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Thompson Announcement Set For Nashville

June 23rd, 2007 . by TexasFred

NASHVILLE, TN - Channel 4 News Nationwide Exclusive

Fred Thompson is set to announce that Nashville will be the home of his national campaign headquarters, WSMV is reporting.

A source close to the campaign planning tells WSMV that that Thompson planned to announce his candidacy on the steps of the historic Fall School Building Tuesday, but Thompson campaign officials deny that Tuesday’s announcement is an official run for the White House.

The source tells WSMV report says that the Thompson campaign has obtained the lease for that building to turn it into a national campaign office.

“Everything’s in place for Tuesday,” the source told WSMV. “There are three major events built around his announcement.” But Bob Davis, the Tennessee Republican Party Chairman, and Thompson’s former Chief of Staff says “There will not be an announcement Tuesday.”

The Fall School is Nashville’s oldest still-standing school building. It currently houses office space, including a local office for U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander.

Thompson Announcement Set For Nashville

All I can say is, it’s about time you either get in and stop the ‘teasing’ or tell us you have no plan on doing this at all, a lot of people are giving money and support and some are seriously starting to question the whole damned thing!!

Run Fred, RUN!!

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2 Responses to “Thompson Announcement Set For Nashville”

  1. comment number 1 by: Melissa In Texas

    FRED is the man!

  2. comment number 2 by: Kate

    I could have paid $2300 to go to that ‘announcement’. I don’t think so! LOL It’s not that far, but I’ll be darned if I’m going to spend THAT much for rubber chicken and speeches. :/

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