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TexasFred and WFI, Masters of the Blogosphere!

August 29th, 2007 . by TexasFred

I am Oz, the Mighty and Omnipotent Oz, the ALL Powerful, all seeing Oz, you will ALL bow down and show me the respect a being such as I am deserving of… All Hail Oz!!

Possible WFI/TexasFred involvement in Strikeout 2.0?

A post on the Innocence Jihad community has indicated that in the case of the second round of strikeouts, we may be dealing with the same perpetrators as the last time around.

Specifically, the post is from a member of the community pornish_pixies which has the ignominity of being among the first groups attacked in both rounds-the entire community struck out the first time, a large number of regulars struck out the second. (PP is a friends-locked adult HP fanfiction community.)

Note: the following links in LJ-cut 1 redirect to sites with known or suspected association with Warriors for Innocence and the Texas Fred complex. We recommend, based on past reports of malware infections possibly associated with WFI/Texas Fred site visits, that you do not visit unless you are using a text-based browser (like Lynx or Sam Spade for Windows (which includes a wget-like tool) or a known secure “traditional” web browser like Firefox with NoScript and AdBlock Plus extension or Opera. We especially recommend that you do not use Internet Explorer if you decide to investigate these sites yourself.

Of particular concern, at least two communities seem to exist for tracking specific “pornographic” sites on LJ, and both are related to the Texas Fred complex PedoBLog Tracker and ACME Cleaning Services. (Particularly damningly, PedoTracker is known to be linked to WFI itself-it was used to record “pedophile blogs” in the original Strikeout.)

TexasFred Note:
I have never heard of these 2 sites and don’t have em linked on ANY of my blog rolls…

Full Story Here: Dark Christianity - Possible WFI/Texas Fred involvement in Strikeout 2.0?

Well, this is the 2nd time these moonbats have tried to say I am some kind of Grand Poo-Bah of the hate what ever the hell it is they are crowd, Dark Christianity - “Warriors for Innocence”: Possible “Joel’s Army” group?, and by God, I want ALL of you to start paying me the honorable homage I so richly deserve, and sending the ‘dues’ money would be nice too…

I don’t know who or what this bunch of MOONBATS is but they are funny as hell, they think I’m in control of ALL of you, read this BS, it’s funny, and a bit disturbing too, these guys are very strange, they go on to link to several sites on the blog rolls, I am guessing they’re too stupid to know WHAT blog rolls are or what they are for, you guys need to read this…

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26 Responses to “TexasFred and WFI, Masters of the Blogosphere!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Miss Beth

    These guys are NUTS!

  2. comment number 2 by: Joe

    lol. Why do these nutcases always think that there is some conspiracy in the works? As if we honestly all had the time…

    Well I’d love to bow down and pay homage to you Fred, but I got to get back together with my other RW assailants and plot an invasion of Iran MUAHAHAHA!!

    What NUTS is right.

  3. comment number 3 by: Squawkbox


    The Texas Fred Complex???


    Fred, had I known you were so powerful of a grand Poobah I would have brought a grand tribute.

  4. comment number 4 by: jo

    Well , you are fortunate that you’re well known enough to dispute these things. Moonbats damn near killed us, and again, today, are trying to do so.
    Fred…I might need to grow another “pair” :-p
    I’m too chickensh** to click the links right now.

  5. comment number 5 by: Robert

    Well almighty Fred, you need to get a link where we can send checks and money orders in order for you to continue leading all of us minions LMAO

    The folks at that site are really weird, not to mention brain dead. They must be running Hillary’s campaign……

  6. comment number 6 by: Panhandle Poet

    All hail the great and powerful Fred, keeper of the Blogosphere! May your fingers fly o’er the keyboard and may you never see the “blue screen of death!” All hail King Fred!!!

  7. comment number 7 by: Pauli

    What’s the world coming to? (slowly shaking head…)

    Seriously — nuts.

  8. comment number 8 by: Kate

    I had to look up ‘dominionism’! Guess I’ve been under a rock. Or, so in awe of your amazing powers……


  9. comment number 9 by: GUYK

    “TEXAS FRED COMPLEX” ??? Hell I thought that was a gun store in Dallas…

  10. comment number 10 by: Robert D. Young

    Leave it to the moonbat liberals to see conspiracy around every turn, these nuts are paranoid.

  11. comment number 11 by: SBeene

    Oh your great and powerful immenseness Poobah Fred.

    I followed your holy order and read all the above.
    Now great one, where do I send the dues?

    These cretins are what is called internet trolls.
    Their genetic origin is that of IQs of negative integers.
    Fortunately they are the kind that do not use motorcycle helmets and/or live in New Orleans……which should make it all very clear.

    Written by the Great and overwhelming Kahuna-ness

  12. comment number 12 by: Carl

    Why these barking moonbats seem unable to grasp the concept of Occam’s Razor is beyond me. I’ve seen children understand the concept quicker and more thoroughly than those mental defects.

