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‘Mutts like me’ - Obama shows ease discussing race

November 8th, 2008 . by TexasFred

‘Mutts like me’ - Obama shows ease discussing race

WASHINGTON (AP) - It popped out casually, a throwaway line as he talked to reporters about finding the right puppy for his young daughters.

But with just three offhanded words in his first news conference as president-elect, Barack Obama reminded everyone how thoroughly different his administration - and inevitably, this country - will be.

“Mutts like me.”

By now, almost everyone knows that Obama’s mother was white and father was black, putting him on track to become the nation’s first African-American president. But there was something startling, and telling, about hearing his self-description - particularly in how offhandedly he used it.

The message seemed clear - here is a president who will be quite at ease discussing race, a complex issue as unresolved as it is uncomfortable for many to talk about openly. And at a time when whites in the country are not many years from becoming the minority.

Full Story Here:
‘Mutts like me’ - Obama shows ease discussing race

A *mutt*, a native American and a West Texas Cowboy were in a West Texas beer joint having a *cold one* on a hot West Texas afternoon.

After several *cold ones* the native American became very serious and stood up to declare, “Once, we were many, now we are few, it makes me very sad!”

Not to be outdone, the *mutt* stood up and declared, “Once we wuz few, now we bees many an dat makes me some kind ‘o happy!”

After a few minutes of contemplation the West Texas Cowboy stood up, and being the sage philosopher that ALL West Texas Cowboys are, he drawled, “We ain’t played *cowboys and mutts* yet!”

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5 Responses to “‘Mutts like me’ - Obama shows ease discussing race”

  1. comment number 1 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Pretty soon we’ll be reading puff pieces about the ready ease with which Obama addresses his toilet habits. How reassuring; how weighty.


  2. comment number 2 by: ClayBowler

    I would have died if he said Oreo. Hey, having announced to the country that they are getting a dog is pure PATHOS. Let’s make the American people think this black family is a normal family by getting a dog. That’s the reason for the racial comment. Pure and simple, and we are supposed to look at them and go, ah, they’re just like us. They are getting a dog.

    Obama isn’t just like many of us, and it has nothing to do with race. He and his cronies are the ones who keep bringing up race, even when it comes to getting a dog. The dog is to make us forget that he is a radical with radical friends who is getting ready to appoint the most liberal people possible into his cabinet. Rahm Emmanuel has been called a cross between a root canal and a hemorhoid by someone in his own party. Let’s talk about a puppy to draw attention away from all the stuff that is going on.

    And frankly, he looked scared to death like he has no clue what he is doing during his press conference. His confident tone has gone back to that stuttering uh, uh, uh.

  3. comment number 3 by: JennoftheTexans

    Great variation on an old but good joke.

    Maybe they’ll name their dog Oreo?

  4. comment number 4 by: Katie

    Mutt is not the word I would use to discribe him. The word I usually use starts with a “n”.

  5. comment number 5 by: Patrick Sperry

    chuckles… I hope the damned pup bites his silly ass. In public… You know the old saying, about kids and dogs…