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James Dobson accuses Obama of *distorting* Bible

June 24th, 2008 . by TexasFred

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - As Barack Obama broadens his outreach to evangelical voters, one of the movement’s biggest names, James Dobson, accuses the likely Democratic presidential nominee of distorting the Bible and pushing a “fruitcake interpretation” of the Constitution.

The criticism, to be aired Tuesday on Dobson’s Focus on the Family radio program, comes shortly after an Obama aide suggested a meeting at the organization’s headquarters here, said Tom Minnery, senior vice president for government and public policy at Focus on the Family.

The conservative Christian group provided The Associated Press with an advance copy of the pre-taped radio segment, which runs 18 minutes and highlights excerpts of a speech Obama gave in June 2006 to the liberal Christian group Call to Renewal. Obama mentions Dobson in the speech.

“Even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?” Obama said. “Would we go with James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s?” referring to the civil rights leader.

Full Story Here:
James Dobson accuses Obama of ‘distorting’ Bible

A ‘fruitcake interpretation’ of the bible? Ya think? What else would you expect from a ’stealth muzzie’ that has been pastored by a flaming racist like the good Rev. Jeremiah Wright for the last 20 years?

I would say that calling The Obamessiahs version of the bible a ‘fruitcake interpretation’ would be one of the more moderate, and certainly one of the nicer things you could say regarding The Obamessiah.

Obama said. “Would we go with James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s?” referring to the civil rights leader.

I really hate to judge the sincerity of a persons Christian belief, that’s just NOT my job nor is it MY call, but I will say this, The Obamessiah referring to Al $harpton as some kind of credible Christian source is like saying I am a shining example of political correctness. :P

Why would we want to teach American children the racism and hypocrisy of Al $harpton? Why would we want to further poison their minds with the teachings of one of the biggest race baiting perpetrators of racial strife and bigotry this nation has known in modern times?

Wake up America, Obama is a Fraud and a Liar! and he will bring about the ultimate destruction of this nation, you can count on it, he has nothing other than inaccurate rhetoric and out right lies, he is nothing more than a deceiver, and the libbers are falling all over themselves to support this sham of a man.

“I think he’s deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology,” Dobson said.

“… He is dragging biblical understanding through the gutter.”

I’m not about to argue with James Dobson when it comes to biblical interpretation, and I am thinking The Obamessiah may be biting off a lot more than he can chew if he does, Obama has nothing, I am saying this over and over again, as many times as it takes, Obama has NOTHING for America, he is NOT the saviour, he is NOT the 2nd coming of Christ, if anything Obama is an almost word for word example of the definition of the anti-Christ.

I have said it before and will say it again, Obama is EVIL incarnate, and anyone that supports him has fallen under the spell of The Deceiver!

Read the full story, most of my regular readers don’t have to be convinced, but if you’re a fence sitter and this doesn’t sway you away from The Obamessiah, I don’t believe anything ever will.

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15 Responses to “James Dobson accuses Obama of *distorting* Bible”

  1. comment number 1 by: MissBeth

    You know, sometimes Dobson can go over the top but for the most part he strikes me as a very serious thinker, who weighs his words before speaking. That being said-he didn’t make these comparisons lightly or off the cuff, as it were.

    I think he-and you as well Fred-are spot on. BHO is true evil and I pray he doesn’t win.

  2. comment number 2 by: Katie

    If Al Sharpton is a credible Christian source, I’m the Pope and I don’t hear anyone around me calling me “Your Holiness”.

  3. comment number 3 by: Cary

    Between the two, no matter if I have an occasional “huh?” moment with Dobson (as any sane person trying to learn more about a subject will), Sharpton generates “Oh, my” moment after moment with his statements and “teachings.”

    The Obama Nation is a misled group of liberals who don’t think their socialist thoughts are going to damage this country. They are, flat out, wrong.

  4. comment number 4 by: TexasFred

    To Linda the Obama Loving Libber:

    You will NOT come in here calling me or my readers names and passing judgement on US…

    You comment went to the spam file, and IF you wish to comment here, a touch of sanity will be required, but if you’re gonna support that halfbreed son of a bitch, don’t waste your time, I’m going to delete your comments anyway…

    Comments Policy

  5. comment number 5 by: Aaron

    All I will say is….AMEN brother Fred !!!

  6. comment number 6 by: Kate

    Ya dang near made me fall off m’chair! PC. Now that was funny right there. Heh.

    I’m not a die hard Dobson fan, but he is obviously more of a Bible “scholar” than B. Hussein will ever be. Perhaps he should just stick to the Qu’ran.

  7. comment number 7 by: jo

    Well Fred, if I leave a comment, it’s just gonna end up at the being distorted at the NAMBLA guys blog, and I ain’t a wantin’ to fight today…obsessive pedo’s worry me.
    So ….I can’t really say I agree with all the above, even though I do. And of course being the ignorant redneck I am, I just know you’re the only one in the whole wide world that can see this comment. :P

  8. comment number 8 by: Debbie

    Not sure Obama knows what he is. Seems he has been searching his entire life for an identity.

  9. comment number 9 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Al Sharpton?? The word of God coming from Al Sharpton?? How about the word of Racial Pimp, Sychophant, Preening, Indignant, Oiled Hypocricist? How about those words?


  10. comment number 10 by: Ranando

    As for me, I wouldn’t use God in the same sentence with Obama, Dobson or Sharpton.

    I’ll let God deal with these people.

  11. comment number 11 by: Robert

    “The Obamessiah referring to Al $harpton as some kind of credible Christian source is like saying I am a shining example of political correctness.” ROTFLMAO…. that was a good analogy.

    Obama is a liar and before the election gets off to a fired start, MOST of the free thinking AMERICANS will see him for who/what he is…

  12. comment number 12 by: Wayne from Jeremiah Films

    This may only be the beginning; posted a link back to your article from “Obama difficulty in discerning biblical truth;

  13. comment number 13 by: LittleOleLady

    /rant begin

    Ya know, I haven’t said much politically lately, it all makes me sick these days. But I gotta say, when I saw Obama on tv the other day making a speech and quoting the Bible, I about lost it.. my first thought was how DARE him.. how dare he use the Bible, the word of God, to try and make brownie points with (so called) moderate and conservative democrats by using the book, the same words of the same God that his party has summarily tried to wipe from the face of our nation! And liberals are lapping it up kissing his behind like the past eight years of their denigrating anyone for saying they were a Christian have never happened and no other man has run for president and publicly used their faith as a platform.. hello.. can anyone say GWB?? (Last time I remember a democrat using their faith was Jimmy Carter, and we all know what a wonderful president he was..)

    I just wanna know where are the atheists, the homosexuals..?? Where is that faction of his party the pc libs and ultra libs at that have fought us Christians and called us names, made fun of our faith and our God for years!!?? Why aren’t they raising a stink about what he is doing?

    He’s trying to make out like the democrat party is the party of God and Christians and I defy any liberal to prove he is doing otherwise. (Yes, make out like as in pretend because it’s all simply an act, a show to get those moderate and conservatives (oxymoron anyone) in his party that were Clinton supporters to support and vote for him.)

    /end rant

    BTW- Hi there to those I haven’t seen in a while… I’m still alive but so very weary of politics and the political game.

  14. comment number 14 by: Kate

    Wow. Most excellent rant! Yes…definitely, most excellent!

  15. comment number 15 by: TexasFred

    All LittleOleLady needs is a soapbox and a bit of motivation… :)

    You might be tired of politics, you might be totally disgusted too, but we NEED your strong voice LoL, now more than ever…