  13. comment number 13 by: Basti

    These sorts of goof-balls remind me of some of the posts I’ve seen on DU & GU. They babble what they seem to believe is some great tech talk, when all they do is make fools of themselves. These people are on nearly ever site you can post a comment on. I wade through the Net daily and I see them everywhere.

  14. comment number 14 by: Velvet Hammer


    Oh the horror! LMFAO!

    What a tool.

  15. comment number 15 by: Squawkbox

    I found part of what got this guy started on his rant.

    It seems to have started with this story

    BTW “we” are coming to get them and it worse than they thought. I took some time to read their drivel. Disturbing is not a strong enough descriptor of what these whackjob moonbats think. Reading some of their comments I came across this:

    When asked if the head moonbat was going to challenge live journal on the deletions he said he was also going to take his case to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I got the impression he intends to include us jack booted dominionists in his complaint.

    Man and I thought the whackos on the left coast were loons.

    This group likes to write about there so called sex fantasies with people of various ages. Read between the lines of morganlefay1958 comments:

    I always knew there were some really scary people out there but this just makes my skin crawl. I prefer my characters over the age of consent but I did serve in the US Military to protect our freedoms, so people like this CAN’T force thier views on everyone else. Dammit, my mom and her family lost everything because of Hitler and the Nazis!! Grrr! I have a personal LJ and 2 comms and am tempted to pull them all and go elsewhere…hmmm…how to let me readers know…

    I did not link the quote because of trackbacks. These be some sick folks man. Real sick.

  16. comment number 16 by: Sues

    Oh mighty one, I bow to you and ask for your blessing.

    LMAO!!!!!! What a bunch of idiots!! they think we are all linked together and are “partners”. They have no clue what a blog roll is and they are afraid to click on WFI because of fantom spy ware that doesnt’ exist. So they hide in the dark and pretend to do good by “researching” without really doing anything.

    Thanks for the laugh Fred!!

  17. comment number 17 by: Longstreet

    This is priceless stuff! HA!

    Keep up the good fight, Fred!

    Best regards to all!


  18. comment number 18 by: Gunny John

    Almighty Fred, I received the encrypted orders, and have begun preparations for the Fall Offensive….HA! So many nutcases, so few asylums.

  19. comment number 19 by: Bull

    I went on a little search of my own concerning these stories. I found this “Dark Christianity” to be different than what I had expected going in.

    As you are aware, The Bull is a life-long, confirmed, no-going-back Pagan. Not, as most Pagans are today, converted from Christianity. A huge percentage of Pagans have an almost rabid desire to see anything remotely like Christian dogma stamped out of existence. Sad really, because most of what Christianity brings to the fore is of Pagan origin in the first place. Among these things are the Love and Duty to one’s Country, one’s Family (oh! How we Love our Families!), and one’s Faith. Honor is, (or used to be, at least), the first rule of Life. To always take the High Road, do what is right, and if need be to die for that which is proper.

    Then the Pagan faith began to be watered down by Liberals and Moon-bats. They wanted us all out of the ‘Broom Closet’ and wanted to ‘change the World for the betterment of all Mankind’. What they did was nearly kill the Pagan faiths. They have succeeded in destroying the neo-Pagan faith of Wicca with the massive influx of ‘anything goes’ and ‘no responsibility’ psudo-Wiccans. A real shame, IMHO.

    Now it seems that the Christians have their own version of our problem. I hope you get a handle on it before you find your faith perverted beyond recognition. Take it from me, FIGHT NOW!

  20. comment number 20 by: The Hermit

    Seems strange. Sort of like you are the Evil Emperor Ming from Flash Gordon. Is it good to have such power?

  21. comment number 21 by: gunz


    No further comment, your almighty head might explode. LOL.

    SF brother.

  22. comment number 22 by: LittleOleLady

    What the heck??? I can’t even understand much of that garbled idiocy. But then maybe it’s just me.. :-p

    What we have here folks is t-shirt material! :-)

    TexasFred… The Great and Powerful OZ!

    I have a TexasFred Complex! (w/pic of some dummy wearing a tin foil hat)

    WFI & TexasFred, fighting PedoFreaks where ever they are!

    PedoFreaks… you can run but you can’t hide forever.

  23. comment number 23 by: cary

    “Texas Fred Complex?”

    Wow. I thought this had died out when the initial fury over at LJ had subsided, but there you go.

    I, for one, am proud to be a member of the TFC, and plan to wear my dominionistic ways wherever I go, especially if that means I’m against these pedo-freaks!


  24. comment number 24 by: Rez

    If being a TFC’er/Dominionist means I get to point at them and laugh, I’m in. Where do I send the check?=)

    ACME Cleaning Services

  25. comment number 25 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    (Read in your best Borg vox:)



  26. comment number 26 by: ablur

    How did you get so popular? You go on TV, you become a focus for the lefty loons. Man you got it all now.

    Keep the spot light focused. Don’t let the thin air of your rising purch change you.

    Glad to know you oh magnificant one.