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Obama defends call for broad health care overhaul

July 18th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Obama defends call for broad health care overhaul

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama on Saturday defended his broad health care overhaul, calling it fiscally sound and urging Congress not to squander its moment to pass reform. Stepping up their criticism, Republicans cast the plan as a financial burden that shouldn’t be rushed.

Adopting an aggressive tone, Obama spent a sixth consecutive day pushing for his top domestic priority. Growing resistance on Capitol Hill - including from conservative Democrats - has left White House officials worried they face a tougher route to legislation than they had anticipated.

“This is what the debate in Congress is all about: whether we’ll keep talking and tinkering and letting this problem fester as more families and businesses go under and more Americans lose their coverage,” Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address. “Or whether we’ll seize this opportunity - one we might not have again for generations - and finally pass health insurance reform this year, in 2009.”

The president’s comments come at the end of a week of tumult for the legislation.

Full Story Here:
Obama defends call for broad health care overhaul

Barack Hussein Obama is, without a doubt, the biggest nimrod to EVER inhabit the Oval Office.

This ObamaCare BS will be the death of America if allowed to pass, and will be the death of many Americans, literally. Socialized medicine is being forced on this nation in an effort to drive us further into the clutches of SOCIALISM, and that is ALL socialized medicine is good for!

WASHINGTON — A half-dozen centrist senators, including Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., are seeking to slow down the rush to health care reform, asking the Democratic and Republican leaders of the Senate for “additional time to achieve a bipartisan result.”

The letter, sent Friday, was signed by Democrats Landrieu, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Ben Nelson of Nebraska; Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman of Connecticut; and Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine.

It represents disappointing news for President Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress who are pressing for quick action on changing the health care system.

It won quick praise from Dave Tarver, executive vice president of the Louisiana State Medical Society, who said it was just what was needed to slow what he described as the Obama administration’s “blitzkrieg to just throw (health care reform) together and ram it through.”

Full Story Here:
Sen. Mary Landrieu says health reform will take time

With any luck at all, the Blue Dog Dems will, with the help of a few RINOs, and the REAL Conservatives of the Senate, stave off this debacle in waiting. Lord knows, Snowe and Collins are the epitome of RINOism.

If not, you’d better hold onto your hats folks, it’s going to be a wild ride!


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4 Responses to “Obama defends call for broad health care overhaul”

  1. comment number 1 by: extex_cop

    I heard on one of the radio talk shows the other day that they are trying to rush it through even though it has some ‘BLANK’ lines not yet filled in. They said they had no idea what amount to put in those lines, so they would leave them blank right now and fill them in later.
    Now who in their right mind would sign a contract with blank lines… to be filled in later???? Are they crazy??
    Personally I think someone should sneak in a few lines in those bills that say … If you vote for this BILL without reading or removing this clause, you will lose one years pay and all benefits for that time period.
    Now wouldn’t that be a kick in the a** to a lot of them that NEVER read what they sign????

  2. comment number 2 by: Sam Pierce

    We must act now! We cannot “ya’ow, accept the status quo”! We can’t squander the opportunity… to ram our agenda up the collective ass of America before enough of the somnambulent electorate wakes the Hell up!

  3. comment number 3 by: Margaret

    This Obamacare is scary, I have a 3yr old daughter who had open heart surgery when she was 4 mths old, and will need another heart surgery within a few years, it scares me she will be one of those waiting in line to have it and die waiting. It seems to me Obama just wants to get rid of anyone he thinks of as a burden to this country. I think it is time for us to have a military coup in this country on our supposed POTUS!

  4. comment number 4 by: Bluebonnet Sue

    Below is an excerpt from an email sent by a friend who is employed by the State to work with the elderly. I assume what is said is correct. If so, it’s scary stuff.


    I heard a lady interviewed on the Fred Thompson talk show who is an advocate of Medicare recipients. She had secured, read and studied at length the current version the health care reform bill.

    She referenced page 425 where it states that citizens over a certain age will be forced to enroll in a counseling program every five years that will “help’ them to make a decision about whether they should be concerned about prolonging their life using medical resources. In fact, it also indicated that if the person had just been through one of those counseling sessions and then was subsequently diagnosed with an illness that could affect their “quality of life” like cancer, they would have to go through the session again.

    There is also a provision in the bill that indicates that the health program administrators will have a longevity chart that will be used to determine whether someone will receive procedures if their life expectancy or diagnosis suggests that they would not substantially benefit from the medical procedure. Examples were given such as an individual with a form of dementia would likely not receive any treatment for other ordinary medical needs. Another example was of a person over 65 who had a treatable form of macular degeneration would not be approved for treatment unless they had already lost their sight in one eye. This lady’s analysis was that the so-called cost cutting aspects of the bill would be on the backs of our elderly citizens or those disabled individuals who have diseases that are a drain on society such as the mentally retarded or seriously disabled children. So much for the value of life. Euthanasia, here we come!!

    Contrary to what everyone is saying that you can continue to have an use your own insurance, this bill will quickly erode that option until everyone is forced to come under this government health plan and you will not be able to secure medical services through any other method even if you have the resources to secure it via your own monetary means.

    This is seriously immoral legislation and we need to get the word out because the news media will not do it.