Taliban militants destroy bridges in Afghanistan
June 17th, 2008 . by TexasFredARGHANDAB, Afghanistan (AP) - Taliban militants destroyed bridges and planted mines in several villages they control outside southern Afghanistan’s largest city in apparent preparation for battle, residents and officials said Tuesday.
More than 700 families - meaning perhaps 4,000 people or more - had fled the Arghandab district 10 miles northwest of Kandahar city, said Sardar Mohammad, a police officer manning a checkpoint on the east side of the Arghandab River. Police on Tuesday stopped and searched every person passing on the road.
On the west side of the river, hundreds of Taliban controlled around nine or 10 villages, Mohammad said.
“Last night the people were afraid, and families on tractors, trucks and taxis fled the area,” said Mohammad. “Small bridges inside the villages have been destroyed.”
Full Story Here:
Taliban militants destroy bridges in Afghanistan
Talk about your conflicting information, Afghan citizens evacuating, the Afghan army sending in re-enforcements and coalition forces say they “found no evidence that militants control the area.”
So, if the Taliban isn’t moving in and taking control what are the citizens running from and why is the Afghan army sending in plane loads of troops?
A Taliban commander named Mullah Ahmedullah called an Associated Press reporter on Tuesday and said that around 400 Taliban moved into Arghandab from Khakrez, one district to the north. He said some of the militants released in Friday’s prison break had joined the assault.
“They told us, ‘We want to fight until the death,’” Ahmedullah said. “We’ve occupied most of the area and it’s a good place for fighting. Now we are waiting for the NATO and Afghan forces.”
He called an AP reporter? AP reporters have their numbers listed with the Taliban and it’s leaders?? Who would have ever imagined? A terrorist phone book of MSM reporters.
I wonder if any of this would be going on had The Decider actually stayed the course, where the course really was? Do you think that by now we’d have administered the coup de grâce to the Taliban? Do you think that all the Taliban and al-Qaida fighters that came to Iraq to fight us would have come to Afghanistan instead? Would we have been better off to maintain a 1 front fight in destroying the Taliban?
And while I’m thinking about it, is it OK to kill the Taliban soldiers? Some folks seem to think we shouldn’t kill the enemies that are attacking the USA right now, enemies that are engaged in a direct and ILLEGAL invasion, I don’t want to call for the death of the Taliban and bruise the sensitivities of the FAUX Intellectuals that think killing OUR invaders is wrong, all 10 or 12 of those FAUX Intellectuals.
Some people are too damned PC in their solutions now a days I think, they get all touchy feely tree hugger concerned when you talk about KILLING the enemies of this nation, they have forgotten what WAR really is, what it’s all about, but if we don’t stop the terrorists and ILLEGAL invaders that are crossing our border, we WILL be fighting for our lives in the streets of America soon.
Not all things can be solved by LAW ENFORCEMENT at the legal border crossings and when it comes to negotiations, an act of Congress is only as strong as the military that backs it and the CITIZENS that support it, Afghanistan is the place we need to be, it IS where the battle for the ultimate victory against this Islamic insurgency will take place but if we don’t stop the ILLEGAL invasion of the USA we WILL be fighting terror here in America, and it may not be Islamic insurgents that we’re fighting.
I make NO apologies to ANYONE for openly stating that I want to kill the enemies of this nation, and further, I submit that those that call my views an incitement of MURDER are as much an enemy as those that cross our borders, invade our nation and prepare to commit terrorist attacks upon the citizens OF this nation.
For those that actually wore the uniform and took the oath, it ALL has a different meaning I suppose.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962). SOURCE
I wonder what the FAUX Intellectuals will say when this all comes to fruition and the INVADERS attempt to take back what they feel is lawfully theirs? Will negotiations work then?
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I never wore the uniform, nor have I ever killed anyone in defense of my country, BUT I know when my home is invaded it’s Katie bar the door, because there be some pain coming down on someone. (in my thickest souther drawl)
Some folks believe in talking forever, we have been talking to ragheads, oops, “Islamic Fundamentalists” for over 30 years, and we have NOTHING in the way of peace.
Some lefty’s, or So-Called “Intellectuals” believe all we do is bomb, we talked forever, and then we bombed after being BOMBED!
How hard is it to realize that when struck you have two options, strike back or bend over.
Discussion needs to be done from a position of strength when dealing with ragheads, they respect nothing else, the left is their target discussion partner because they are the weaker group, they will appease and give and give. And lately some so-called conservatives are sounding more lefty than righty.
There is a line from a movie (Can’t remember which one) that goes, “Kill, murder, death!”
I like that line and its been part of my belief system for the enemies of this nation since I was teen.
I don’t care if its classified as killing or murder as long as the enemies of this nation suffer death.
Oh and BTW the original Greek that the Bible was translated from says. “Thou shall not commit murder.” It does not say, “Thou shall not kill.” If my history memory serves, the ancient Jews had no problem with ‘killing’ their enemies and God was not upset by them doing so.
Yeah, but Basti, God wasn’t a FAUX Intellectual and the Jews weren’t gutless RINOs…
[...] what the reaction of the FAUX Intellectual and his meager following will be then? Trackback URL: http://texasfred.net/archives/1286/trackback/ addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Ftexasfred.net%2Farchives%2F1287′; addthis_title = [...]
[...] here, “Recent reports of militant control in the area appear to be unfounded,” SOURCE Are we engaged in a war of dis-information? If so, that’s a great story because it went on [...]
Basti, I think that was from that Sandra Bullock/Sylvester Stallone movie….Demolition Man? I think?