Does outrage over Libby have an outlet?
July 3rd, 2007 . by TexasFredWASHINGTON - The spectacular pardon or reprieve has become a reliable end-of-presidency event. As he was about to leave office in 1992, George H.W. Bush pardoned former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and other officials convicted in the Iran-contra affair.
Six years ago, during his final hours in the White House, Bill Clinton pardoned fugitive financier Marc Rich, whose ex-wife Denise had given generously to Clinton’s campaigns and to his presidential library.
The most famous case, President Ford’s pardon of former President Nixon, was a presidency-ending event in another sense — it led directly to Ford’s defeat in the 1976 election.
I am not surprised, nor am I outraged by the action taken by Pres. Bush in his commutation of the Libby prison sentence, I was a bit taken back that it happened so soon, I fully expected that there would be some sort of presidential intervention but I presumed it would come as President Bush was on his way out, bad presumption on my part I guess…
President Bush’s commutation of the 30-month prison sentence of former vice presidential aide Lewis “Scooter†Libby fit the pattern set by his predecessors.
And the reaction to these acts of clemency had a familiar ring.
All presidents have done it, at least in recent times, it’s their privilege, it’s one of the perks of being the President, and if the Congress and/or Senate doesn’t like it, then in my opinion they need to bring up a constitutional amendment debate and look into the feasibility of changing that presidential privilege…
One thing they may want to consider though, if their feigned outrage pushes them in that direction, and if such an amendment were to come to fruition, what would certain congressmen and senators do if at some point in time they found themselves to be in need of a presidential pardon?? I wonder if that’s why they leave that pardon/commutation thing alone??
That would be one of those be careful what you wish for things…
And the really hilarious thing is, the Dems are going crazy over this, Democratic Underground and Daily Kos are in full libtard meltdown mode, Dems in both houses of congress are simply outraged, and to each and every one of them I have one word to say: HYPOCRITES!
Bill Clinton commuted 38 sentences and pardoned 147 other individuals, the numbers can be found HERE, George W. Bush has pardoned 113 people so far, if you stand them up side by side, I fail to see where the Dems have ANY reason to be outraged, all I see is, pot, meet kettle…
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Does outrage over Libby have an outlet?
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Your right, they all do it.
I’m against it all around, by any President.
Commiting a crime, found guilty and getting a pass because your a friend of a setting President.
I do not agree with that in any shape or form.
That is, unless I was found guilty of a crime and knew a setting President, than it would be OK, LMAO.
Ranando, I am LMAO at that last line, I felt the same way too!!
Does outrage over Libby have an outlet?…
WASHINGTON - The spectacular pardon or reprieve has become a reliable end-of-presidency event. As he was about to leave office in 1992, George H.W. Bush pardoned former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and other officials convicted in the Iran-contr…
Excellent article Fred…well done.
Your comments and insight are top notch on this bit of news.
They are hypocrites to go and implode over the pardon, I was also taken back at the swiftness of the pardon. Fred Thompson said Libby should be pardoned and apparently so did Rush, although I didn’t read the articles in detail as to their reasoning.
Keep up the good work my friend.
On Jan. 20, 2001, I granted 140 pardons and issued 36 commutations. During my presidency, I issued a total of approximately 450 pardons and commutations, compared to 406 issued by President Reagan during his two terms. During his four years, President Carter issued 566 pardons and commutations, while in the same length of time President Bush granted 77. President Ford issued 409 during the slightly more than two years he was president.
Per Bill Clinton’s own pen.
Thought you might like to know he pardoned more than we thought.
My Reasons for the Pardons
Was going to make Sage’s point also. Don’t EVER use wiki as a source
I believe the President has this right and I agree with this right. I don’t always agree with the use of it, but there has to be a FINAL arbitrator of justice in the country. (and no SCOTUS isn’t it)
Wiki was convenient, I am the one that added the source on Sage’s comment…
Wiki just happened to have an accurate list of the pardons for that day…