Obama Seeking Internet Snitches
August 5th, 2009 . by TexasFredTUESDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 2009 AT 6:55 AM
Facts Are Stubborn Things
Posted by Macon PhillipsOpponents of health insurance reform may find the truth a little inconvenient, but as our second president famously said, “facts are stubborn things.”
Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to “uncover” the truth about the President’s health insurance reform positions.
In this video, Linda Douglass, the communications director for the White House’s Health Reform Office, addresses one example that makes it look like the President intends to “eliminate” private coverage, when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
For the record, the President has consistently said that if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them. He has even proposed eight consumer protections relating specifically to the health insurance industry.
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected]
Source: whitehouse.gov
And this Ladies and Gentlemen, is an exact copy of the email I just sent to [email protected]
Most of the fishy stuff we smell here in Texas seems to come from D.C.
So, I am reporting myself and my site. You see, I question everything you do in the Obama administration, and quite honestly, I feel that it is MY duty as an American Patriot, citizen and voter to question everything…
So, sue me, lock me up, put me on the *No Fly List*, whatever it is you Socialist empowerment guys have planned…
I too hope and pray Obama fails, because if he doesn’t fail, America as we know it WILL die…
I have never been too keen on the idea of living in the United Socialist States of America and seeing this great nation turned into a 3rd world dump.
I am clinging to my guns, my religion and my faith in our American Police and Military personnel, and I am certain that they too will be Oath Keepers
God bless America and protect her in this time of great distress, and may we ALL live to see the Obama administration voted out on their ear. You folks have opened up a can of worms you may wish you had left alone!
Deo Vindice
Once in a while you just have to throw the gauntlet down and take a stand. If I die making that stand, I died in an attempt to save AMERICA and her HONOR, and a man can have no greater calling than to serve his nation with HONOR. And HONOR my friends, is a word that is totally foreign to the regime that has taken this nation hostage!
I don’t just talk the talk folks. I don’t just post smart-ass remarks and snark. I put it ALL on the line, I challenge them directly and personally. What are they going to do? Lock us ALL up? I think not!

Well sir, if you disappear, then you’re going to have a WHOLE lot of company. I’ve seen an amazing number of such letters….been working on composing my own.
No, you will not be lonely Fred. I have seen lots of letters like this today. Sad day for America when this happens.
Bless you all, and God bless America.
Ark. crowd mocks lawmakers over Obama health plan
By and large, Americans are a highly pissed off group right now, and it’s NOT getting any better. Obamanure and Company need to wake up and smell the coffee, their brand of bullshit is not going to fly…
We are in their way of total dictatorship.
I can’t wait to see what kinda stupid shit Obama and his stupid ass
administration will come up with next. Knock on wood. geezzzzz.
They can all kiss Pelosi (or a dog’s ass) as far as I’m concerned. Obama once again I salute you with my middle finger.
Sent my letter out earlier and it will be posted at Monkey in the Middle tomorrow morning.
Let them do their worse. Actually prison won’t be too bad with Nobama pulling the criminals out and putting all of us in there.
Kate, I can’t believe you said that!!
“Actually prison won’t be too bad with Nobama pulling the criminals out and putting all of us in there.”
This American IS NOT going to some obama internment camp quietly. I gaurantee you, that they are going to have their hands full, and that’s all I’m saying.
Screw that arabic POS and the goat he rode in on.
Think about it Fred. What would be the best place to plan a Revolution?
No hidding either - operating in plain sight. I served my country for 22 years to preserve our liberty and I am not going to hide out now.
The only disappearance that I hope for is the rapture. I fear only Him who can damn my soul from His presence. For neither life nor death shall desperate me from His love.
I know the above sounds preachy but on my sites everything is political or reaction to the advances of socialism. I needed to remind myself of the Truth.
God Bless America,
Dr. Bill (Ozark Guru)
Ditto Dr. Bill!
I will not hide, I will organize the locals in my area into action. I wonder how the Black Panthers and ACORN will fare against trained, well-armed PATRIOTS! The only wild card will be how the military reacts. If they side with us, we will win hands down. But would they side with us?
I went and snitched on myself earlier today, and then posted about it: Go Flag Yerself!
Snitchin’ About the Obummercare Bill
Dear White House,
I am informing on myself. I believe that the national health care bill known as H.R. 3200: America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 is entirely in violation of my rights under the United States Constitution. I have publicly expressed this view in multiple public forums, most recently on my blog, located here.
However, if you could direct me to the Article or Amendment in the Constitution of the United States that provides the Federal government the authority to mandate health care choices for the citizens of this country, I will certainly reconsider my position and offer public apologies.
Otherwise, I must warn you that this individual (myself) will continue to speak out against the what I believe is the true intent of this in this proposed legislation.
Thank you for your time – and go Flag yourself.
Cary Cartter
Well said Fred.
In your comment about Rep Vic Snyder, they held their town meeting at a childrens hospital and sent notice that it would be inappropriate to hold an angry protest where sick children are being treated. He apparently has taken lessons from the PLO to hide behind children. But, it seems it didn’t work since the crowd knew the future of those children were at stake.
Obama is following the Marxist playbook to a tee. Curious as to how many Citizens would be willing to rat on others in their respective communities. He’s trying to rule the Country by fear and creating one crisis after another. Me, I’m ready to play Cowboys and Commies. Obama needs to be ousted before his first term ends; one way or another.
Maybe they should arrest themselves.
@hardheadedtexan You just hit on one of my fantasies!
I had read Breda’s post and posted something, and then later read yours. So I added you in.
Random Acts of Patriotism: Today I Stand With Breda and Texas Fred
ASM*@^, when Breda gets serious, she is one hell of a blogger… There’s a lot of us doing this exact same thing…