Rice says US not trying to undermine Russia
October 5th, 2008 . by TexasFredRice says US not trying to undermine Russia
ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday rejected any suggestion that U.S. efforts to build closer ties to this former Soviet republic are meant to undermine Russian influence in Central Asia.
“This is not a zero-sum game,” she told reporters flying with her to the Kazakh capital. U.S. gains need not mean Russian losses, she said.
“First of all, Kazakhstan is an independent country. It can have friendships with whomever it wishes,” she said. “That’s perfectly acceptable in the 21st century, so we don’t see and don’t accept any notion of a special sphere of influence” for Russia in this region.
Later at a joint news conference with her Kazakh counterpart, Foreign Minister Marat Tazhin, Rice said no one should question Kazakhstan’s desire to have good relations with all countries in its region.
“This is not some kind of contest for the affection of Kazakhstan,” Rice said.
Full Story Here:
Rice says US not trying to undermine Russia
Someone please send a note to President Numbnutz will ya? Russia has every right to exert their influence in their part of the world, just as we do. And add a P.S. to that note for Numbnutz and his house girl, the whole world is NOT in love with the USA, never has been, and thanks to Bush and his presidency, we have even less friends in this world today than we did when he took office.
Russia, and if Rice was the expert on Russia that she is touted to be would know, Russia doesn’t like the idea of the USA poking around in their former satellite nations. We aren’t too happy about Russia exerting their influence in Venezuela, and we have a right to NOT be happy, this is our side of the world, or, maybe I should say, it WAS our side of the world, but we are rapidly losing our influence and power, thank you Mr. Numbnutz!
Our nation is on the verge of financial collapse. Don’t for one minute think that fact escapes our many enemies, nations that are oil rich and flush with money and assets. Russia doesn’t pay a lot of attention to the wishes of their citizens, Putin says WAR and millions of conscripts are in uniform and ready to fight. Our military is well trained, well equipped, highly motivated and entirely too small to get the job done. If this nation were to engage in an actual WORLD WAR, we would lose this time around.
We are populated by an almost even number of patriots and liberal leftists. In the event that we were forced to reinstate the draft, there are millions of liberal youths that would desert this nation like rats from a sinking ship.
Any of you that think John McCain can or will change this predicament, think again. We know that Obama can’t and won’t, but after the Senate bailout vote last week I am convinced that McCain is exactly what I have always believed him to be, a Dem/Libber in disguise!
Our House of Representatives went to the socialist sewer on Friday, couple that with 75% of the Senate and a president that can’t find his ass with both hands and a road map?? Well, you get the idea.
Once in a while there is almost a bright spot in an administration, once upon a time Condi was that spot in the Bush administration. Sarah Palin was hoped to be the saviour of the McCain campaign and was looked upon as being that REAL Conservative in waiting. Maybe so, but that ‘Ya know, by gosh, we’re a tryin’ to look at all of these goshdarn problems so that Joe 6-Pack can have a better life’ crap just didn’t fly.
Joe Biden is a dipwad, he was almost as exciting as John McCain, but Palin, and her folksy little way of ‘talkin’ don’t cha know? You betcha ya do’, just didn’t get it for me. Imagine an exchange of ideas between Putin and Palin.
‘Well goshdarn, by golly Mr. Putin, if ya don’t go along with us on this offer we’re a bringin’ to the table for ya, I might just have ta skin ya out like a moose and let the 1st Dude run over ya with his new snow machine, just sayin’ goshdarn it, you betcha I am’…
We’re screwed!

Ever think about this? When the states of the Soviet Union started to break away, we called it Democracy and people wanting freedom. When the states of the United States tried to break away, we called it the Civil War.
Damned good point Bob, and nothing but the truth too…
It’s all in the eye of the beholder my friends.
When is treason not treason? When you win of course.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. And the list goes on.
As a student of history I find that the more things are said to change the more they stay the same. If you doubt that just read the headlines of 50, 100, or 150 years ago.
What puzzles me about Palin is that a couple of weeks ago I found a site that showed videos of her debates when she was running for govenor of Alaska. She Did Not use that cutsey way of talking then. Why did she change? Does she really think that this is the way we talk in the heartland. There was no winking either or any other cutsey motions. I had the same thought you had Fred. Not a good representive of our nation.
I keep looking at Bob Barr. At least he talks the talk but I don’t know what his record in congress was.
Pandora, I too have heard her speak in the past, that BS in the debate was some sort of *persona* they pulled out of a hat somewhere, and it was a major turnoff to many people…
I don’t know if she thought it was cool or made her look good or what but all it did, in my opinion, was make her look rather silly…
That wasn’t the normal speech patterns I had heard in the past, that wasn’t the expression of intelligence I had heard, and quite frankly, I think she did OK in her answers, nothing stellar, not by any means, but the Sarah Palin that showed up for the debate is NOT the one that blew everyone away in her 1st few appearances..
Although we really like Palin, my wife hates that type of talking she did. She said it reminds her of the movie Fargo.
Pandora39, I always liked Bob Barr but I couldn’t support anyone who is a member of the ACLU. Since leaving Congress, Barr has made some questionable associations.
Bob Barr just looks like a used car salesman, a not very reputable one at that…
And after Tancredo voted FOR the bailout, well, now he’s in the same bucket with the rest of the socialist bastards…
We’re running out of people to vote for Bob…
We should be undermining the Russian, what the Hell is Rice’s problem?{besides she’ll be job hunting soon?}
Palin, still by far the best of the 4 canidates, has been manhandled by McCain…..Obama is set to become the next Castro….
Barry Obama 2009=Fidel Castro 1959
Condi Rice is a person that has *Peter Principled* herself, she has risen to her own level of incompetence..
I think the McCain camp is trying to to talk to the middle class, but dont know how to do it. I am a less than 100K income family. I want to be talked to like I have a brain, by the politicians, and the media, and also the advertisers and retailers of the country. That is whats wrong, they think were all “rednecks” that dont know nuttin.