America’s Unsung Heroes
August 23rd, 2008 . by TexasFredAs you all know, once in a while I like to feature a post from a Guest, this is one of those times. This post is from a Blog by one of our great military members and it is my privilege to present to you:
America’s Unsung Heroes
In an era in which the welfare of our nation’s military is used as a political bargaining chip by the left, an era in which a vast amount of the American public is clueless to the threats that immanently surround this country, and an era in which the sacrifice of the men and women before us has not only gone unheralded, but has been spat upon, it is time for us to snap out of our lethargy and show the appreciation and respect due to our nation’s unsung heroes: our enlisted members of the US Armed Forces.
These young men and women are the true sons and daughters of America. They come from Maine to Puerto Rico, from Texas to Hawaii, from across borders to earn their citizenship, and within this great nation to defend it. They don’t do it for glory, for our countries respect is placed upon musicians, athletes and politicians. They don’t do it for the pay, because in most cases, they would be far better off in the civilian sector. These men and women bear the heavy burden of ensuring the domestic tranquility of this nation because they are called to, and for such, I and the rest of the country should be eternally grateful. These warriors are the backbone of our military. While the officers lead these men, nothing would be accomplished without them.
Across the country we see veterans being mocked by college professors in California, protesters accusing our military of grievous acts in down right lies and Presidential candidates hurriedly ensure the failure of a war we are winning.
Today, America, is the day to recognize these men and women. And not by waving a flag or saying good deeds about them, but by legitimately standing up and taking a stand of courage. Taking a stand to say, enough is enough, when men who have fought so bravely to protect the freedom of speech are lampooned by liberal media. Enough is enough when Marines who have represented this country with honor and tradition are knifed in the back by one of their own, Rep John Murtha. Enough is enough when bills in congress meant to fund and support our troops are vetoed repeatedly by the democrats, in effort to make a political statement.
To those who have forgotten these brave souls, I say shame on you. To those who wish their failure I say be damned, for they are the ones who keep you and your families from being vaporized in the night by terrorists and extremists.
Let not their acts go unmentioned and forgotten, lest we shall be condemned to live under the merciless will of those who wish our demise.
America’s Unsung Heros: The Enlisted Soldiers, Sailor, Marines and AirmenReprinted in full by request of the original author and with the authors permission.
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That is what a lot of us have been trying to say. But no one has said it with as much eloquence!!
Nailed it.
During my 26 years in the Air Force, I’ve had the privilege to serve with quite of few people who weren’t American Citizens. They came to this country and served this country without it actually being their country. I remember the joy these men had when they actually became citizens. Those of us who are citizens by birth never really appreciate it as much as those who gave their blood, sweat, and tears to earn it.
Just wanted to say thank you to TexasFred for sharing this on his site, and thank you for all the kind responses.
I look forward to seeing you all at my site and interacting with you here on Fred’s.
The left has a hell of a stranglehold on the media. Its up to us to carry on the flag.
Just the right words. To every serviceman and woman out there, THANK YOU!
Well said.
Excellent article — and thanks from the daughter, stepdaughter, aunt and sister of veterans and the wife of a civilian vet from OIF…….