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The gay factor declines as an issue

June 6th, 2007 . by TexasFred

Elections: Some say Dallas candidate’s orientation won’t affect mayor’s race

It was big news in gay political circles around the country when Ed Oakley won a place in Dallas’ mayoral runoff three weeks ago.

“Councilman Ed Oakley is a step closer to becoming the nation’s first openly gay mayor of one of the largest U.S. cities,” noted the Web site of the national Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, which has endorsed him and directed money to his campaign.

Mr. Oakley – who is facing Tom Leppert in the June 16 mayoral runoff – doesn’t mention the groundbreaking nature of the election or even talk much about being gay these days.

“It has never been an issue,” said Mr. Oakley, who acknowledged his homosexuality when he ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Dallas City Council in 1993, and later when he won three council terms, representing Oak Cliff.

It may not be an issue for Oakley but this SHOULD be an issue for every Christian Conservative in Dallas, TX., the ones that are still there, but it appears that the fine folks of Dallas are either out numbered by homosexual voters or they’re over run by heathen liberals that just don’t care, or both…

Being an openly gay politician in Dallas no longer seems to be an insurmountable liability: Lupe Valdez, a lesbian, was elected sheriff in 2004. Last fall, Jim Foster, who also has acknowledged being gay, won the county judge’s race to become leader of the Dallas County Commissioners Court, while Gary Fitzsimmons, also openly gay, took the county district clerk’s job.

Now, Mr. Oakley could become Dallas’ first openly gay mayor – in a city with long-standing conservative traditions.

How has this happened?

That’s a fair question, there is a huge homosexual community in the area between downtown Dallas and Love Field, it’s notorious for it’s Sodom and Gomorrah reputation, and infamous for being an extreme high crime area, it’s in the news nearly every night, and for some reason that’s where they (homosexuals) decided to settle, the Cedar Springs area, and I guess there’s not a thing can be done about it either, but to call Dallas a ‘conservative’ city ever again would be out of the question…

And this trend towards total liberalism might explain why Dallas itself has lost so many families to the suburbs, the ‘bedroom communities’ as they are called around here, there are good Christian values once you get out of Dallas proper, the surrounding area is predominantly Conservative and Republican, but the city of Dallas itself is anything but Conservative, save a few pockets that are holding out, and I mean holding on by their fingernails…

With as many officials in Dallas county as there are coming out as openly homosexual, I’d guess that’s what may be driving so many to leave the county as well, at least partially responsible, our neighboring counties of Rockwall, Colin, Tarrant and Kaufman are booming with the influx of families formerly of Dallas or Dallas county, decent folks aren’t going to put up with the crime and perversion, if we weren’t as far out in the county as we are, we’d have already left Dallas county as well…

If the voters keep on electing the ‘lite in the loafers set’, pretty soon a straight, English speaking male won’t have a place to hang a hat in Dallas, but what the hell, you can’t find a REAL cowboy in the whole damned place anymore…

I guess they all went to see Brokeback Mountain…

Full Story Here:
The gay factor declines as an issue

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2 Responses to “The gay factor declines as an issue”

  1. comment number 1 by: Smokey

    Fred, if you want REAL cowboys (conservative, christian, and so on) come to Fort Worth. After all, we are named after a military outpost, and still know how to bar-b-q a steak…..

  2. comment number 2 by: evilfurby

    I don’t know what the guy’s politics are but his sexuality is probably the least important thing. Dallas politics are a mess and they’ve seen quite a few Christian Heterosexual mayors that were terrible mayors. Again, I don’t know his politics but as mayor the economic plans are usually what’s most important to Dallas.