VA says 10 colonoscopy patients have hepatitis
March 27th, 2009 . by TexasFredCHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) - The Veterans Affairs department says 10 people have tested positive for infectious liver disease since they were exposed to contaminated colonoscopy equipment.
The 10 are among thousands of patients who have been warned to get blood tests since being treated at VA facilities in Murfreesboro, Tenn., Miami and Augusta, Ga. All three sites failed to properly sterilize equipment between treatments.
VA spokeswoman Katie Roberts said Friday that four Tennessee patients have tested positive for hepatitis B. Six have tested positive for hepatitis C, a potentially life-threatening form of the viral infection that can cause permanent liver damage.
She says the VA will make sure they get treatment even though it’s not known if the infections came from colonoscopies at its facilities.
SOURCE: VA says 10 colonoscopy patients have hepatitis
The only thing I have to say regarding this travesty is, I expect we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg! You can read more on these disgraceful actions here: Unsterile equipment used on Miami veterans
EDIT TO ADD: 03-27 14:57:19 VA: 16 colonoscopy patients have infections Now the numbers are climbing!

This is the highest form of disrespect you could ever give the warriors of this country.
There is just no excuse for this. All the scarifices a veteran makes and then he has to come home to put up with this bullshit.
These people have much to answer for. Dereliction of duty doesn’t quite cover it. The bastards should be jailed.
This is the kind of health care that Obama is going to bring to the rest of us. This is Change that we do not need.
This is terrible news and yes it probably is just the tip of the iceberg!
Words can not express how angry this makes me…so I better just leave it at that!!!!!!
It should go without saying that our veterans (warriors/heroes) must have the best medical care there is. If there is any group in our society who is “entitled” to anything, it is the veterans.
However, the best advice is to stay away from hospitals as much as possible. In NYC, the number of home births has skyrocketed due to the high risk of infection at the hospitals. I personally know a doctor and his wife who chose home birth for that very reason. Now when a doctor determines it safer for his child to be born at home, that should give us all pause when it comes to going to the hospital.
You already know of my love (insert sarcasam here) for the VA.
My father has been dead for almost 20 years, I’m not saying he would still be around, but the incompetent assholes at the VA sure hastened his depature.