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Mexican collapse? Drug wars worry some Americans

January 18th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Mexican collapse? Drug wars worry some Americans

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Indiscriminate kidnappings. Nearly daily beheadings. Gangs that mock and kill government agents.

This isn’t Iraq or Pakistan. It’s Mexico, which the U.S. government and a growing number of experts say is becoming one of the world’s biggest security risks.

The prospect that America’s southern neighbor could melt into lawlessness provides an unexpected challenge to Barack Obama’s new government. In its latest report anticipating possible global security risks, the U.S. Joint Forces Command lumps Mexico and Pakistan together as being at risk of a “rapid and sudden collapse.”

“The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and pressure by criminal gangs and drug cartels,” the command said in the report published Nov. 25.

Full Story Here:
Mexican collapse? Drug wars worry some Americans

Excuse ME?? “The prospect that America’s southern neighbor could melt into lawlessness provides an unexpected challenge to Barack Obama’s new government” is the most disingenuous, no, wait, scratch that, that is the biggest line of BULL SHIT the MSM could possibly come up with.

Many of us have been preaching, long and loud, to any and all that would listen, CLOSE THE BORDER. Many Americans listened too, and many agreed, even when some of us called for troops to be placed ON that border, with orders to stop any and all crossings by whatever means necessary. Even if it meant having to defend that border with force. Even if it meant firing on those crossing our border at anything other than a legal entry point!

The potential for Mexican drug violence to spill over, in a big way, has also been pointed out repeatedly, by this blog and many others. One of the biggest failures of the Bush administration was it’s ignorance in regards to border security of this nation. We were supposed to be pacified by the Bush administrations authorizing the building of some fence, a very short section of fence when you consider the overall length of the border we share with Mexico.

George W. Bush has never lived on the border, he has NO concept of the war that already exists, an undeclared war, fought here in Texas and the other border states. Barack Obama has no concept of that war either. Neither of them, Bush or Obama, have ever been close to the border when they weren’t under the protection of the Secret Service, the Border Patrol, U.S. military forces and the like. Neither of these people have ever seen the damage being done by the drug runners and human traffickers that ply our borders and homeland on a daily basis.

To expect anything different from Obama is just out of the equation I am guessing. Our government, Bush for the last 8 years, and Obama in his coming time in office, don’t and won’t give a damn about the security of this USA. They say they do, they make grand speeches regarding the safety of the homeland, but their words are as hollow as their suits.

The borders of the USA are NOT protected, we are wide open to any and all that just want to stroll across, whether in search of a job and a better life, a place to peddle their drugs or an opportunity to stage a terror attack against targets here in America.

This coming Tuesday the United States of America will be thrown into a maelstrom, right here, in our own back yard. I hope all of my fellows are prepared for this coming dark time. If not, it may well be too late. We are about to enter *The Dark Ages* of American history. I hope that at some point in the future, IF there is still an America, or a people that are fighting FOR freedom, national security and sovereignty, I hope they can see these words and say, “Well, he TRIED to tell them.”

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4 Responses to “Mexican collapse? Drug wars worry some Americans”

  1. comment number 1 by: BobF

    George W. Bush….”I don’t like it when the law is so antiquated that people who are willing to do hard work become contraband, they get stuffed in the bottom of 18-wheelers in order to come and do a job that others aren’t willing to do. I don’t think that’s right,” he said.

    How does he know that others aren’t willing to do the job? Maybe they’re not willing to do the job for 5 bucks an hour but they will do the job for decent wages. Bush doesn’t mention those illegals that are taking high paying jobs from Americans by working for less money. Look at the meat packing industry who used to pay Americans $17 per hour but are now paying Mexicans $7.50. Has anybody noticed a decline in the price of meat? How about Howard Industries in Mississippi where 600 illegals were detained. Those were high paying jobs in that one illegal family was driving a new Ford Expedition.

    Bush did and Obama will sell this nation out for votes. Unfortunately for Bush, the votes went to Obama.

  2. comment number 2 by: ablur

    You got it right BobF. There is no such thing as a job Americans are not willing to do. Americans will do any job where reward matches effort.

    In Oregon an illegal who has been deported 4 times had multiple construction businesses who never paid any taxes with all workers being illegal and under the table. It is estimated that he had sent back home over $25million.
    He would do jobs for 2/3 what legal companies would do it for and pay out only a 1/4.

    Americans and their jobs are destroyed by these operations. Our government allows this to go on every day in America and then they wonder why our economy is in a crisis.

    Obama wont fix it. He could careless. It has always been about him and I don’t see that changing.

  3. comment number 3 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    If you remove the incentive for acquiring Manuel Labor at half the price of a lawful worker, there might be a slight downturn in service- or labor-oriented jobs for a period of time but the economy abhors a vacuum and, once wages rise because jobs aren’t being filled by ILLEGAL INVADERS, then people will once again fill in the gaps. AMERICAN workers. Hell, when I was a young white kid even I picked crops in a field for a pittance. Because I wanted the money.

    I’ve already written twice about the possible collapse of Mexico and how, as you point out TF, we should have had the fence up and immigration laws actually enforced YEARS ago.

    If we suffer, it’s because our POLITICIANS chose to, and THEY charted that path as, of course, BOTH sides benefit. The Demorats want the votes, and the GOP (NOT Conservatives) enjoy cheap labor.


  4. comment number 4 by: TexasFred

    Damn BZ, don’t let Gayle find out you said something negative regarding her beloved GOP, the old bitch will have a coronary…

    Ya know, after thinking about that coronary…

    Naaa… That’s just too mean, even for me… :twisted: