY sites that were nothing more than McCain cheering sections, and I am always good to my word, I de-linked several McCain support sites from the blogrolls and I make NO apology for that, but I also told him that once the nominations were done, on both sides, that IF Hillary were the choice of the DNC that I would continue to support None of the Above, and I meant every word of it…
I also made it crystal clear that IF Obama were to become the DNC offering that I would then hold my nose, and under great protest, support John McCain simply because I can’t stand the very thought of Obama as the leader of this great nation…
And I am, after all, a man of my word, if the DNC comes down on Obama’s side, it’s game on and this WILL be a McCain for President site, and quite honestly, what choices do any of us have?? We can’t get an Independent candidate elected, not at this stage of the game, and if we don’t support McCain we’re in a lot deeper trouble than we would be if we didn’t…
Brad, we’ve battled long hard getting to this point but if Obama is the one, well, we’re all going to have to work our asses off to make sure that he doesn’t go to D.C. as president…
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Sadly, I am in total agreement. Obama is evil. And so is his bowlegged, racist, ranting, lunatic wife.
Ultimately, I don’t see any other path except BHO as the Demorats’ nominee. The MSM loves him, the Left love him, Socialists love him. And I’ll vote for McCain when it comes to him vs. BHO. I said that long ago: I’d simply have to go with “whatever” the GOP happens to throw against the wall to see if it holds, and McCain, somehow, became “it.” IF McCain is smart, he’ll hit Romney for VP because the dude can rake the cash. But “McCain” and “smart” can be mutually exclusive.
I hate to say it Fred but your absolutely correct on this one. If Omaba gets the nomination, I’m going to have to vote for McCain.  I believe we could survive a Hillary presidency but not an Obama one. With all her faults, I do believe Hillary does care for this nation and wants what’s best for it, even though her wants aren’t right. But, Obama, I don’t believe he has a love for America and will do whatever it takes to us on par with the rest of the world. For over a century America has been the Beacon of Light in a dark world but if Obama gets the chance, he’s going to diminish that light to only a flicker. On thing. I’ve got to give credit where credit is due and I give Hillary credit for sticking it out till the end.  I wish Thompson, Hunter, Romney, or Tancredo would have stuck it out till the end.  Any one of them would have been better than McCain.ÂÂ
Gotta agree Bob, Hillary has stuck it out until the end, that took some tenacity…
As to an Obama presidency, I’d vote for Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter before I’d support that halfbreed stealth Muzzie bastard, and I am NOT about to vote for Clinton or Carter, but even together they can’t hurt this nation as bad as Obama is going to if elected…
I think Obama is the weaker candidate, and I sure hope I’m right. Unfortunately, Hillary has come out looking looking “reasonable” in this debacle. I think our country will suffer immeasurably from either, and especially from Obama. Hillary does not deserve to enter the Oval Office. What a sad thing for this country, because we and the whole world knows who she is. I may be wrong, but today, I think McCain has a better chance of beating Obama.
Maggie’s Notebook
I pray that McCain will defeat Hussein in November. Living under that Marxist excuse would be a disaster for this nation.
Maggie, Obama may be the weaker candidate but Republicans are scared of him. They’re scared of being labeled as “racists” for pointing out any of Obama’s faults. Just look at what’s happening to the darlings of the Democrat Party, the Clinton’s. They’re being painted as hard core racists even though only last year Bill was being heralded as the “first black president” by Black Americans. What we heard in Obama’s church recently concerning Hillary would have been songs of praise last year.   McCain’s treading lightly concerning Obama, very lightly, and some of his advisers have even said they will quit if it becomes negative against Obama.ÂÂ
If not for the state of the rest of the world right now I would say elect the sumbitch and let the revolution has to come sooner or later because the socialists are not going to quit until they are either destroyed as they pretty well were in the USSR or take over and destroy they did in the USSR.But a revolution will weaken the country and the vacuum will be filled by outsiders before we can blink an eye..I want to support Bob Barr..but I wll probably wind up voting for McCain because as you say..this country may be strong enough to survive four years of Hillary but I don’t think it will survive Obama..
OK, so I’m a racist, I call a spade a spade, and to some that’s an offensive term in regards to Blacks, f*ck em…
I haven’t dropped the ‘N’ word on Obama, not on ANY blog, I have called him a half breed son of a bitch, every word of that is true, and if that makes me a racist, f*ck em…
I am saying that Obama appears to be the coming of the Anti-Christ, and I get called a racist for that, f*ck em…
I am posting some sources that claim Obama has had early indoctrination into the Communist party and for that I am called a racist, f*ck em…
We cannot allow this nation to be taken over because we allowed a suspected Commie Muslim sympathizer take the Oval Office, if standing up for America and having the attitude that it’s AMERICA 1st and to hell with rest makes me a racist, f*ck em…
Do I have a very bad attitude concerning the Obamanation, it’s Messiah and his disciples?? Yes I do…
F*ck em, all of em…
Why does my voice sound weird? Could it be because I am holding my nose?
Of course I won’t vote for Obama, but I’ll be damned if I vote for the lessor of two evils ever again. I’ve done that twice with Bush II and I’ve not been happy with the results. I just won’t vote for POTUS in 2008 and I mean that. I’m not violating my principles ever again when it comes to my vote.
Basti, I respect those principles my friend but a non-vote is as bad as anything I am afraid…
And if you don’t vote you have NO right to bitch…
And I KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt that McCain IS the lesser of the evils, but I would rather support him than no one at all, at least IF Obama were to happen to win I could look you in the eye and say, “I tried to stop him”
And I still say that IF thru some miracle Hillary were to become the nominee I would then do a write in for Hunter and Tancredo, I think the USA can survive a Hillary presidency, I am firmly convinced that an Obama presidency would be the death of the nation…