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Police Say U.S. Attack in Iraq Kills 14

September 6th, 2007 . by TexasFred

BAGHDAD (AP) - At least 14 people were killed early Thursday in a U.S. attack on a western Baghdad neighborhood, police and residents said.

The U.S. command in Baghdad said it was aware of the report but had no immediate comment.

Some houses’ roofs were caved in and other homes were completely destroyed in the early morning attack in the Washash area, next to the Mansour district of Baghdad.

“Three people were killed in that house,” said a middle-aged man, standing next to a hole in his roof, as he pointed next door.

Full Story Here:
Police Say U.S. Attack in Iraq Kills 14

Damn! We were on the attack for 45 minutes to an hour and this was the best we could do?? We missed the water system, the central food market, the hospital, the old folks home and BOTH orphanages?? We’re slipping apparently, surely we could have incurred much more collateral damage than that, let’s get those pilots into retraining ASAP, there are just too many targets of opportunity escaping us…

You know, our commanders are notorious for ordering air strikes on known civilian targets, I don’t know why anyone would be surprised at this, I mean, it’s what we have been accused of in every war we’ve ever participated in, it must be SOP, right??

OK, enough of this sarcastic BS, our guys didn’t target ANY innocent civilians, that’s NOT what we do, and our enemies KNOW that, and I’m not saying that this didn’t actually happen, but it didn’t happen deliberately, not against innocent civilians, if there was an error, and there may well have been, but if there was, it was just that, a very regrettable error…

For those that have no idea of what it’s like to go into a battle, even a small one, let me say this, you can have the most wonderfully well planned mission that was ever conceived and once the 1st round goes off all of your marvelous plans go right straight to hell in a big hurry, IF our guys actually were responsible for this it only paints a glaringly clear picture of the reality called war and it’s gruesome consequences…

Also, the author of the original piece needs to work on his story structure by compacting his content, he’d have a bit more attractive story if it didn’t consist of 13 one sentence paragraphs, I guess the MSM is slipping too, when you have BIG pages to fill and nothing but BS to fill em with, well, you get the idea…

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10 Responses to “Police Say U.S. Attack in Iraq Kills 14”

  1. comment number 1 by: gunz

    When the Iraqi government tells it’s people boo fuckin’ hoo, and when these people start realizing ANY bombs that are dropped are to kill THEIR enemy as well, and that there will be collateral damage in the process then there is real hope for Iraq.

    This shit fuels the insurgents, if the average Iraqi wants to get pissed and decide to take up arms against both governments then kill them too.

    They’ll figure it out sooner or later, but until the Iraqi government stands with us, has our 6 even when innocent civilians get killed there is NO hope for this at all.

    When the Iraqis cry we are murderers, that government needs to tell it’s citizens ” NO, the insurgents are, al-Qaeda is.” You were in the fucking way, tell us who they are, where they are, and that you know damn well letting these sons of bitches around you CAN get you killed.”

    OR shut the Hell up.

  2. comment number 2 by: gunz

    OF course Amy says they are our brothers, and extremely dedicated to this cause…

    That is until dusk, when they switch out their clothes, and unfurl another banner OR when sand nigger joe knocks on the front door for a cup of coffee and an AK to collect his nightly intel report at gun point.

  3. comment number 3 by: GUYK

    “…our guys didn’t target ANY innocent civilians, that’s NOT what we do, and our enemies KNOW that, …” and that is what is wrong with this gotdam war!

    Can you imagine what would have happened if during WW Two the pilots were directed not to bomb anywhere where “innocent” civilians would be harmed?

    The idea of war is to win the war. And killing civilians is just part of it and the more that are killed the hope is that the more the civilian population will be demoralized to the point they no longer support the war. Maybe we need some politicians with balls and a General like Sherman who understands what it takes to win: http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-641

  4. comment number 4 by: GUYK

    hmmm …that last sentence didn’t space the way I wrote it…

  5. comment number 5 by: CavMom

    How much of it is the truth? I just read the following article on Newsmax:


    As long as we are offering them money for “accidents” they will continue to claim that we have messed up.

    And, if we do mess up, sh*t happens. This is war and I am fed up with the whiny boo-hoo

  6. comment number 6 by: Robert

    LMAO… Great use of sarcasm, unfortunately too damn true…

    As we have been saying for sometime now, PCness is killing more than our chances for success, it is killing our soldiers. They have way to much to consider in battle and that is not healthy.

  7. comment number 7 by: TexasFred

    Guy, IMO, there are NO innocent civilians in Iraq, that’s how were able to not target them… They are ALL potential terrorists and insurgents…

    CavMom, here’s the part the MSM doesn’t get, in WAR, people die, it’s WAR and shit does happen, if it was a pleasant experience they’d call it ‘recess’ I guess… And CavMom, you can say shit happens in here, hell, you can say a lot worse than that, my no-class, tasteless Marine Bro Gunz says a hell of a lot worse… LMAO…

  8. comment number 8 by: CavMom

    Thanks for granting me permission to let one fly. However, at the rare chance that my Soldier son ever catch me slipping, he might feel it is ok to let down his guard around me.

    Marines are supposed to have colorful language. It is part of their unwritten code of ethics. They command enough respect with their actions to stop any sane person from questioning their vocabulary. ;)

  9. comment number 9 by: Blue Star Chronicles

    Wear Red on Friday Round-up…

    Miscellaneous and random posts from my blogroll ….
    Ever wonder why a corrupt useful idiot like Murtha keeps getting re-elected to Congress? He has a real appetite for pork and knows how to give just enough to his district to keep them…

  10. comment number 10 by: beth

    I thought cussing was part of the uniform code or something? You can’t be a Soldier or Marine without being able to use the F word as a noun, verb, and adjective in at least 100 creative ways.